Saturday, May 16, 2020
What Socio Historical Factors Play Into The Social...
1. What socio-historical factors play into the social construction of disabilities? Please be specific and provide examples to support your answers. Disability in a socio-cultural context can be defined as a barrier to participation of people with impairments or chronic illnesses arising from an interaction of the impairment or illness with discriminatory attitudes, cultures, policies or institutional practices (Booth, 2000). The traditional view of disability often focuses on the individual, highlighting incapacities or failings, a defect, or impairment. This focus creates obstacles to participation on equal terms since an individual who seems to lack certain capacities may not be able to attain autonomy. 2. How does this social construction of disabilities impact institutional policies, and societal and individual behaviors regarding disabilities? In other words, how have people with disabilities been marginalized in the past and present at those three levels? Please be specific and provide examples to support your answers. As a result of the marginalization, persons with disability, older people, and people with mental health issues often lack power within their families and communities, and autonomy in their own lives – and this feeds into the cycle of marginalization. Society often does not take into account the ways in which impairment is part of humanity. Instead, it views the effects of impairment as obstacles. This emanates from the interaction between personsShow MoreRelatedGender Marginalization5547 Words  | 23 Pages~ protection and integration. This limits their of opportunities and means for survival. The term has been defined in the following ways: 48 Peter Leonard defines m a r d i t y as, . ..being outside the mainstreamof productive activity andlor social reproductive activity. The Encyclopedia of Public Health defines marginalization as, To be margmdized is to be placed in the margins, and thus excluded from the privilege and power found at the center. Laitin observes that, Marginality is soRead MoreEssay on unit 73343 Words  | 14 Pagesï » ¿Sociology is the study of society and the different social structures within it. Sociology examines the role of the individual within society; it is viewed as the scientific study of society P1: An introduction to sociological perspectives. Functionalism: According to the functionalist perspective of sociology, each aspect of society is interdependent and contributes to societys stability and functioning as a whole. 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