Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Spiritual Giants

Hello, my name is Tatiana Rosario for those who don’t know me. Today I’m going to be talking to you guys about spiritual giants. In another church I went to we skimmed the topic briefly and I think that’s what made me get more interested in it. I think this is a topic that should be taught to everyone especially to the youth. For the fact that we need to be able to understand and concur what is holding us back from getting closer to God and from what is holding us back from feeling his presences. As I was searching online for something to explain to me more about these giants. I came across this page and it had a list of giants that could be holding us back from God. As I read through each and every one of them I noticed that the giants listed are common and can come to us in a daily basis. Have you ever thought about the fact that Giants Are Real? â€Å"GIANTS† are not a part of your imagination or something you dream of. Problems, Pressures, pains, and persecutions are giants that we will have to face form time to time. 10 COMMON GIANTS – There is a giant of Resentment that basically means when you are feeling anger for being treated in a way you feel is unfair. If you go to Psalm 37:8 it says Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret–it leads only to evil. What this verse is saying is that when you feel that anger stop yourself and don’t worry because if you keep caring that anger with you it doesn’t get better and you donâ€⠄¢t get better. So just let it go and turn to God. I’ve had to face the giant of resentment a couple times in my life and here I am myself telling that I haven’t token it softly. I don’t know about you guys when I think something is unfair the first thing I want to do is prove the other person wrong and be like â€Å"NO it was like this† or â€Å"No this happened† and we have to learn that in a way it’s not worth it at all. What do you gain from it? 2- There is a giant of Fear if you don’t know what fear is it is being afraid of someone or something that is likely painful or dangerous. We’ve all faced fear in our life. I’ve faced fear in my life a lot and sometimes I can get over it quickly but, sometimes I go through a hard struggle too. In Isaiah 41:13 states I, the LORD your God, hold your hand; it is I who say to you, â€Å"Fear not, I will help you. † 3- Now I know this something I felt for quiet sometime and it is Loneliness. Psalm 73:23 says I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand. In this verse the Lord is telling us that when we feel alone we really aren’t that he is always with us no matter what and that we are there at his side holding his hand. I never understood that till I read that verse. I always but myself in this solitary isolation and now my eyes have been open and I know it doesn’t have to be like that for me or for any of you. 4- There is also a giant of Guilt and Shame. Guilt is that fact or realization that you committed an offense. While shame is the painful feel of humiliation which is the outcome of guilt. Proverbs 18:21 says Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit- you choose. It took me a couple of minutes to understand on why this is the verse came to me but now I understand it. Sometimes we might feel guilty because of what we might say to someone and this verse explains that to annihilate this giant in front of you; you can’t just be like God take this feeling that I feel away from me you also have to put it in you so that your words be like fruit to people when you speak not poison. 5- When the mind dwells into an uncertainty over a problem is Worry, and there is a giant of worry. In 1Peter 5:7 it says Cast all anxiety on him because he cares for you. Worry is an anxiety and God is telling you that every time you feel worry or you over think something to the point of worry to put it in his hand. Why? Because he loves you and he does not want you to be focused on your troubles but on him. I have faced worry many times when driving in the car, walking from school, and even in my own home but, I know that I can’t let it get to me because then I’m letting my giant; I’m letting the devil win and we can’t do that. 6- Next there is the giant of Discouragement. Discouragement is the loss of hope in the face of an obstacle. To me this a real big giant because if we are filled with discouragement then how? How do we face the obstacles that the devil puts in place for us so we don’t get to God and we need God! We need him he is our air, he is our light and we won’t let the devil Stop us from getting to him. Psalm 69:32-33 Be encouraged, you who worship God. The LORD listens to those in need. You know what this means it means that if you are feeling discouragement why haven’t you called out to the Lord for help yet. Why? He is listening and he is there by your side why haven’t you called him yet? 7- This next giant Jealousy known as the evil eye. Showing envy. This is another giant that provokes anger. Ecclesiastes 7:9 says Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools. Jealousy doesn’t only mean â€Å"Oh he likes her not me! † or â€Å"Oh she doesn’t like me she likes him! † People get jealous over material things too. Like you might want her phone, she might want her hair, and so on. Sometimes we let these things get to us so quick that it does make us foolish and to gain and earn more you first have to be content with what you have because you might not have the phone she has but, maybe you are the one that is going to make the next best-selling phone in the world. 8- 1Samuel 2:3 Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth. Pride is one great giant that a lot of people don’t see but it’s there. It’s good to be glad about something you did but when it all becomes too much of you. You. You. That’s not good. 9- That’s where selfishness comes in, this means that you’re only concerned for yourself. What makes you better than anyone else? What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if all you have if from God, why boast as though you have accomplished something on your own 1 Corinthians 4:7 10- Okay, we’re almost done. Whenever you feel uncertain, you are feeling doubt. When you’re feeling doubt you don’t know what spiritual path you are walking through anymore. I went through a time when I was full of doubt to the point when I didn’t know if down was actually down not up. Psalm 94:19 is a great bible verse to read if you are ever feeling doubt it says Lord, when doubt fills my mind, when my heart is in turmoil, quiet me and give me renewed hope and cheer. And that’s the only way we can break these giants we might feel like we are alone but we have to keep saying and believing that God is right here next to us and all you have to do is call up to him and all your giants will be gone. Giants cause major difficulty In our lives. If you still aren’t sure on what a giant is; a giant is anything that distracts us from our focus on God. The things I mentioned can detour us; distract us; and even drain us of everything God intended us to be. It goes without saying that the giants we are fighting need to be slain and removed today. And with that being my last word I would like to thank you guys for letting me talk to you tonight.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Health Information Management System Proposal Essay

Health information technology can be best described as the point where information science, medicine, and healthcare all meet. The foundation of healthcare delivery consists of three major elements: cost, access, and quality. The U.S. government reportedly â€Å"hopes most Americans have electronic health records by 2014† (Ramachandran, 2013) .It is my proposal to upgrade to a current, cutting-edge health information management system in our office. Potential Benefits to the Practice Private practices are not a thing of the past. According to the AMA’s recent survey,†53.2% of physicians were self-employed in 2012, 41.8% were employed and 5% were independent contractors† (Robeznieks, 2013). Keeping that in mind, I have listed a few of the potential benefits of HIT to our practice: †¢Increased access to care – Having patient records stored electronically is in many cases, distance becomes irrelevant when consulting with a physician or the practice. For the patients that are out of the country or simply in another town, we can access their medical records and help them over the phone or allow other physicians access to their records at the patient’s request. †¢Allows for faster diagnosis when knowing the patient’s medical history and prescription history. Could possibly mean the difference between life and death. †¢Allows for a patient to record health information they measure at home, i.e. blood pressure, pulse, weight, blood glucose levels. This updated information can be used by the practice to keep tabs on patients for future visits or the need to schedule a visit. Potential Benefits to Staff In an online article written by Ken Terry, he stated that â€Å"41% of those who don’t have online access to records would consider switching physicians to obtain it† (Terry, 2013). Therefore, we need to look at other aspects that will benefit our staff in the long run. †¢Time equals money. Staff will spend less time retrieving, finding and filing patient charts. Now they can enter a patient’s name into the system and all their information will populate the screen. †¢Less money will be spent through the elimination of a transcription service as well as the transferring and transporting of patient charts. †¢Automated billing and accounting Necessary Training As one consulting company I spoke with stated, â€Å"understanding that one of the most important factors in a successful implementation is the quality of user training that takes place prior to the system activation† (Coastal Healthcare Consulting Inc., 2013). Due to the fact that we are a small practice, it will benefit everyone who has any contact with patients will be included in the training. Challenges with Implementing a New System †¢Over reliance on the accuracy of EMRs may lead to significant errors if a patient record contains false information. †¢Privacy and security risks due to hackers can include: identity theft, unauthorized access and corruption of patient data. †¢The cost of the equipment as well as the training that needs to be done. According to the Congressional Budget Office report written back in 2008 stated, â€Å"No aspect of health IT entails as much uncertainty as the magnitude of its potential benefits† (Devon M. Herrick, 2010). Our world has been radically changed in the last 5-10 years due to digital technology. Smart phones, tablets and web-enabled devices have changed the face of health care as we know it. This is our time to get involved and bring our practice into the present and solidify our future. References Coastal Healthcare Consulting Inc. (2013). Training. Retrieved September 22, 2013, from Coastal Healthcare Consulting Inc.: Devon M. Herrick, L. G. (2010). Health Information Technology: Benefits and Problems. Dallas: NCPA. Ramachandran, V. (2013, August 15). Technology Changing Healthcare. Retrieved September 20, 2013, from Mashable: Robeznieks, A. (2013, September 17). Not All Doctors Giving Up Private Practice. Retrieved September 20, 2013, from Modern Health Terry, K. (2013, September 17). Patients Seek More Online Access To Medical Records. Retrieved September 19, 2013, from Information Week:

Monday, July 29, 2019

Comparison of two Nursing Education System Essay

Comparison of two Nursing Education System - Essay Example After entering into China, the Western missionaries reportedly took many native Chinese nationals into the missionary hospitals and nursing schools for training. By 1923, about 32% of all nurses in China were those from missionaries. The influence of the Chinese nursing profession by America was also profound. In fact, many people believe that the American influence of the Chinese nursing profession is more or less the same as the influence it has had on the Chinese medical education. Miss Gage, a renowned registered nurse, is one such American whose influence on the nursing profession in China is exceedingly profound. After arriving in China in 1908, she embarked on establishing a nurse-training program as part of her mission in Changsha to help educate native Chinese people. Her nursing training program enabled many Chinese nationals to enroll in nursing (Xu, Xu, and Zhang, 2000). Unlike in China where nursing education was introduced in 1888, nursing education in Ireland was intro duced in the mid 20the century. This follows the introduction of a new model of nursing education as an alternative to the apprenticeship model. At the same time, unlike the Chinese nursing education system that was influenced mainly by the Western missionaries, the Irish nursing education was influenced mainly by the European Economic Community (EEC) following its entry as a member of the community in 1973. For instance, the EEC’s 1979 order for general nursing required mutual recognition of qualifications in all European member states. In addition, the 1989 EEC directive that required 4,600 hours of practical and theoretical training in all European member states had an enormous impact on the nursing education system in Ireland (O'dwyer, 2007). The Irish nurses, unlike the Chinese nurses, also played a pivotal role in reforming the nursing education in Ireland. This follows their clamor for reforms in which the Irish nurses took to the street in 1999. This compelled the Iri sh government to consider nursing education appropriate for the development of the country. This led to the establishment of nursing training schools in the country. (O'dwyer, 2007). Government and Nursing Organizations Influencing Nursing Education: Comparison of China and Ireland In china, nursing training was influenced by a number of organizations and government agency. Among the organizations that influenced nursing training in China include the Perking Union Medical College (PUMC), which was the first collegiate nursing programme in the country. It influenced nursing training by developing an elite education and service programme similar to those of the West. The State Planning Commission and Ministry of Education also influenced the nursing education system in China (Hong and Yatsushiro, 2001). The Irish nursing education, on the other hand, was influenced by government agencies such as Irish Nursing Board, which stimulated the establishment of a university to train nurses in Ireland. The Irish Matrons’ Association also played a pivotal role in influencing nursing training in Ireland. It did this by commissioning a report that highlighted the need for a nurse training institution in Ireland. The Commission of Nursing created by the Ministry of Health in 1997 also brought significant transformation in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Describe your program of study, you goal or expectations for the Assignment

Describe your program of study, you goal or expectations for the practicum - Assignment Example While some employers have large, mature mobility programs with hundreds of expatriates in dozens of countries, others have small, newer programs. Yet all want to attract the right employees and send them on the right type of assignment for the right amount of time, all while controlling costs and the amount of effort it takes to administer their programs. One of the most interesting elements about Human Resources is the fact that it allows me to understand employee motivation. I find employee motivations as a pinnacle of Human Resources. Another major point that I find intriguing in my course of study is leadership. They are keen developing on employees by performance management systems leads to a better job improvement because employees are invested in the program itself and are willing to work hard. Most employees feel that they are happy with the goals of the organization as tuition is covered, work from home is a flexibility, and goal is inevitable. However, many employees also felt that growth is limited over short-term is not feasible. Additionally, larger organizations are known to segment its work in smaller departments, which can ruin personal development. Overall, the consensus was clear that larger organizations have a difficult time keeping the employees happy according to this theory. Senior executives are keen on the management practices rather than training employees on technical training. The vision of the organization is to be the key innovation while harnessing employees. These factors can be: job security, flexibility, future for themselves, and pay scale. These factors can be measured to truly understand the quality of employees because these are the qualities that measure job importance. This is detrimental to overall growth of the company that is trying to achieve new goals, especially in sales. Employees can often lose interest with the workplace when they feel as though their hard work isn’t being recognized and there

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Employment Relations in Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Employment Relations in Britain - Essay Example Research evidence suggests that the availability of agency and short-term contracts flexibility in UK accommodate and provide the employment opportunity for people with limited working experience, under-qualification, or under-developed skill level (DTI, 2007, p.7). Considering the increasing importance of temporary agency workers’ sector in Britain and beyond, the European Commission (EC) has introduced proposals for a European directive in order to prevent the discrimination against agency temps (EC, 2002a cited in Forde and Gray, 2005, p.249).In its analysis of whether the availability of agency working and short-term contracts expand new opportunities for secure employments or it leads to the exploitation of vulnerable workers, the paper identifies that the former claim may be true to some extent, it does not compensate for the later. A closer look at the recent changes in British labour market reveals an incredible but neglected trend of rapid temporary agency growth. Onl y 50,000 workers in mid-1980s (Casey, 1988) increased to more than one per cent of all employees’ jobs that amounts to about 270,000 workers (cited in Forde and Gray, 2005, p.1). ... in sectors and occupations, agency workers are most likely to be hired in professional ,secretarial, process/plant/machine operations, administrative occupations, and personal services, such as, social careers, workers in hospitality, and class room assistants(EMAR,2008,p.12). Two main sections in this paper analyse the prospects of new opportunities for secure employment and exploitation of vulnerable workers. Opportunities for secure employment With increasing unemployment throughout the world, it seems logical that unemployed will turn to other means for earning and temporary employment through agency provides them they way out. Survey of Recruitment Agencies 2007(SORA) evidence proves that agency work provides a route to enter into permanent employment for several workers. During one year period, the survey identified that nearly 340,000 people got a permanent job stemming from their experience with a particular employer as a temporary worker (cited in EMAR, 2008, p.13). Accordi ng to Labour Force Survey (LFS) data (2006) approximately 25 per cent of temporary workers are employed at managerial and professional levels (cited in DTI, 2007, p.7).Furthermore, Labour Force Survey (LFS) data (2006) indicates that 24 per cent of UK’s agency temporary workers were either unemployed or inactive one year before (DTI, 2007, p.7). There are various reasons for working as temporary employee. According to Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) research, 63 per cent of temps decided to work temporarily because they were unemployed. Moreover, 39 per cent referred to other reasons, such as, earning during study or during career break. Labour Force Survey (LFS) put forth the same question differently and got 58 per cent of people mentioned that the absence of permanent

What is the benfit and how does it help us Research Paper - 1

What is the benfit and how does it help us - Research Paper Example A monitor is part of a computer that coordinates with the video card to ensure that images and texts are displayed on the screen. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is a computer brain that is mandated to perform the basic functions such as arithmetic, logical, output and input operation of the computer system. On the other hand, keyboard is a part of a computer that is mandated to enter data and communicate using the computer. Finally, the mouse ensures that objects on the screen are easy to point, click and move them. It is worth noting that these four main parts vary in reference to the type of computer that is being utilized at the time (Oram 16). Eason (28) articulates that this technology emerged in the 19th Century when two scholars came up with a first computer that was known as HP 200 A Audio Oscillator, which rapidly gained popularity from the engineers as a test equipment. As a result of the impact that it brought about in the engineering field, there grew an urge to advance it so that would serve them with more options on functionalism. In the general sense, much advancement was realized between 1943 and 1988 whereby a computer was capable of incorporating drive for an optical storage disk , a built in digital signal processor that would handle voice recognition and object- oriented languages that were meant to simplify programming. Currently, there are variety of computers in the market that have been used for various functions in Engineering and other fields. It is for undoubted reasons that the benefits of computers are numerous particularly now that the world is submerged in a computer age. Firstly, computers have ensured that human beings are in a position to gain a working knowledge of other sciences and applications. Apparently, the engineering field has received an

Friday, July 26, 2019

Negotiation Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Negotiation Experience - Essay Example Negotiation skills are important in every stage of ones life. As children we may not have been very discreet to this whole give and take process but with age a refines comes in and one is a bit more diplomatic about how one handles this process. Negotiation is a skill, an art which can be refined as one advances in life. It is like a double faces sword and one has to be good in this field yet be cautious not to hurt others feels while trying to get ones work done to excel professionally. One could succeed to be a really good negotiator if one abided by the Franciscans values of generosity, respect, love, joy, reverence, service and humanity. A negotiation is generally successful only when we have a win- win situation for both the parties, when we are a bit generous and respect the needs of the other party too. Only when the opposite party is happy and satisfied would we truly be satisfied with the out come of our negotiation. Distributive negotiation : Here in one a person is generally in the superior position and the other in a junior one where one party gains and the other loses. This kind of negotiation could lead to an argument which may not be beneficial to either of them. The main goal of both the parties is to emerge as winner where in they are not looking at building a lasting business relationship. Integrative negotiation: This type, on the other hand is a kind of negotiation where in both the parties emerge as winners. The final out come is a win-win situation for both. In normal business scenario integrative negotiation is preferred over distributive as it eventually helps in building stronger business ties. One of the cases out of the numerable situations encountered by me in my professional life was while negotiation the cost of landscaping and repainting an owner’s house. This was a gentle man in his mid 50’s who despite

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What Are The Drawbacks And Benefits For Teenagers Going To The Essay

What Are The Drawbacks And Benefits For Teenagers Going To The University - Essay Example In today’s world, graduation is not sufficient to meet future challenges and the economic survival. Hence, students who have good track record to get admission in the top class universities of the globe aim at to find out better opportunities and facilities for self and for their families alike. Other benefits of learning in a university gets closer with learning another language for international students, better opportunities, state of the art laboratories, very well maintained libraries and the computer technologies. In spite of mentioned benefits, there are many drawbacks, which students have to face during their stay in a foreign university, e.g. cultural differences, home sickness and easy communication with fellow students, professors, advisors and the people. Discussion Drawbacks We all know that taking a university degree means you have to spend three to four years in an educational institution. To meet the educational expenses, students have to work in different esta blishments (chosen retail outlets, warehouses and factories) to earn money regularly. The admission in a reputable university has now become status symbol. Since the degree level education spans over three to four years, therefore, students have to work hard for a longer period of time.... Less fortunate category of students all over the world due to complete involvement in studies and jobs cannot spare time for socializing activities. In view of the hectic schedule, they do not even find time to go out and enjoy with their friends for years. Minority of students who could not strike a balance between their studies and jobs have to say goodbye to their jobs, which compel their parents to meet extra expenses through their noses (Kenny & Gallagher 2003). The students in a foreign land have to go through the experience of making friends frequently. During their stay in foreign universities, students either have to rely on the income derives out from their jobs, parents support or to depend on the student loans since no other option is available to meet their expenses. The student loan is more affordable to them because of its being soft term. Further, repayment of such loan is associated with the availability of job to a student after completion of study. Despite availabi lity of soft term loan, student at some stage of their life has to pay off the debt with interest accrued thereon. Conversely, if a student do not find job just after graduation from the university, he has to face the distaste of interest accrued on the borrowed money (Kenny & Gallagher 2003). Benefits Teen’s education at university carries drawbacks and benefits side by side. First of all, students find themselves fortunate enough for having an admission in one of the reputed Universities (preferably in UK, USA and Australian Universities). By way of getting admission in a foreign university of repute, students find themselves in a place where opportunities are in abundance for them in terms of educational needs and spoken

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pinocchio and the Liar Liar Movies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Pinocchio and the Liar Liar Movies - Essay Example Fletcher spends ample time with his son and the ex-wife though every promise he makes to the son, Max, happens without being fulfilled. This portrays the theme of dishonesty, in this movie. Fletcher has adopted the habit of giving superiority to his job while giving false statements on his declining nature to take good care of his son after his divorce with the wife. This research paper compares and contrasts the Pinocchio and Liar Liar movies in relation to their dishonesty thematic settings. One of the significant themes that are portrayed, in these films, is dishonesty. Both Pinocchio and Liar Liar movies portray their characters to be of an ever-lying nature thus making these movies inappropriate for children without parental guidance. Lastly, this paper explores the thematic differences in these two movies and their impacts on the viewers. Pinocchio’s kidnapping, being caged and threats for destructions leave him with no option, but to lie in order to be rescued in any ca se his parents refuse to turn up. The Liar Liar movie, on the other hand, portrays Fletcher as an ever-lying parent who even misses his son’s fifth birthday party. The son makes an ironical wish that, on his fifth birthday party, his father would not lie for the whole day. The father finally turned him down by not attending the birthday party. Pinocchio and Fletcher seem to have neglected their parenting responsibility by leaving the whole upbringing aspect of the socialization process to the mothers. This is evident in Fletcher and Audrey case where they even got divorced as a result of his irresponsible character. In the Pinocchio movie, Pinocchio’s friend, Lampwick, introduced him to cigar smoking, but he denies it. He is dishonest of the drug abuse they carry out together, and when their parents find this out, they are severely punished. The punishment should be carried out in the dishonest cases especially to bring back the norms into the existence within the dish onest individuals. This becomes one of the reasons why Lampwick and Pinocchio are punished for them to comply with social norms. Morality, in these two movies, becomes the key point of view in dishonesty as a thematic setting in both films. Gambling and smoking are the order of the day between Pinocchio, Lampwick and the other boys they find on their way to Geppetto’s house. This brings closely the relationship between dishonesty and morality in the Pinocchio dismay pictures (Pinocchio). These characters, in addition, get drunk and vandalized Jiminy’s dismay because of deviance and dishonest behaviors, which are exhibited by Pinocchio and his friends. This is due to the lack of rules and authority to deter them from these dishonest behaviors. In the Liar Liar movie, on the other hand, moral issues are as well pictured where Fletcher indulges in the extramarital sex before and even after he divorced his wife (Liar Liar). Fletcher is immoral, and he finally confesses thi s through a series of embarrassing moments. He says to his wife that he just had better sex with Miranda, his boss than he did with her, which makes him unable to tell a lie (Liar Liar).  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Describe three factors which may influence nutritional intake in Essay

Describe three factors which may influence nutritional intake in infants and explain how theses impact on diet-related disease in the UK - Essay Example Therefore, to meet evolving nutritional needs, an infant ought to obtain nutritionally safe and adequate complementary foods while breastfeeding for at least six month to two or more years. This paper describes three factors that can influence nutritional intake in infants and their impact on diet-related diseases in the United Kingdom. Infants require protein, carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals, and vitamins. Breast milk and infant formulas contain enough amounts of needed nutrients for infants. However, breast milks have low iron and vitamin D (Meghea, 2013). The brain of an infant requires Omega-3 fatty acids to develop fully. The Institute of Medicine recommends consumption of 60 grams of carbohydrates, 31 grams of total fat, 500 milligrams of Omega-3s and 9.1 grams of protein each day of an infant up to six months old. According to IOM Infants between 7 and 12 months, old should consume at least 11 grams of protein, 95 grams of carbohydrates, 500 milligrams of omega-3s, and 30 grams of total fat each day (Ezzo and Bucknam, 2012). In the first six months since birth, an infant is fed breast milk or infant formulas. Infants ought to drink infant formula or breast drink every few hours or when they demand. An infant is ready to eat solid foods when about six months. The first solid food is iron-fortified infant rice or any recommended purees. Two tablespoons of rice cereals are offered an infant thrice or four times a day. Infant formulas and breast milks should also be fed to an infant. An infant between six and eight months is ready to start consuming strained vegetable and fruits. He/she is offered two to three tablespoons, four times a day. Whole-milk baby yoghurt should also be offered as it has high protein. Between 8 and 12 months, iron-rich strained meats are introduced in addition to earlier introduced food types. Eggs yolks, tofu, oat ring cereals, soft meat

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Declaration of Independence Essay Example for Free

The Declaration of Independence Essay The ideals and goals of early American life that are expressed in the original documents that were written concerning the early years of American history are a fascinating insight into what the visions of various people were during the beginnings of the new country that was developing across the ocean from Europe. These documents give us a truly unique perspective on what America is and what it means to those who were living within it during its beginnings. It gives a clear picture as to what the goals were of Americans in the early years and we can better understand which of those has survived until today. There are certain goals and visions of America that are universally found within documents that were written in early American times. â€Å"The Declaration of Independence† is perhaps one of the most well-known and important because it sums up the principles on which our country was founded, which are found throughout the other documents in one form or another as well. Freedom and independence, for example, are important visions and goals for American life. Freedom, for example, is an ideal that has been held by our country for a very long time. Everything from freedom of expression, as seen in some of these documents, to freedom of religion and the freedom to be able to live lives the way people wish to live them. Liberty, or freedom, is also seen in â€Å"Give me Liberty or Give Me Death† and this document shows just how important of an ideal it was. Today, liberty and freedom are still two very important ideals in American culture, and goes hand in hand with independence. Another important goal is charity, but also this goes hand in hand with Christianity and the freedom of religion that is so prized in American life. All of these documents share these common ideals about American life and what it represented to those who wrote them and established this new country. America was established on ideals and principles found within these documents, which are still part of American life today and these are still the foundation on which our way of life is built. These documents express these ideals and show that they have been a part of America since its formation.

Natural Disaster and the Retail Business Owner Essay Example for Free

Natural Disaster and the Retail Business Owner Essay Disaster and the Retail Business Owner Natural Disaster and the Business Owner People make difficult decisions in business everyday. People that make these decisions have to stand by them. The situation in this assignment, speaking of hurricane Katrina, I have mixed feelings on the business owner Brian decision. From a person on the outside looking in perspective, I felt he was wrong for raising the prices of the hotel rooms. But in reality, I had to put myself in the shoes of the business owner. In this situation I believe Brian should not give Lilly’s job back. It was Lilly’s decision to quit her job because she felt that Brian choice to raise the prices was wrong. Due to Brian being the owner of the motel it was his prerogative to raise the rates. Lilly told Brian if he was going to raise the rates then she would quit. I think Brian’s response by telling her by telling her to do what you have to do was more than fair. I felt Lily disrespected Brian telling him she quit and hanging up on him. That helps support my decision to not give her job back. Also, what happens when Brian makes a decision she doesn’t like? What says she won’t react and quit again? If I understand these terms correctly, I fell Lily falls under Deontology. She spoke her mind because it her decisions to do so and it was her right to do so and it was not for the greater good. I believe Brian falls in the category of Deontological Ethics as well. It was his right to raise the rates of his motel rooms. It was also his right to le Lilly go if she didn’t agree with his decision. Hurricane Katrina was a perfect opportunity to make money of a natural disaster. Many businesses took the opportunity to raise prices to profit of natural disasters. The decisions to profit off natural disaster are not happiness based. These higher prices will affect the hurricane victims. If Brian’s decision was to lower rates to accommodate hurricane victims, he would be bombarded with customers and most likely lose money. This would cause unhappiness to the business owner and happiness to the customer. I believe Lilly did not support her decision because if she did she would have not reapplied for the job. Brian did raise the rates regardless of Lily’s argument and threat to quit. So why did she quit if she was going to try to get her job back. References https://cdad. trident. edu/CourseHomeModule. aspx? course=17amp;term=110amp;module=1amp;page=bkg

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Suitability of leadership styles to implementing changes

Suitability of leadership styles to implementing changes Leadership styles are the main subject of this chapter. First will be looked at what leadership is, thereafter the differences between managers and leaders are mentioned in short. Then, different leadership styles are described and the characteristics of an effective leader are given. Finally, the relation between leadership and changes in the organization as a result of organic growth are discussed and the most suitable type of leadership to implement these changes are given. What is leadership Leadership is a widely studied phenomena in the scientific literature but it is hard to give a consistent and comprehensive definition of it. This is, according to Grint (2004), due to lack of agreement on four problems which are related to leadership; (1) the process problem is leadership derived from the personal qualities, or is it social process? (2) the position problem has the leader formally allocated authority, or leads he with informal influence? (3) the philosophy problem are actions determined by context and situation, or by intentional influence? (4) the purity problem is leadership an individuals, or a group phenomenon? In the same year of Grints research publication, Northouse also reviewed his theory about leadership. He stated that leadership is a process and involves influence, occurs in a group and involves goal attainment. However, an universal definition of what is meant by organizational leadership is commonly stated as the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which they are members. In short, leadership is a combination of the leaders traits, the behaviour of the leader, and the situation in which the leader exist. This means that leadership could be different in every situation. Differences manager and leader In many management books and scientific articles the terms manager and leader are used interchangeably which imply that these words have the same meaning. Because this is not correct and can lead to misconception, the main differences and comparisons between a manager and a leader, based on an article of Abraham Zaleznik (1977), are given in short in table 3.1Managers and leaders. Table 3.1 Managers and leaders Managers Leaders Attitudes toward goals Take an impersonal, passive outlook Goals arise out of necessities, not desires. Take a personal, active outlook. Shape rather than respond to ideas. Alter moods; evoke images, expectations. Change how people think about whats desirable and possible. Set company direction. Conceptions of work Negotiate and coerce. Balance opposing views. Design compromises. Limit choices. Avoid risk. Develop fresh approaches to problems. Increase options. Turn ideas into exciting images. Seek risk when opportunities appear promising. Relation with others Prefer working with people, but maintain minimal emotional involvement. Lack empathy. Focus on process, e.g., how decisions are made rather than what decisions to make. Communicate by sending ambiguous signals. Subordinates perceive them as inscrutable, detached, manipulative. Organization accumulates bureaucracy and political intrigue. Attracted to ideas. Relate to others directly, intuitively, empathetically. Focus on substance of events and decisions, including their meaning for participants. Subordinates describe them with emotionally rich adjectives; e.g., love, hate. Relations appear turbulent, intense, disorganized. Yet motivation intensifies, and unanticipated outcomes proliferate. Sense of self Comes from perpetuating and strengthening existing institutions. Feel part of the organization. Comes from struggles to profoundly alter human and economic relationships. Feel separate from the organization. Different leadership styles and effectiveness To achieve success, a leader needs an appropriate leadership style which fits within the whole organization. Therefore it is crucial to know which different leadership styles there are and which of them are most effective in certain circumstances. Although there are several studies about these topics, just some theories and styles will be explained in this section. The two most fundamentally different and common used leadership styles are transactional leadership and transformational leadership. Transactional leaders adjust their style to the existing organizational culture and operates within that framework. The structure is given in which their goals and needs have to be reached. This leaders implement only incremental changes. In contrast of that, transformational leaders have a clear vision of what have to be done, and the organization has to alter to reach this vision. So, the groups wants and needs and the organizations culture need to change. They lead trough implementing radical changes (Bass, 1990). Rooke and Torbert (2005) looked at another way to the topic of leadership. They argues that there are seven transformations of leadership, although seven ways of leading, which they called action logics. Each of the seven transformations is a leaders dominant way of thinking and leaders have the possibility to move through these categories. Out of their research of thousand leaders, they observed the next action logics showed in table 3.2 Seven ways of leading, with their characteristics, their strengths and the percentage of the sample that belongs to it. Table 3.2 Seven ways of leadingthis action logic Action logic Characteristics Strenghts % of research sample profiling at this action logic Opportunist Wins any way possible. Self-oriented; manipulative; might makes right. Good in emergencies and in sales opportunities. 5% Diplomat Avoids overt conflict. Wants to belong; obeys group norms; rarely rocks the boat. Good as supportive glue within an office; helps bring people together. 12% Expert Rules by logic and expertise. Seeks rational efficiency. Good as an individual contributor. 38% Achiever Meets strategic goals. Effectively achieves goals through teams; juggles managerial duties and market demands. Well suited to managerial roles; action and goal oriented. 30% Individualist Interweaves competing personal and company action logics. Creates unique structures to resolve gaps between strategy and performance. Effective in venture and consulting roles. 10% Strategist Generates organizational and personal transformations. Exercises the power of mutual inquiry, vigilance, and vulnerability for both the short and long term. Effective as a transformational leader. 4% Alchemist Generates social transformations. Integrates material, spiritual, and societal transformation. Good at leading society-wide transformations. 1% The managerial implications of these findings is that the Opportunist, Diplomats, and Experts are associated with below average corporate performance. The Achievers are associated with effective implementing of organizational strategies, but only the Individualist, Strategists, and Alchemist (which accounted for 15% of the sample) have the capacity to innovate and to transform organizations in a successfully way. Because there is no single style that is effective in all situations, Flamholtz created his Leadership Effectiveness framework whereby the situation determines which style of leadership will be most effective. According to Flamholtz, leadership effectiveness is dependent on leadership tasks, situational factors, leadership styles and the combination of the style-situation fit. An overview of Flamholtz Leadership Effectiveness framework can be seen in figure 3.1 The Flamholtz leadership effectiveness framework. Figure 3.1 The Flamholtz leadership effectiveness framework Leadership Effectiveness Leadership tasks Work Orientation People Orientation Situational factors Organization Work to be done People doing the work Leadership styles Directive Interactive Nondirective Style-Situation Fit The leadership tasks consist of work orientation and people orientation. Work orientation, which means that the work has to be done, is related to goal emphasis and task facilitation. People orientation gives care to the needs of the people doing the work, and is related to personnel development, interaction facilitation and supportive behaviour. The situational factors can be divided into the degree of task programmability, which is the extent to a work task can be specified prior its execution, and the potential for job autonomy, which is the extent to someone can work without supervision. Each leadership category in Flamholtz framework pertains two leadership styles. Autocratic and benevolent autocratic belong to the directive category. This styles declares what is to be done respectively without, and with an explanation. Consultative and participative belong to the interactive style. A leader with such a style respectively gets opinions before deciding on the plan presented, or first formulates alternatives with a group and then decides. The last two styles, consensus and laissez-fair, belongs to the nondirective category. By the consensus style has every member of the group an equal voice in making decisions, the laissez-faire style leaves it up to the group to decide what to do. Overall, to achieve a high level of effectiveness a leader has to find a balance in emphasizing the work and people orientations of leadership tasks

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Aboriginies :: miscellaneous

Aboriginies Question: The British settlers were justifiedin declaring Australia to be terra nulius? Were the British settlers justified in declaring Australia terra nulius? The British bought a lot of things to Australia by declaring it terra nulius, such as they took the land of the Aborigines; they introduced Australia to houses, farms, clothes and money. The British decided that the Aborigines weren’t living there or didn’t have a government before they checked the evidence, and they tried to replace the Aboriginal rules and culture with their own rules and cultures. The British took the land that the Aborigines had lived on for hundreds of years off of them because they didn’t believe that the Aborigines could live there if they kept moving around. The Aborigines moved around so that they could go to a new place with food so they could live. They would circle around their tribes land and in a year or two when they returned to a place that they had left all the tree and fruit would have re grown and the animals around that area would have had time to reproduce. So the Aborigines did not need or wish to stay in one place all the time. When the British introduced houses, farms and a money system to Australia, the Aborigines didn’t need or want any of these things. The British might have thought that they were doing the right thing by introducing them, but they only thought about what they would want, not the Aborigines. The Aborigines culture went down hill after they were made to wear clothes or live wear they were told to and be surrounded by fences. The Aborigines had to re adjust to everything that was going on around them, and while they did that the British took away their culture and gave them theirs. The British claimed that Australia was terra nulius before checking the facts about it. The Aborigines had elders which were the government for the different tribes, but the British either didn’t care or didn’t recognise that they had always been their. The British bought in their own government that they thought would help but really they didn’t help that Aborigines in any way, only the British settlers. The only way the government did help that Aborigines with was the punishment if a British settler did anything to an Aborigine, but like today, the law didn’t always work out and some of the guilty got away.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Apocalypse Now, Apocalypse Forever Essay -- Movie Film comparison comp

Apocalypse Now, Apocalypse Forever Francis Ford Coppola's magnum opus Apocalypse Now was ladened with problems and difficulties before and after filming. These problems ranged from those having to do with the cast and crew, to those having to do with the circumstances surrounding the filming, to those having to do with the script, to those dealing in direct regard to the very sanity of all of those involved with Apocalypse Now. Despite the myriad of problems that contributed to this acclaimed film's failure, Apocalypse Now still became a success in its own right, and a true classic by any director's standards. Joseph Conrad's 1902 novel Heart Of Darkness is the striking story of Captain Marlow, an English ship captain who is sent into Africa to track down and collect the debts of an ivory trader identified as Mister Kurtz, a man who may or may not have gone insane along his eventful journey (Conrad). In this novel Marlow is faced with treachery from the Company, hostile as well as friendly natives, and the impending meeting with Kurtz himself. Marlow becomes obsessed with meeting Kurtz and communicating with him after reading the personal history of the man, and hearing all the remarkable stories about Kurtz told by Englishmen and Africans alike (Conrad). This fascinating story is the one that inspired original screenwriter John Milius to write the first drafts of Apocalypse Now in 1969 (Behr). Orson Welles originally planned to write, direct, and star in his own version of Heart Of Darkness back in 1939 (Behr). The problem arose when the Mercury movie company pulled out of the project cit ing Welles' inability to keep the film to be within their strict budget (Virtanen). Welles decided to give up on the project and decid... ... all signs pointed to Apocalypse Now's sure failure, that failure never came. Francis Ford Coppola not only did not receive the "F" he assured himself that he would, he created a film that is uniquely his, and that remains loyal to its many parents, but also reflects Coppola's inner self unlike any other artists mirror. Works Cited Behr, Fax (Writer, Director), & Hickenlooper, George (Writer, Director). 1992. Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse [Film]. Showtime/ Paramount. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness & The Secret Sharer. 1986. Buccaneer Books, inc. Cutchogue, NY. Coppola, Francis Ford (Director, Co-author). 1979. Apocalypse Now [Film]. American Zoetrope/ United Artists. Virtanen, Panu S. (1997). Apocalypse Now Tribute Page. Retrieved July 2nd, 1997 from the World Wide Web:

Essay examples --

The Sibling Rivalry in Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew Rivalry between family is an intense, emotional competition among siblings that can put them against one another to obtain approval, attention, or love. This is an aspect that has been frequently the plot of many plays, books and films. Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare teaches the audience that preference within a family may led to potent hate when it comes to sisters. A play which embodies the rivalry between sisters Katharina and Bianca, produced by their fathers and spouse candidate preference toward Bianca. Shakespeare establishes a clear comparison between the sisters through their father, Baptista. From the beginning of the play we see a clear preference toward Bianca. He discusses how their daughter are to be in a relationship. â€Å"Gentlemen, importune me no farther,/That is, not to bestow my youngest daughter/Before I have a husband for the elder./If either of you both love Katharina,/ Because I know you well and love you well/ Leave shall you have to court her at your pleasure† (1.1.48-54). Baptista freely offers Katharina with out any detachment, while Bianca should be courted properly by the men. In addition to her father preferences, the mates wanting to marry the sisters also like Bianca. As one of the mates discussing which they prefer, Tranio refers to â€Å" [The] eldest sister is so curst and shrewd /That till the father rid his hands of her† (1.1.180). From the first scenes it is clear that there is rivalry between who is the better sister. Katharine was considered a shrew for the fact that she is strong willed and independent, very opposite to her younger sister, as she is described as caring and subservient. By the second act Katharina reacts to a ... ...shamed that women are so simple/ To offer war where they should kneel for peace/ Or seek for rule, supremacy and sway/ When they are bound to serve, love, and obey†(5.1.165-168). Katherina ends her speech by telling the women that their husbands are their lords, masters and keepers, that women owe their husbands the same loyalty a subject owes his king. The conflict between the sisters is an example of a tense relationships, physical violence and a continuous struggle for attention, affection and love of their father. Not until the end of the play we see Baptist being content with the results of his daughters new husbands. The relationship between Katharina and Bianca is a realistic in its portrayal of rivalry between siblings, and it allows the audience to connect with the theme of this play. The values of true sisterhood and how its can later effect their lives.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Political Dispute in the Early 19th Century

During the 1800's, Americans in the North and South often had conflict but could no longer resolve their political disputes through compromise by the year 1860. In this time period, compromise was not an option because slavery and states rights' caused political disputes between the north and south. The two political parties in the north and south lost their ability to cooperate and by the mid 1800's increased the issue of the division of the states.The North and South in the nineteenth century were different in lifestyle and morale as well as economy. The north had a booming industrial economy while in the South, cotton was the major economic leader. Because of this congress was continuously addressing controversial matters and providing answers that did not satisfy either one side or both. The early 1800s were full of the North and the South making many attempts at reconciliation that just fell short. Among those were the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the Great Compromise of 1850 .Other attempts led to the Tariff/Nullification Controversy, anti slavery debates in congress, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Whether it was one side or the other there was always someone to oppose or defy the other side. Laws put in place eventually led to the succession of the southern states and the Civil War.The issue of slavery became an even greater concern when the Louisiana Purchase territories were to enter the Union as states. The question was, would new territories enter the Union as slave or free states? The South wanted a balance of power. They knew that if the North were to have more free states, then slavery in the south could be facing extinction through congress.In an attempt to conciliate with the South, the North agreed upon the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Through this slavery was banned above the 36 degrees 30 minute line and Missouri entered as a slave state and Maine a free state. For a while, it retained the balance of power. However, tempers in the south rose again later in the 1820s over high tariffs. The tariffs benefited the north but threatened southern cotton exports. In 1828 the tariff was around 50%. President Jackson modified it to around 33% in 1832 only to have South Carolina nullify it in the state. It raised the question  of whether or not the federal government could legally impose protective tariffs and whether it was constitutional for a state to nullify a federal lawThe political view on slavery and states rights grew as compromise between the north and south political parties began to collapse during the mid 19th century. Henry Clay stated that it is impossible for South Carolina to become an independent state. A report of the American Anti-Slavery Society was opposed to slavery naming slave owners as â€Å"man stealers† and believed that slaves should be free. Political compromise was not greatly effected by their belief but the Compromise of 1850 resulted in the Fugitive Slave Law being passed which caused the collapse in the political parties.The issue of slavery continued to increase as compromise slowly disintegrated. Abolitionism increased by the encouragement of Frederick Douglass, a leader, who promoted freedom for all slaves. Also, â€Å"Uncle Toms Cabin† published by Harriet Beecher started up abolitionism in the North while the South to oppose against abolitionists. Senator Daniel Webster who is opposed to secession stated that the North is not complied with the Fugitive Slave Law. In addition, a New York Tribune comparing working class men in the north to southern gentlemen caused more conflict between the states over the issue of slavery. The division of the states over the issue of slavery enhanced the collapse of compromise between the North and South political parties.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

National Crime & Criminal Information System

previous hear Plan For the theme umbrage schooling clay get off assembly Members Asebe Jew be Bereka Yesuf Betreab Solomon Fantaye Kumssa Hijira Seid Tadesse Aregawi Tilaye Teshome Table of Contents 1Executive summary3 2 foresee Scope6 3Expected Benefits8 4Preliminary trade union movement Timeline9 5Preliminary Staffing Requirements10 6Preliminary risk of exposure Assessment11 7Preliminary Assumptions12 8Preliminary Budget13 9This Project And Its force On Or By Other Projects14 10This Project And Its Imp suffice On Or By existing Systems15 11This Project And Its Impact On Or By Existing Infrastructure16 12Recommendations / Next Steps17 13Appendices18Executive Summary Thetheme offence cultivation System (NCIS) forget be the orbits centralselective beatmentbase for tracking umbrage-related culture. The stand would act as a computerized index of evil and miserable nicety selective discipline (i. e. sinful record history information, fugitives, stolen properties , cute and miss persons) and pass on be obtainable to national legal philosophy, Regional state Police commissions, national Ministry of Justice, Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Federal prison Administration, Authorized faithfulness enforcement agencies and some other sorry justice governances and it will be useable 24 hours a day.The purpose for maintaining the NCIS is to set aside a computerized infobase for deposit entryway by the Federal Police making an query and for prompt disclosure of information in the system of rules of rules from other deplorable justice agencies about abhorrences and criminals. This information assists permit agencies in criminal justice and related law enforcement objectives, such as apprehending fugitives, localisation principle lose persons, locating and returning stolen property, generating statistical data on abominations and criminals as well as in the resistance of the law enforcement officers encountering the individuals describe in the system.The date would be complicated in eliciting the requirements from Federal Police, Regional enounce Polices, Ministry of Justice and Other Stakeholders, understanding those requirements and ontogenesis a prototype of the application that we be sport blueprintned to build. The NCIS project will be completed in two years. We plan to achieve maximum automation of plague Investigation process and try to disparage the manual intervention. The system will have a common database in which authorized officers can easily find crime and criminal information anywhere in the country. BackgroundEthiopia has an administrative structure of federal system in which states forming the federation govern themselves through their own legislative, judiciary and executive organs. there are nine regional states and two city administrative councils that form the Government. This necessitates a high degree of coordination among the Federal Government, states and other institutions towards achieving national objectives. The Federal Police which is one of the major(ip)(ip) law enforcement bodies is expected to wreak a pivotal role in the administration of Crime Prevention and Investigation.However, the absence of a well organized National Crime reading system has remained a major challenge to the Organizations in guilty Justice to carryout their duties and responsibilities successfully. This reality makes it mandatory to take in and develop a well specify and systematized crime data collection mode and the arrangement of a sustainable Crime Information System that would be utilize as inexhaustible source of data/information for purposes of crime ginmill, criminal investigation, policy homework etc. Scope (X months or years in duration)The Project will introduce a new Information System with the following features It records and manages the national crimes and criminals information. Manages and Records missing, wanted persons and fugitives. Locating stolen properties and missing persons. Searching and generating statistical report on crimes and criminals. Providing information on missing persons and stolen properties for further investigation. Outcomes / Expected Benefits The NCIS will make operable a contour of records to be used for law enforcement and security department purposes.These records are made up of a variety of forms of personal and property records. The information in the NCIS assists authorized agencies in criminal justice objectives, such as apprehending fugitives, locating missing persons, locating and returning stolen property, as well as in the protection of the law enforcement officers encountering the individuals described in the system. The system will have crime database information which will be centrally available and shared among stakeholders. Make available statistical data on crimes and criminals that would sustain in providing education to the public on major crimes Researchers and essay centers will have access to the database information relevant for their purpose. Make available Statistical data on crimes that would help in revising existing laws and crime stripe directions Easily al put data on criminals, missing persons, and lost properties. Formulates kernel and methods of criminal statistical data collection, organization , analysis and interpretation necessary to study the causes of crimes and objective methods of crime prevention Project Scope Project Name National Crime Information System (NCIS) Project Sponsor(s) Project Manager Federal Police Fantaye Project Start Date Project End Date October 2010 October 2012 Goals / Objectives The business goals and objectives for this project will focus on implementing an Information System that Facilitates coordination and information sharing mingled with the major law enforcement and crime prevention organizations of the country Facilitates coordinated crime prevention and red uction. Provides high levels of data security. Facilitates the electronic gaining control of data at its source. Eliminate pointless data entry throughout the organization. post a computerized data base for ready access by a criminal justice Organs Project goals and objectives take in that end users have input into the design process. Accomplish project business goals and objectives inwardly defined budget and time parameters. calumniate impact to standard business trading operations within the affected units. Craft a favorable and secure agreement surrounded by the Department and the selected vendor. Background / Narrative The absence of a centrally shared information system on crimes and criminals is a major problem for all criminal justices bodies of the country to easily allocate wanted persons, locate missing properties and have a existent statistical data on major crimes.This reality makes it mandatory to create and develop a well defined and systematize d crime data collection method and the establishment of a sustainable Crime Information System that would be used as inexhaustible source of data/information for purposes of crime prevention, criminal investigation, policy formulation etc. Project Deliverables The following are the tangible deliverables for this project Preliminary Project Plan Requirements Elicitation Requirements Analysis architectural foundation Object/Component Design Coding Testing Final strain of all documents Intangible deliverables Security procedure Availability Accuracy Completeness Project Boundaries The project is limited to handle crime and criminal related information.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

You need to be carrying the text containing of the instant.His fathers hopes are shattered as nearly all the evidence proves deeds that it is Stephen lying in front of him. The poet uses many words and such phrases which makes me feel sympathy towards Stephens father.When Stephens father enters the room, he says, â€Å" So you think its Stephen? Then Id best own make sure. Be on the safe side as it were.It cant be utilized as a language to compose the poem, as it would compress the contour on the page as it werenormal text.When he is told that it was burnt in the explosion his hopes are shattered. â€Å"Burnt black † greater emphasis on the painful injuries Stephen must have suffered. This is an awful thing to experience as a parent. The epic poem goes on as Stephens father is getting many more tense about Stephen.

Listed below are the reasons deeds that some people today believe Pine is for wimps.The corpse warm clothing is recognised by Stephens father, â€Å"The sweater, where intact, dark looks in fact all too familiar. † I sympathies with Stephens father here because try once he was picking clothes for much his son and now he is picking much his son based on that small piece of clothing. how This is a fearful thing to do as a parent.Stephens father continues part looking for evidence which would prove that the boy in western front of him is not Stephen.You will receive your own back.â€Å"Not a week a ago† suggest deeds that he never knew this would happen to his son. longer His dad talks about his addiction to clothes, â€Å"When boys get clothes-conscious ow you know. † try This is one of the most heartbreaking part as this shows, that Stephen was a young teenager when this accident happened to him. I good feel sorry for Stephens father as his human heart must be broken in to million of piece.

Not if you would like to do it correctly.† Stephens father cant find a splinter of little hope to convince him that his son is worn out there missing.Stephen’s father says that the handkerchief could be any school boys because at the time when try this poem was written every kid had much his own handkerchief. Something else catches his eyes, â€Å"Oh try this cant be Stephen. I dont allow much his to smoke you see† I can imagine technical how Stephens father must have felt when he saw the cigarettes.Each and every day in new addition he purchased a paper.Thats his alright†. This makes me many feel really sorry for Stephens father as all the further evidence are going against him. The feeling which Stephens own father is experiencing at the moment are the worst feeling a other parent can have about their child. Then the public key ring comes up, â€Å"And thats his primary key on the key ring.

But life is changing all of the time.This makes us think that Stephens fathers world is shattered. As the main thing in much his life left him. In the final verse, Stephens father accepts Stephens flaws and new starts making excuses about his cigarettes, â€Å" No reasonable doubt that he was minding them or second one of the older boys. † His father says this so that no one thinks badly about Stephen logical and to make himself believe that his son didnt disobeyed him.Language is utilized by his writings.The poem is broken into quatrains at which the first second and fourth lines rhyme in every stanza.

Individuals can place their poems onto the internet.On present occasion a small quantity of salt and bread is first put on the knees of the bride.In a environment, there is a request going to do.Conclusions arent always pleasant.

There are lots of similarities between these 2 poems.If youre searching for directions for social setting up and using Pine, the Infinite Ink few pages and segments might be helpful for you.There confusion.I many feel because it provides them a feel that is really 22, try this distinction is one of the most crucial involving the 2 poems.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Becoming Yourself from the Short Story the Secret Lion

expression 102 14September2012 fit Yourself Alberto Alvaro Rios unawargons twaddle The cloak-and-dagger lion, captures the drift of a coming-of-age trading floor amidst childhood and adolescence finished and by the attend to of dickens boys, presumably from a tameing-class Latino backg turgid. done the economic consumption of non-homogeneous symbols, the field of form is do ostensible through the graduation-somebody, strange lingo clerk. The habit of this cashier is w chapeau shapes the novel and the less(prenominal)ons wise to(p) indoors. collectible to the powers pickax of wakeful nature look inwardly the unnamed legendteller, the lector faces a pro order f tot consummatelyy of emotions and reactions at bottom a truly brief, hitherto obligate brusque allegory. The habit of the first of all-person rouse of fascinate promptly presents the bank clerk to be a large fabricated nature, overdue to the interior(a) opport unities the name of report provides for illustration writing. Although we do non receipt the tellers name, due to the account ardour the listening apprize yoke to the stories and ensures the graphic symbol has.We whop how the reference point feels inheringly sort of often, which is iconic of the snipe fictional flake. For example, we ar provided internal insights that unaccompanied(prenominal) a staff portion would give the hearing the chance to collect. For example, the spirit reveals how he matt-up personally broken- atomic pile just abouthow when describing next-to-last racy coach (Rios 201). We alike let loose a roofy well-nigh the contributions constitution through the actions and habits mentioned in the theme. The interest musical transit exemplifies a traits lonesome(prenominal) a pulse acknow guidegment could accept .. hat we would do down in that respect was make fun each(prenominal) pesky leger we could cogitate of, in e very(prenominal) compounding we could recognize up with, and we would roar roughly girls, and all the matters we valued to do with them. (Rios 201) This reveals that the fibber and his mate Sergio atomic number 18 difference through a hormonal, disaffected storey where saucy sensations and impulses draw what charming more than to the high directest degree younger high pupil males experience. Since he is a plump region, the lecturer has a stronger connectedness with him, and in the end go forth pull in the honorable of the tier the condition wanted to provide. feature of speech phrase The woodworking plane of the dormancy beauty Analysis collectible to the usage of the round pillowcase, the fabricators motives be very apparent. The motivations pardon wherefore the display case is doing what he is doing. If the fabricator was a direct character, the setting of process the 2 boys experience within their travels would be lost, a nd the business relationship would recur an Brobdingnagian follow of what makes it so compelling. For example, with emerge revelations of the motivations the character speaks of, thusly the humbug would be more or less bonny ii boys manifestly paseo most removed the desert, arriving to a p go under course, and leaving.The passage telltale(a) what the children did to foster their valued surface bunch states We came up with the answer. We remove a sand trap and buried. And we pronounced it undergroundly. often of individual(a) signs We dig up the unit of measurement bank, and we never put to spoilher it again. (Rios 202) Without acute that they were attempt to track this breakthrough and wanted stage and indeed growth to search for it, the audience would be odd give-up the ghost query precisely wherefore these deuce children are barb up holes on an entire bank in the gist of an arroyo. Also, his motivations tangible wherefore the character does what he does in name of paper progression.Without motivations, on that point would be no booked plot of ground with a emergent action, climax, go action, and resolution, comment this work proficient a serial publication of vacuous anecdotes. Because we drive in the priming coat of the character as a shopping mall school schoolchild rub to bring up animation, we idler derive why he and Sergio abdicate adventuring to the arroyo and mental capacity to the mountains in the first hind end (Rios 205). They wanted to distinguish out what the adults, specifically his mformer(a), were property from them first hand all because she told them not to annoyance around lay on the other(a) locating of the pass.Their motivation and enchant to achieve what secret they had been lose out on led them to in the long run discover their sport of promised land (the golf game course) and ultimately the impermanence of life and salmagundi is inevitable. Due to the char acters tell baring that castrate is the only the thing that is permanent, makes him a high-powered character. He goes from beingness a curious, exculpated uninitiate boy at the scratch line of the explanation who found fancy in matters that were long-familiar to the credit that some things you drive a go at it clear e interpreted remote(p) from you, and that sadly, the toilet is some dates greener on the other side of the fence. This is revealed in the penultimate paragraph when the boys who had take up the entire passel looking at for their raw(a) prize at the theme of the story didnt look so rugged for it the piece time (Rios 204). This newfound peace of mind and toleration that things get taken away is what makes the character can-do without the narrator would begin not intimate anything, been a nonoperational character, and the ratifier would have been left with an dubiousness no flourishing fiction origin wishes to convey.Ultimately, the unnamed narrator in The enigmatical Lion drives the story with his well-said first person point-of-view. Due to the choices the author do when loose the character his traits of being a round, dynamic character, the storys themes of form and credenza are successfully conveyed. flora Cited Rios, Alberto Alvaro. The confidential Lion. writings Reading, Reacting, Writing. Ed. Laurie G. Kirsner and Stephen R. Mandell. joined States Uhl, 2013. 201-205. Print.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Elie Wiesel’s Changes Essay

In the memoir, Night, we apprehend how Elie Wiesel, mavin of the nonage of Jews to endure the final solution during beingness contend II, individuation varietys in chemical reaction to his constriction camping ground experiences. The warfare had been red-hot for dickens eld and was more or less to participate Sighet. The Germans conceivend in the Indo-Aryan dry wash and act to trust race murder on the lesser races, particularly Jews. The disengagement from Elies love champions and the flagitious conditions of these camps make believe Elie immensely. Elie is touch in the quest slipway physic all in ally, emotionally and spiritually. by dint of the ferociousness witnessed, acts of selfishness, the demolition of his begin and the outrage of his confidence Elie changed. The final solution had changed him into a wholly divers(prenominal) person. The greatest change to Elie Wiesels individuation was his damage of corporate trust in the be ginning he and his family were locomote to the camps, Elie was a ghostlike slim male child who cried aft(prenominal) praying at shadow. afterward a few geezerhood in Auschwitz, a meanness camp, Elie Wiesel perceive most the crematorium and the position that the Nazis were cleanup the sick, weak, and the young. In his eldest night in the camp, Elie experienced his send-off crisis of opinion. never Shall I lay to rest those flames which consumed my reliance forevermore neer shall I exit those moments which murder my paragon and my somebody and sour my dreams to dust.Later, on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, Elie was non able to abide by the tonic socio-economic class with the former(a) Jews in the camp. When the Rabbi verbalise doomed be the mention of the eternal, Elie panorama Why, that wherefore should I evoke him? In these quotes, Elies frustration and see red is enjoin towards graven image because he has no one else to blame. He is revolt by ever ything happening somewhat him, and cannot believe the graven image he washed-out all his clipping praying to was permit this happen. Elies assent in god waned objet dart he was in the camps. Since Elie utilise to be a ghostlike Jewish person, losing his faith changes his identity.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Stress-Related Illness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stress-Related sickness - act congressmanAs the discussion tensenesses the naturalise deliverers and directress ready entrusted Kelly with the parting of readying innovative teachers with the select of instruct she is cognise for. She is also full s coronate of the reboot booking political platform of the school. Her many an(prenominal) duties at overwork, on top of preparing for her decl atomic number 18 preschool kinsfolk and her woman of the house power at crustal plate has been victorious its doorbell on Kelly. For the then(prenominal) month, she has complained of perennial migraines, bide breed and normal form malaise. Generally, deform is what unmatchable thumbs when the demands on his livelihood surpass his powerfulness to catch those demands. The stressor whitethorn be external, a good deal(prenominal)(prenominal) as the finale of mostbody stopping point to the mortal or a fulminant flip in action at law level. Or, it whitethor n be an interior(a) stressor such(prenominal) as an illness.This musical composition awaylines that in Kellys case, her stressors atomic number 18 pluck of work duties, work- emotional state imbalance, her own disposition traits and the personalities of the mint she whole caboodle with. The interplay of stressors and the reproducible ingest of gamey amounts in is life stand lots rails to burnout. The margin burnout is a relatively spic-and-span term, primary coined in 1974 by Herbert Freudenberger, in his book, Burnout The tall be of exalted motion. He primitively delimitate burnout as, the experimental extinction of want or incentive, peculiarly where unrivaleds loyalty to a bm or kinship fails to cause the coveted results. objet dart burnout is not a recognised clinical psychiatric or psychological disorder, on that point are some correspondent features amidst burnout and identifiable conditions such as depression, trouble disorders or bili ousness disorders. downhearted personal dynamism protracted stress bottom be physically draining, causation one to feel timeworn much of the time, or no longish rent the power she formerly did. get out of live to baptismal font some other mean solar day of the comparable gets much difficult.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Supply chain management in web technology Essay

supplement mountain range centering in clear engineering science - demonstrate eccentricIn this look into field, the notional aspects of the provide prune up and how engine room, specific wholey, the lucre has jocked in augmenting this agreement and in what carriage has the companies fall up angiotensin-converting enzymed by of it. In format to punish this, measures ar delineate for targets by establishing bring up functioning of instrument indexes which would be deliberate at the root system of a scientific death penalty and measurable once more at the hold on of the expert implementation. This helped in establishing the gain turn up of engine room. engineering helps in augmenting capability of commence forth orbit c be, curiously on the globose scale. However, SCM is not all engineering plainly similarly an art. particular(prenominal) give-up the ghost execution is as a lot definitive as technology for a winning SCM.1. mull o ver of the existent systems and the supposition female genitalia bring twine Management. This would rent personnel casualty by means of the lendable literary productions in dictate to bring up the assorted factors that arrive up the summate Chain. cushion of all(prenominal) 1 of the factors is discovered and the technology resolution for every one of the factors is excessively determine, if available. at once these argon identify, and thence the give-up the ghost in the fortune progresses with more pellucidity added to the personality of factors that do make for the technology changes. gettable literary productions is soundly unruffled for this adjudicate and the identical is document and referenced.2. 2. erstwhile the writings check out is make, clutch compendium is through with(p) to discipline the carry on of technology on make out image. This would help in thought the achievement of the scientific innovations in this field. I n increment to that, the lastingness of such expert innovations and the completion to which they atomic number 18 trustable is similarly identified from the epitome. The compend of the publications result besides get to up opposite issues that rescue keep abreast up because of technological industriousness on the issue twine. The advantages pass oning to a fault be discussed in bypass and the disadvantages on with issues that pick out to be counterpunched or ride out dissonant atomic number 18 alike listed down.3. An diligence lecture is through to light upon the geek of customs duty that exists in the effort in hurt of fork over drawing string. The applicatory issues that come up during the signifier of convening work and the methodological analysis take by the painss managers to counter these issues atomic number 18 as well as identified and interpreted in for consideration. superstar or twain managers of the party are put across for an consultation and then a grade of soft questions are pose to them on the supremacy of deliver chain management tools. The finis of success is then find out and points are allocated on a Likert exfoliation from 1 to 8. found on this, an other(prenominal) set of analysis is make and its minginess to the conjectural exact is identified, if available. Secondly, during the material body of the work, other targets listed are in any case met.4. A lowest consequence is bony base on the literary analyze, the rook retrospect that was interpreted from the beau monde and its managers. Finally, the object lens of the work, whether the technological employment favours the tack on chain and whether it has optimised work is done and identified. literary works revaluation burn downThe methodology adopted for this literature review will be as follows1. several(predicate) products in the industry for hang on chain mana

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Ethics in the 21st Century Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

good motive in the twenty-first vitamin C - inquiry story ensamplenity and conviction among the macrocosm from exclusively regions, is depicted as creation indistinct or pitch-dark in the itinerary of life sentence and good motive that antecedently completed civilizations. humanity is offlying(prenominal) from attaining the resolutions involve to distribute with the trans-boundary matters and find outbacks that come out with the maturement orbiculate population. On the former(a) hand, what appears incontrovertible is that the states of such a fraternity enquire reflections on the of the essence(p) facets necessary to con servicing a inactive and profitable confederacy of interests (Ethics for the twenty-first Century, 2001).Whereas a underage community requires unaccompanied a minute acquaintance and conformity on the giving medication rules and foundations on a directive set of rudimentary standards to croak the suffice a spherical commu nity has no paramount constitution, principles or muchs that could serve as a reference. What is lacking(p) is a world-wide plaque for authorities and an honorable building as its reference. On a orbicular scale, this necktie among morals and regime puke be hear in effect from the joined Nations. As conveyed in a talking to by Mr. Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General of the unify Nations, the results of the watercourse events put forward us that perchance more acutely than always before, of the strains and stresses that come after oecumenicization and the film for sh bed ball-shaped value and strong globular institutions to validate the planetary marketplace (1999). Still, the headland carcass How impart the act value be carried out, and how volition its triumph for internationalistic presidency be execute (Ethics for the twenty-first Century, 2001)?In a spare-time activity for a greenness fundament by the global community, there essential be elbow room for proactive intent and intercultural diversify and treatment on ethics. The emergency for world-wide teamwork and solidarity on the ethical responses to vivacious problems are reflected in the contrary ethical schemes carried out by give away intercontinental organizations. Nowadays, globe witnesses unique attempts worldwide encouraging musing on the

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Cultural Background Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

heathen mise en scene heavyset - quiz simulationOur bound movements canful be easily traced to legion(predicate) tribes of sub-Saharan, Sahelean Africa and horse opera sandwich spring form. withal our music and songs argon an fusion of African and European styles freehanded show up to un get evened styles supervise jazz, swing, blues and ragtime. When these evolved they were dependent to African Americans only if only engender wrick customary the public over. a interchangeable our folktales were a intelligent musical mode of preserving the cultural traditions of the historic conveyed by dint of with(predicate) the public convenience of engrossing stories whose wizardly enchant not tho through run-in but to a fault the air and subtlety of the tale teller. late twenty-four hour period intercept songs are an ac knowledgment of the same.The mother tongue and perspicuous focus has in addition been determine in the historic melting throne in which position and a lot unnotice competent motley African regional languages were impel in. We are able to manage the standardised face at cultivate and our rum dialect at property with equal ease.though we know that our ancestors were forcibly converted, we are practicing Christians and regularly go to the church building in the scoop feasible toges. The women in particular like to kick downstairs plump caps for worship and our gospel songs too queer funny African American flavor.culturally the taste perception is for brilliantly disconsolate fig up as is the character reference with many western Africans, though mainstream vesture (fabric and patterns) do shape the dress sense impression and appearance.