Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Wicked Virtuoso In Your Shadow :: essays research papers
h, p-leez, gimme a break, so imagine a scenario in which I state mischievous. Or then again malicious is progressively fitting? Also, stop those investigating foreheads; this is of no incompetent disclosure. What's more, why start it as expressively as this seems to be? Straightforward. Self-importance and bad faith inside the breeze of air that encompasses me is as hard as they are overwhelmingly charming and attractive. Truly, I talk about a sheep in a wolf’s attire, an illustration you wish not to fall into nor be one of its partners. Nor do I. Not in a million years. Be careful, ashore, on moon, on space, the underhanded suspicion may never come as a noticeable being yet in an implicit, truculent quietness, similar to a shadow hiding behind all your means. Some perhaps untimely as they are observational and shrewd for I myself bushwhacked not many of them, getting the float, turning my back, and compassionately letting them carry on with their crazed life, listening to things yet letting it of my framework the subsequent it hits me. In this way, I was brought into the world with it, the alleged mentally essential vision and exceptional faculties. I sense the genuine, the phony, the grimy. I sense which has heart, which has not. At the point when you are a Virgo as the essayist seems to be, you are unified with the nature; you are a virgin who represents virtue of the brain the capacity to get a handle on things consistently. What others state has never staunched me, never stomped on me, never put me down. Sheep in a wolf’s attire a greater amount of an ethnic joke than a person. Running up my recollections, the awful ones have everything except not disappeared. Yet, these made me more grounded like my Shihan’s inborn and evident quality. Dread never resonates through me, slap me and I’ll break your nose, hurt me and you’ll wish you we never alive. So here goes nothing-I am a young lady, an incredible gentility courses through me, a solid soul, an assurance as solid as Malcolm X’s and a psyche as clear as a serene Black Sea. Never dread, never dither, stand up and be heard, let no fraud. At that point there goes the pin-pointer-who directs his shortcomings toward others. This individual needs a mirror to mirror the genuine self-for a wide arousing. A scornful disposition toward each and every mistake he accepts that are others yet is really his. He needs to consider European suavity or shockingly better figure out how to squeeze himself-to feel he is at misfortune, and needing moral fix.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Curriculum free essay sample
Tab takes a gander at investigating the educational plan and inquires as to why our courses look the manner in which they look. How they may have created and how we can comprehend our courses better In request to help improve the nature of our understudies learning. It likewise covers collapses of educational program The educational plan Is a conventional course of study as at a school, college or preparing supplier This Is a definition with which I concur, or It Is the open type of endeavoring to incorporate an instructive thought which shows only a couple of various arrangement of definitions.The definitions run from appearing and having an effect to the educator and preparing arranging and furthermore with the arranging over my school. Key issues in characterizing educational plan incorporate articulations of what is to be realized, pointers with respect to the results of this learning and clarifications about the vision behind the educational program. It has started to uncover and think about our own thoughts regarding educational program. We will compose a custom article test on Educational program or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Godson (1 994, cited in Remarriage, et al 1 999) makes the intriguing point that, while educational plan advancement and Implementation have been expounded on by such a large number of individuals, the more central Issues of educational plan work, who develops It, why and for who have been increasingly dismissed. This Is something which I have regularly addressed myself. Wilson (2009) talks about the setting of Widening Participation inside the educational plan and how In this structure of educational plan the prerequisites of gatherings are and was then considered.In a few cases Education may should be taken into different settings and settings, for example, jails or confinement focus, the educational program would then should be adjusted to suit this specific gathering of students. The educational program of conveying state mechanicals, for example, educational plan that hello offer inside different schools that I am currently mindful of, would should be adjusted in jail to take thought and comprehension of the apparatuses and hardware, for example, sharp columns that might be involved.The work of Wilson (2009) accentuates the educational plan decisions In the FEE (Further Education) segment are presently mainly Influenced by financing and that subsidizing is currently a solid need Into how educational plan Is given. The financing bodies inquire ab out that sociality requires work and social need. Coffined (2008, pop) proposes that not all things demand can be managed and contends the inquiry who is making the interest.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Things fall apart
The desires and characteristics of an Ibo legend There were some exceptional qualities for which the Igbo individuals anticipated that their saint should have. One of them being, a solid chief. Okonkwo anyway in the start of the novel appears to be a frail person. Reason being he appeared to fight with the dread of disappointment (Achebe 16). Promoting We will compose a custom article test on Things self-destruct explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a kid growing up, he didn't exactly have a dad who without a doubt he could turn upward to. Notwithstanding, this was no reason for him not to push ahead. Rather, he ought to have looked for help from the town guide so he might let the past be the past. Likewise, towards the finish of the novel, he ends it all because of the way that he has no devotees with regards to managing the teachers. To the Ibos, a hero’s unmistakable quality was exceptionally up held in agreement to what he had accomplished as an indivi dual (Achebe 3). This accordingly increased Okwonkwo’s thirst of getting increasingly more associated with the exercises inside the network. It didn't make a difference whether what he did was fortunate or unfortunate. For example, he engaged in the murdering of Ikemefuna considerably in the wake of being cautioned not to. Then again, a large portion of the faction seniors were glad for him for doing as such. This was fundamentally in light of the fact that he was maintaining the familial customs. The people group anticipated that their pioneer should in every case satisfy what he says. This is most likely the motivation behind why Okwonkwo, never altered his perspective over specific issues in any event, when plainly he would lose the fight. A genuine model being, to battle against the preachers. Correlation of an Igbo legend and Okwonkwo’s creative mind of one Okwonkwo’s view of a saint was an egotistical one. This is apparent when he made a special effort to get the same number of titles as he could regardless of whom he needed to hurt en route. Much the same as Achebe puts it, â€Å"Okwonkwo’s distinction laid on strong individual achievement†(3). Since the time his dad carried disrespect to the family, his most significant want was to demonstrate to the entire network that he was far superior to his dad. He would direct his drinking propensities all the more so; he would give a valiant effort to raise his child in a greatly improved family setting than his dad. Moreover, the possibility of a saint to him was one who was one who was chauvinist. He accepted that the lady has almost no put in the family as well as in the network too. As a rule, he would liken anything feeble or fragile to a lady and anything solid and lively to the man. He abhorred the powerless individuals in his locale and particularly the individuals who feared taking on an errand. Sooner or later, he proposed that his own child, Nwoye was a lady like ( Achebe 4). Manliness was intended to be communicated through viciousness as per Okwonkwo.Advertising Looking for article on writing dialects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is acceptable to take note of that a legend was intended to submit to the network laws. Okwonkwo did this by permitting the tribe older folks to banish him to another town as a discipline. Reason being that he had beaten his significant other during the seven day stretch of harmony. By consenting to leave the network while being a pioneer was a method for being a decent good example. Individuals are isolated by triumphs and disappointments to an enormous degree Clearly, Okwonkwo must be banished for his inability to rehearse restraint. Having beaten his better half during the seven day stretch of harmony, he needed to leave his family and his devotees in the network to another town. All things considered, circumstances, the individuals who conflict with the law ordinarily alluded to as crooks are typically secured up cell. Some have must be moved to cells outside their own nation relying upon the degree of wrongdoing they submitted. For example the Guantanamo inlet in Latin America, which has been utilized to address crooks from over the world. In another case, Okwonkwo chose to end it all explanation being he was unable to battle the evangelists alone and his child had just changed over to Christianity. This particularly made himextremely upset since he was unable to see how his child could resist him and obediently obey what the preachers educated him. In this way as death he got isolated from his family and the network in general for dismissing change. In present day society there is a typical saying that â€Å"change, before change changes you.†This implies there are things we basically can't flee from and we simply need to adjust. Nwoye, Okwonkwo’s child then again saw precisely what he needed from life. He wou ld settle on vital choices notwithstanding is father’s pundits and satisfied them. He changed over to Christianity and later on went to the school that was set up by the ministers. Along these lines, he got edified on the different parts of life including sexual orientation uniformity. Because of his change his dad started abandoning him yet he didn't surrender. Be that as it may, we have a tad bit of each As people, we as a whole remain imperfect, nobody is great. Okwonkwo, may have treated the ladies in his rudely by pounding them, etc. Notwithstanding, he adored his little girl Ezinma and sooner or later wished he was a kid (Achebe 61). Promoting We will compose a custom exposition test on Things self-destruct explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Maybe she could have acquired her father’s authority and property too. Okwonkwo likewise adored resilient men who stood their situation in whatever choices they made. This is essentially why he resented th e tribe older folks when he originated from outcast and found that nearly the entire network had changed over to Christianity. Given the headway in innovation and the quick pace of globalization, numerous individuals live imprudently without a doubt. This is because of the rate at which individuals are getting contaminated with specific illnesses and partaking in horrifying shameless acts. In any case, toward the day's end a great many people have confidence in a higher power or have a place with a type of religion. This implies the two sided life of people. In reference to the novel, Okwonkwo realized that the way of life of slaughtering individuals wasn't right however he felt free to partake in it regardless of being cautioned. Notwithstanding this he was participated in the clan’s strict and otherworldly occasions. The Igbo people group in spite of permitting spouse battering had not many occasions where the ladies would be appointed some significant obligations. Some of them being instructing the youthful ones, revealing to them stories just as painting the places of the egwugwu (Achebe 84). Without a doubt, the Igbo people group esteemed the ladies in certain parts of network constructing thus they would not just addition regard from the egwugwu. Work Cited Achebe,Chinua. Things self-destruct. Joined Kingdom: William Heinemann Ltd. 1958. This exposition on Things self-destruct was composed and presented by client Mckenzie Y. to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it in like manner. You can give your paper here.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
How to Find the Best Cal Bar Essay Sample?
How to Find the Best Cal Bar Essay Sample?Have you been looking for Cal Bar Essay Sample? If yes, this is the perfect time for you to find a great essay sample.Most of the students get confused while doing their essay, since they do not know where to look for it and they do not have any idea that among the writing samples they should choose. Hence, the second thing that should come in the list is to collect Cal Bar Essay Sample.These are not only the best essay but they are also the most authentic. There are a lot of places where you can get them from but the simplest way is to go for the internet. You will be able to find many websites where you can find a bunch of essays for free. This will be the easiest and safest way for you to get quality essays.But, there are some important points that you need to consider before downloading the essay. You must decide whether you want to use these essays for your college essays or for your personal essay.The first one is if you want to use it for your college essays, then it would be fine as they are very famous and have the latest grammar and writing tips. The essay should contain all the information about you that you have mentioned in your profile. The essay should include your GPA, grades, educational history, achievements and other information that you have mentioned in your profile.If you want to use it for your personal essay, then it is advised that you avoid using the essay for your college essay. You have to find the best essay samples that will not only help you make your essay better but also help you gain more knowledge about the subject you are writing on.Thus, you need to make sure that you have your Cal Bar Essay Sample as soon as possible and you will be able to find many of them. Now, all you need to do is just to keep on searching the best and authentic essay samples so that you will be able to impress your friends and colleagues.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
What Socio Historical Factors Play Into The Social...
1. What socio-historical factors play into the social construction of disabilities? Please be specific and provide examples to support your answers. Disability in a socio-cultural context can be defined as a barrier to participation of people with impairments or chronic illnesses arising from an interaction of the impairment or illness with discriminatory attitudes, cultures, policies or institutional practices (Booth, 2000). The traditional view of disability often focuses on the individual, highlighting incapacities or failings, a defect, or impairment. This focus creates obstacles to participation on equal terms since an individual who seems to lack certain capacities may not be able to attain autonomy. 2. How does this social construction of disabilities impact institutional policies, and societal and individual behaviors regarding disabilities? In other words, how have people with disabilities been marginalized in the past and present at those three levels? Please be specific and provide examples to support your answers. As a result of the marginalization, persons with disability, older people, and people with mental health issues often lack power within their families and communities, and autonomy in their own lives – and this feeds into the cycle of marginalization. Society often does not take into account the ways in which impairment is part of humanity. Instead, it views the effects of impairment as obstacles. This emanates from the interaction between personsShow MoreRelatedGender Marginalization5547 Words  | 23 Pages~ protection and integration. This limits their of opportunities and means for survival. The term has been defined in the following ways: 48 Peter Leonard defines m a r d i t y as, . ..being outside the mainstreamof productive activity andlor social reproductive activity. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Racial Discrimination During Mississippi History - 1159 Words
Throughout Mississippi history discrimination due to race has been very prevalent . Although racial discrimination has occurred all over Mississippi, throughout time extreme measures against blacks occurred early on in the delta. Within the delta, Sunflower country was an area of extreme discrimination and outright hate. White men and even women in Sunflower county and the surrounding areas always made a point to let African Americans know they were not welcome, but starting in the 1950s continuing into the 60s and 80s white community member used education as well as economic pressure to show African American they were not welcome. Early in the 1950s education in Mississippi was segregated. The Brown versus Board education decision caused complete panic in Mississippi due to the fact that it challenged everything Mississippi had ever known. Throughout the state opinions and reactions carried, but in Sunflower county the opinion of prominent whites were clear: Blacks would not be welcome in schools with their children. Two months after the Brown vs Board decision w as announced the first Indianola County Citizens Council was held. At this first meeting men of power met to discuss how they were going to stop blacks from organizing in their county. â€Å"Herman Moore, president of the Indianola Bank, open the convocation; â€Å"This meeting should have been held 30 years ago.. when it was noticeable that the Negro was organizing.†(Moye65) this statement set the tone for how a wholeShow MoreRelatedNative Guard Essay1541 Words  | 7 PagesSeptember 2011 Investigating the Impact of History on Modern Society within Natasha Trethewey’s Native Guard Rooted in the shadows of history, Native Guard by Natasha Trethewey intertwines personal and historical accounts to scrutinize the impact of the past on the present. Trethewey’s Native Guard is divided into three sections, which chronicle her mother’s life and death, the erased history of the Louisiana Native Guard, and Trethewey’s childhood in Mississippi. These di fferent stories amalgamate, andRead MoreEssay on Waiting Til the Midnight Hour1733 Words  | 7 PagesWaiting Til the Midnight Hour lays a treasure chest of information for anyone interested in Black or African American history, particularly the civil rights movement that took place during the 1950’s and 1960’s. I am a self-professed scholar of African American history and I found an amazing amount of information that I was not aware of. Like most who claim to be Black History experts, I was aware of the roles of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, W.E.B. Du Bois and Marcus Garvey. HoweverRead MoreAnne Moody s Coming Of Age1189 Words  | 5 PagesAnne Moody is the author of Coming of Age in Mississippi which was originally published in 1968. Anne Moody is a famous African American Mississippi author who was born in Wilkinson County, Mississippi on September 15, 1940. She was the eldest of nine children born to Fred and Elnire Moody. While growing up in Mi ssissippi, Moody attended a segregated school where she was an outstanding scholar. Moody cleaned houses in order to keep food on the table and clothes on her family members’ backs. In 1961Read MoreAnalysis Of James Miller s The Heart Of Movement Essay1513 Words  | 7 PagesStephanie Scull Millet conducted this interview on May 24th, 2000 in Mass Point, Mississippi. James Miller tells Stephanie what it was like to live and experience Jim Crow and the Civil Right Movement in the heart of movement, his home-- Mississippi. The purpose of this Narrative Analysis is to learn through a primary source, in this case James Miller, what life was like for African Americans during the time of Jim Crow segregation, and how the civil rights movement enacted change through his lifeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie The Long Walk Home 1307 Words  | 6 PagesThe Help is a drama filled movie that portrays inequality, and racial discrimination faced by African American woman, in which Ta te Taylor adapted from Kathryn Stockett’s novel and rewrote and directed in the year 2011. This film stereotypes the roles of African American women during this time in history and fails to focus on the crucial reality faced by black women as domestic workers. The Civil Rights movement was very effective for African Americans; however black women still are faced with theRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1206 Words  | 5 PagesAnne Moody’s, â€Å"Coming of Age in Mississippi†is an autobiography of hers that depicts the time of injustice, racial discrimination, oppression and the hardships African Americans dealt with during this time of inequality and how it led to Civil Rights Movement. Anne Moody’s overall life experience since her young age of 4, till her age of 24 of the movement, greatly shows the struggles of the time with uses on her emotional experiences and her analyzing skills of her time which did not fail to catchR ead MoreReviewing The Constitutionality Of The Voting Rights Act1283 Words  | 6 Pagesno longer applied to those certain nine states which were Alabama, Texas, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana and Virginia. (Excerpt from Shelby County, Ala. V. Holder) The Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder was unjust because it abolished Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act which protected minorities from voting discrimination in the South and caused a step back on the path to full equality because those nine states will go back to their waysRead MoreSummary Of Ghosts Of Ole Miss 1225 Words  | 5 PagesSwanberg Professor McCarthy Business Ethics 16 October 2015 Ghosts of Ole’ Miss Every higher institution of learning has their own set of myths and history. Some of them may be vaguely true and some may be highly influential. The history of the institution may have a negative effect on those who look to apply or be a part of the institution. The history of a place sets the epitome of future enrollees. Some of the ghosts that haunt any college may have an extremely negative impact on how they are viewedRead MoreThe Civil Right Movement Of The United States1712 Words  | 7 Pagesblacks during mid-20th century America, and children across the country learn the harsh reality of our nation’s history. Modern culture produces media to recreate these events in movies such as The Help, and Driving Miss Daisy. Although much of the media related segregation with the 1950’s and 1960’s, these decades were only a climax of the protests and civil movements during the time period. Not only segregation, racial inequality has also existed for hundreds of years- it is only during these specificRead MoreRace And Racial Inequality During The Civil Rights Of Everyone Has Improved Over The Last Few Decades1719 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"Racism[ˈrÄ ËÅ'sizÉ™m]prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one s own race is superior†. Race and racial inequality have strongly shaped American history from its beginning up until now . Americans like to think of the founding of the American colonies and, later, the United States, as driven by liberty and freedom .However, from the start America was founded on inequality which involved the absolute oppression for not only
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A Christmas Carol Analysis Essay Example For Students
A Christmas Carol Analysis Essay Examine in detail Dickens portrayal of the flaws in the Victorian education system in his novel Nicholas Nickleby. What were his aims in presenting Dotheboys Hall to his readers? To extent was he successful in achieving his aims? Charles Dickens was one of the most popular writers in the history of literature. He was born on the 7th February 1812 in Portsmouth. Dickens spent most of his childhood in London and in Kent, both which appear frequently in his novels. As a young man he went on to write many famous novels such as David Copperfield, A Christmas Carol and Nicholas Nickleby. Nicholas Nickleby was written and serialised between 1838 and 1839 it was then later published as a novel in 1839 and then again in 1848. The novel is about a man called Nicholas Nickleby who went to work as a young teacher at an all boys boarding school in Yorkshire set in early Victorian times. All his successes were shadowed by domestic unhappiness.Dickens relations with a young actress called Ellen Ternan led to his separation from his wife in 1858. Unfortunately a Stroke led to his death on the 9th June 1870 and he was buried in Westminster. The focus of the novel is about the adventures and mis-fortunes of Nicholas Nickleby. Dotheboys Hall is a boys boarding school set in Yorkshire. It is thought that it may be based on another school called Bowes Academy which was also set in Yorkshire. The school is ran by a man named Mr Wackford Squeers who is mindlessly cruel to the children. His wife also helps at the school and is just as callous as he. Mr Squeers aims to have total power over the children and to become very rich by stealing their money and possessions. Having read chapter eight the conditions are frightful and very unpleasant. One of the first happening that shows appalling conditions in the school, is that there is no water because the water pump has frozen. Be content with giving yourself a dry polish till we break the ice on the well, and can get a bucket full out for the boys. The boys cannot even have a wash or clean their teeth with clean water when they awoke in the morning. The main rooms are terrible; Nicholas Nickleby describes them as A bare and dirty room, with a couple of windows, whereof a tenth part might be of glass, the remainder being stopped up with old copy book and paper. By not even cleaning the rooms or fixing the windows shows how much he does not care for any of the children that attend his school. The walls were so stained an discoloured. Although Squeers has all the money gained from the children and their parents he cannot even make the building look attractive. The dirt and greyness makes the place very unwelcoming and haunting. Nicholas could not but observe the silence and sadness of all the boys in the school room. The awful conditions have a depressing effect on Nicholas Nickleby and he says That if death could have come upon him at that time, he would have been almost happy to meet it. The circumstances are so bad that I think even the children may consider running away or even suicide at some time during their time at Dotheboys Hall. Consequently all these monstrous conditions are down to one Mr Wackford Squeers. Mr Squeers is the headteacher of the school; he is one of the most repulsive and crafty characters in any of Dickens novels. For breakfast the boys are fed Brimstone and Treacle. The main reasons they are fed this is because it spoils their appetites and comes cheaper than a full breakfast and dinner. Mrs Squeers who helps serve the Brimstone and Treacle is just as cruel as her husband. The only difference is that he is very discreet and she is open and not scared to show her brutality. Mrs Squeers stands at one of the desks presiding over the immense basin of the concoction. She administers a large spoonful to each boy in succession, using for the purpose a common wooden spoon that widens everyones mouth considerably. If they did not take in the whole of the bowl at a gasp they were met by a beating. .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .postImageUrl , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:hover , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:visited , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:active { border:0!important; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:active , .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9 .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7b4e1a26706b9907165a64e31a95afb9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Immortal Hopes of Animal Farm EssayMr and Mrs Squeers do not care for the boys at all; all they are concerned about is gaining power and becoming rich. Their son who also attends Dotheboys Hall is treated very differently than the others, which is expected. When new children arrive Mr Squeers takes some of their belongings if he thinks they are useful for his own son. He himself is not well educated and pretends to himself and the pupils that he knows Latin and teachers the children the incorrect spellings. C-l-e-a-n, clean, verb active, to make bright, to scour. W-i-n, win, d-e-r, der, winder, a casement. When a boy knows this out of book, he goes and does it.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Psychology of the Superheroes
A hero is an individual who is brave and can struggle to achieve the best out of him especially in odd situations. As Fingeroth (14) observed, a hero is one who â€Å"rises above his or her limitations to achieve something extraordinary.†In addition, a superhero is one who is brave, has superhuman powers and ready to sacrifice his life in order to save some people or the whole community.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology of the Superheroes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The only difference between a hero and a superhero is perhaps the superhuman powers that heroes do not have. In most cases, the superheroes are portrayed as being immortal. He is distinguishable from villains who can be regarded as the evil counter-parts. They are also usually described as being lucky in most instances to an extent that despite their superhuman ability no ordinary man could be. In other cases, they can die and c ome back to life. Some of the superheroes were described to have been born that way. Others acquired their abilities from external sources like the sun while others were just ordinary looking people but with some unique characteristics (Levi para1). Therefore, the study of the tales of the Superheroes is essential to human beings today. The study of superheroes has been of interest to psychologists mainly due to the inspirational impacts it has on those in the neighborhood of the superhero. Often one would dream to be like this legend and would be interested in experimenting what it costs to be one. People find it more interesting if they could be associated with such heroes, and as such the superheroes act as role models in a society. The study emphasizes how individuals interpret their traumatic experiences, which is an area of interest to a psychologist (Rosenberg Para. 2). The superheroes help maintain the cultural values of the societies in which they are reflected in. All the superheroes in the ancient times reflect on the cultures of the societies that created them. In the ancient Greece, Heracles was a superhero who portrayed the Greek culture. He was a strong courageous person signifying a nation that could fight with and conquer another nation. His presence in the Olympian war against the giants would determine the winner. In the Greek history, he was the only man naturally born who became a god after his death. The other named superheroes like Achilles, Odysseus, Ajax, and many others are still being remembered by their struggle to conquer the city of Troy. Achilles and Hector were great superheroes associated with the Trojan War with Hector being on the opposing side. He led attacks against the Greek in fight for Troy. The continued use of such tales in the Greek literature thus helps motivate the young generation to be brave warriors thereby preserving the culture of the people.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This can though be achieved in real life since philosophers have postulated the developments experienced in the science were due to a man’s curiosity to try to adventure into something that was not possible before. The need to fly, just like the birds, was early read in the ancient myths. Later, its inspirational impact was seen when could find a way of managing the gravitational pull and go against it into the sky as do the birds. The tales of the superheroes also form an important part in the development of literature in the current literary world. Most anthologists find interesting to develop their works from the tales of the supernatural usually suitable for the young scholars. The literature work for the children helps the would-be future writers improve their writing abilities and skills. It also helps in giving the children a position in the society (Nakojalewa 3). For instance, the playwrights in Greek u sed the tales of Heracles where he was described as having a mixture of conflicting characters not easily seen in an individual. On one hand, he was described as a primitive and violent leader who would hold onto a grudge and seek revenge on the opponent however costly it would be. His poor decisions often landed him into problems. On the other hand, he was portrayed as a loving leader who gives all that is needed to save a friend in trouble. In such instances, he would endure the brutal punishments should he be in the hands of the opponents. Odysseus was another figure in the Greek history. As early as this ancient times, Odysseus, who was also a superhero, was portrayed as being intelligent enough and would give different false names when in the hands of the enemy. This would later save him in the hands of a king who had promised to it him last, having dealt with his allies. Odysseus had given his name as ‘Nobody’ and when he blinded the drunken king while asleep and other soldiers came for the king’s rescue, the king said ‘Nobody’ had hurt him and the soldiers went back. This was interesting in those olden times when most people were not known to be cunning in any way. How he died remains a debate with some saying he was killed and others saying he naturally died of old age. Beowulf was a Danish hero who opposed the introduction of Christianity back in the sixth century. Sir Gawain was a Latin warrior who was famous for his romance. He would support his uncle King Arthur regardless of the consequences. Therefore, it can be seen that most of the ancient superheroes manifested their powers during wars against their enemy nations. The same is slightly different from the modern superheroes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology of the Superheroes specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Just as in the olden times when the superheroes were seen as those who foug ht out bitterly usually for the benefit of the others, the modern day heroes are the people who help their nations in the liberation from some sort of oppression. The struggle for freedom from the colonial government seen way back in the eighteenth century in America saw the rise of some modern heroes. The scientists who have made discoveries in exploring the space are also heroes of the current times. Their ability to explore the space appears as a power beyond the human and thus qualifies the description. Various scholars like economists, mathematicians, and statisticians are viewed in the modern times as super heroes. The other groups that are considered in the modern society are those holding world records in whichever sector. This could be in the fields of sports like football or athletics, in the fields of academics or one who portrays a good leadership quality. We hereby observe some little difference of what people termed as being a superhero and what people see of the same in the current world. Currently, you do not need to sacrifice yourself to be termed a Superhero. Neither are you required to have extra powers beyond the human nature like immortality to qualify to be termed a hero. The difference that can be observed between the ancient superheroes and the modern superheroes is that in the ancient times, these people relied much on their strength and their ability to endure harsh treatment. The modern superheroes mostly use their intelligence to help solve the current problem or even to meet other human requirements like entertainment. This can be seen as a development on how superheroes are portrayed in the modern society over the ancient times. In fact, it has been observed that in the modern days, it does not require one to exhibit extraordinary quality and skills in order to influence the life of another person especially the children (Banks para1). They are in this case called mentors. In both the ancient and modern settings, the superheroes h appen to play the same role. In the ancient times, such tales injected into the minds of the youths the need and importance of being courageous in difficult situations. The inclusion of superheroes even in the current field of narrative is important in the general development of literature (Jennings 23). In this way, it helped preserve the community’s cultural heritage especially during this period when inter-tribal wars were the order of the day. Similarly, the superheroes in the modern world act as role models in the nations they hail from or even the world over.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One would always like to be named after a good leader like John Kennedy of the United States probably with a mind set that he would also be a good leader. It would please one to be named a Nobel Peace prizewinner following some positive global contribution. Being the best player of the year has given rise to several good footballers. Therefore, the role these legends play even today is worth being mentioned. Works Cited Banks, Sherry. â€Å"Mentors: Modern-day Superheroes.†The Huffington Post. 2010. Web. Fingeroth, Danny. Superman on the Couch: What superheroes really tell us about ourselves and our society. London: Continuum International Publishing Group. 2004. Web. Jennings, Jackson. Understanding Superheroes: Scholarship, superman, and the synthesis of an emerging criticism. Diss. University of Arkansas, Dissertations Theses. 2009. Web. Levi, Joe. â€Å"Modern Day Real life Superheroes.†Greener Living through Technology: How a Geek gets back to Basics. 2009. Web . Nakojalewa, Maria. â€Å"Theory, Post-theory and Aetonormative theory.†Neohelicon, Vol. 36, Iss. 1; p3. 2009. Web. Rosenberg, Robin. â€Å"The Psychology of the Superheroes: An Unauthorized Exploration.†Journal of Popular Culture, Vol. 42, No. 2. p. 389. 2009. This essay on Psychology of the Superheroes was written and submitted by user Addison J. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Nivea Visage Young Case
Nivea Visage Young Case Free Online Research Papers Introduction This case answer contains an analysis of the marketing mix in the product launch of Nivea Visage Young. The marketing mix is the combination of elements used by an organization to market their product and to meet the customers’ needs. We can also refer to the marketing mix as the four P’s: Product, Place, Price and Promotion, which in the right balance to each other work together to attain the aims and objectives of the organization. In order analysis this case properly, we have looked at how Nivea balance the four P’s trying to determine the strengths and weaknesses of this combination and consider potential threats. Finally, we have tried to come up with ways or possible solutions to strengthen the Nivea Visage Young brand, better satisfy the consumers and deal with competitors. Firstly we will start by understanding the origin of the Nivea Visage Brand, then analyzing the 4’Ps in the marketing mix and finally present some solutions for possible problems in the case and conclude it. Introducing the origin of the Nivea Visage Young brand Beiersdorf is a German company founded in 1882 with headquarters situated in Hamburg. It is manufacturing and selling international consumer goods worldwide and specializes in the evolution of personal health and beauty care. Nivea is the core brand of Beiersdorf and in 2008 the Nivea products contributed to approximately 86% of Beiersdorf Group’s total sales. It is one of the leading skin beauty care brands on the international market.The brand was launched in 1911 and was given the name NIVEA, that evolved from the Latin word â€Å"niveum or niveus†meaning snow, his imagination in association to the cream’s pure-white appearance. Nivea Visage Young is the most recent edition to the series of Facial care by Nivea. It includes several separate products making up a specialized skincare regime for young girls aged from 13-19 years old. The Nivea Visage Young range is mild and gentle and its objective is to leave the skin clean, fresh and without a shiny look. Product A product is anything that can be offered to the market to satisfy needs and wants. Product is the first and most important element of the marketing mix. Here, the name of the product is â€Å"Nivea Visage Young†. This has been re-launched in 2007 as Nivea visage Young and this product, aims to stimulate their target market to develop a proper skin care routine. This will help to keep their skin look healthy and beautiful since their early age. It is the most competitive advantage over competitors because is no other product in the market for this purpose. This products target market is not only the above teenage girls, but also mums who buy for their daughter. It is very essential to make a product that meets its target consumers needs and desires if not the product will be a failure. Consequently, the company may be at a greater risk and loose considerable amount of money in the investment, leading to a bad reputation for their brand. Beiersdorf used few approaches to ensure its Nivea Visage Young meet the expectations of their target segment of the market. It kept the parent brand as NIVEA, and used brand extending strategy to this new improved product range which is called â€Å"Nivea Visage Young†. Besides it had an advantage over competitors, as all the competitors were producing only medical products rather than beauty care products. They used market research to find a gap in the market, and then developed a product to fill it. It is very essential to take this type of market oriented approach in order to satisfy its target consumers need and desires. Besides it’s better to focus the product on the customers than offering customers a produce. It is important to have certain characteristics in the product to ensure that it meets the expectations of the target consumer group. Nivea Visage Young showed its concern about the consumer friendliness of this product by removing alcohol in some of the products and using natural ingredients such as sea shells and minerals. Furthermore, it has created a product in a social responsible way, by not testing it on animals. They show its concern about their target market and environment by changing some of the product elements such as reducing packaging and waste by using larger pack sizes and also recyclable plastic containers. All these ensure that Nivea Visage Young is in line with their corporate social responsibility. Pack design is a very important part in the product, because appearance is where customers get their first impression of a product, it is capable of turning the buyers wish to buy on or off. Nivea Visage Young has focus on this by introducing new modern pack design with flowers pattern and softer feminine colors to appeal their target market. It indicates that they are more focused on its market segment, who loves style and fashion. This product provides a unique bridge between teenage and adult market. We will introduce some possible solutions to use that advantage in order to optimize even more Nivea Visage Young brands name in the teenager market segment. Those recommendations can be found in a topic specifically elaborated for this matter, after further analyzing the 4 P’s. Place The Place in the product mix is known as distribution channels or sales points and can be defined as being an organized network of agencies and institution that together and of course through a business deal. It executes all the functions necessary to link the manufacturers to the final users in order to carry on their marketing strategies. Distribution in marketing also means make the product or service available to the customer in the most convenient form it can be acquired. The desired product, with a just price, must be accessible to the customer, it means, in a place where the customer can buy it at the desired moment. The company’s decision about the distributions channels directly affect other decisions in the company and also involve commitments in the long run. This would seem to indicate that choosing the right distributions channels can result in a greater differentiated advantage against the competitors, in its present and future situation in the market. Beiersdof is successfully achieving their goal to have its products as close as possible to consumers. It is happening due to their present decision in choosing the biggest retailers on the high street market. In addition they are also being cost effective, when they choose not to sell directly to smaller accounts, instead the wholesaler who buys their products in bulk is providing these services. Despite the Internet nowadays be a very effective method of purchasing a product, especially within the young costumers, Nivea has chosen to sell their products online only trough their retailers’ website in order to cut costs. A really important consideration is, avoiding high distributions costs and also choosing trusted and well established retailers from the high street market, is a very wise choice. A central question is whether it could also mean that, Nivea reliance on having its products only distributed through those big trusted retailers’ brands, could lead Nivea to a threatening situation. Although it is true that Nivea is a well known brand for its quality skincare products, especially Nivea Visage young leading the teenager marketing, the customers are getting more loyal to the retailers brands than the brands that are sold by them. Also retailers such Boots, Superdrug, Tesco and ASDA have high growing bargain power and are responsible altogether for 100% of Nivea sales in UK. Kotler highlight in his book that, when switching cost are low and exist potential substitutes for the product in the market and when buyers become more concentrated and organized, business can be under threat. In order to avoid those competitive forces the company must always develop superior offers that stronger buyers cannot refuse. Interestingly enough, the switching cost of a skincare product to another with similar quality such as Nutrics Garnier (L’Oreal Paris) or Clear Clean (Johnson Johnson ) is very small because the retailer just need the shelf space to display it to the costumers. Moreover retailers such as Boots and Superdrug’s is increasily competing with its suppliers; creating, developing and promoting its own brands of skincare, toiletry products and offering it with very competitive prices. A good example of what we are trying to explain is the â€Å"Brand issue†between Nivea and Boots published 2 weeks ago by the newspaper Marketing Magazine in UK. Nivea got very angry when they discovered that a Fashion program they are sponsoring on Channel 4, has as one of its task to create a new range of skincare for Boots named Boots â€Å"Gorgeous†. They expect to launch the product on Christmas where purchases are very high. It seems fairly clear that Nivea need to have more options of making its products available to their customers, than through the big high street retailers in order to avoid those threatening situation. We will also introduce some ideas about this matter soon, however, now we will keep analyzing the other P’s. Promotion Promotion means various aspects of marketing communication. This is used by an organization in order to inform the customers about their product and persuade them to buy it. There are two types of promotions. Which are described belo. Above the line are the promotions carried out by companies using mass media, such as TV and newspaper advertisements. These are directly paid for and can reach a large number of potential customers and usually are expensive. In the other hand, below the line promotion focuses on communicating its product message directly to the market, using all the unconventional marketing tools adopted by the firm. This can vary from events, trade fairs, branding, public relations and direct mail. Nivea Visage Young has decided not to use the above the line promotions. In fact, it uses only below the line promotional methods, because it believes that talking directly to its target segment of consumers is more effective than the â€Å"one way†communication using TV and press. It can be further explained when looking at the Nivea Visage Young event promotions around the world, where it tied-up with the affiliated NGO Rock Challenge 2007. This event was to promote awareness of healthier lifestyle choices among students. It was a professional staged event with three hundred and fifty pupils’s aged between 13 to 18 years from five different high schools in Dubi. Rock Challenge is a performing art event incorporating dance, drama and design which provides Dubai school students with an opportunity to express their creativity, talent and art. The challenge is about having fun and making healthy lifestyle choices. This enabled the company to get directly involved in their target teenage segment and work closer to them. Moreover, a company can get information and feedback from its target market while promoting their brand. This is a win-win situation with two way message communication and is a good example for consumer led promotional method adopted by the Nivea Visage young. They are a consumer-led company, meaning, its promotions are carried out by centralizing the customer. Nivea Visage Young promotional strategies are chosen to â€Å"reflect the life style of its audience†and the range of medias available. The market promotions are done in a more interactive and customer friendly manner. It communicates directly with its target teen and mums segment. This method is more market oriented than product oriented. Following are some Nivea Visage Young consumer led promotional routes. Product Samples This is its key part of their strategy, give free samples to customers. Thereby customers have the opportunity to try and experience the product without purchasing the product. These samples are available in websites, samples in stores or in goody bags given out at Visage road shows up and down the country. Nivea Visage Young interactive magazine -â€Å"FY1†. Their brand is promoted across the UK through a campaign based on an interactive online magazine FY1 (.FY1. means fun, young and independent). It focuses on first time experiences relating to Nivea Visage Young being there first skin care routine. It will give useful information for teens such as expert relationship advice, latest music, entertainment news and fashion. All of these will give the girls confidence and support they need to face for the new life experiences in the 21st century. By doing this Bierersdof attempts to develop a deeper connection between Nivea Visage Young and the target teenage girls segment. Once again Nivea takes its opportunity to build the personality of their brand. In addition Nivea Visage Young also recognizes the power of modern social networks sites for young teenager and also has pages on Myspace, Facebook and Bebo. It has promoted a Hit4UK chat show and the TMF digital TV chat show and the TMF digital TV all connected with their target market. Consequently we can say that consumer led promotion aims to make repeat purchases and keep customer loyal to the company in the long run. A survey carried out by the Readers Digest quotes that NIVEA which has been voted as one of the most trusted brand in 15 countries. However by not using above the line channels such as TV, Nivea may face a threat from its competitors. For example L’Oreal caters to their audience by advertising through TV commercials famous and influent celebrities. Despite Nivea Visage young has a differentiated product than their competitors, consumers tend to remember their competitors such as (L’Oreal), rather than Nivea because they advertise heavily in mass media. Further, this will affect the brand image of Nivea Visage Young. Furthermore Nivea also target mums who purchase the product for their daughters. Using only below the line promotions it’s slows down the process of gaining marketing share. In order to cater the mass audience and to generate sales profit they should consider in above the line promotions as well. It is important not only to identify the right promotional method but also to communicate it correctly to customer .If the firm gives wrong product information, then this would result in creating its own graveyard. This happened to the Nivea Visages anti aging cream. Advertising standard authority criticized and banned the advertisement for Nivea DNage Cell Renewal Day Cream because it was misleading. Nevertheless one of Nivea Visages sister brand, Nivea Visage Essentials began screening an advertising campaign on cinema screens countrywide for a six week period recently. Nivea Visage Young could also follow this promotional method as teenagers are more interested in cinema than adults. This will help to bring the brand across in fun and youthful way. Price Price is the amount of money, goods or service that should be given for a product or service in order to obtain it, when consumers buy a product they pay a price and expect to receive the benefits of it. The price is the only component of the marketing mix that generates revenue and is one of the key elements in determining the market share of a company and its profitability. Factors such as the cost of production, target market, company’s objective should be taken in to account when determining the price. Establishing the price of a product or service is not always a simple task. One must consider that, when properly placed, the price of a product can be a key factor to successful a marketing plan. Nivea Visage young probably had to look at many important considerations when decided the pricing strategy of this brand. The price suppose to be higher enough to provide profit to them, but also suppose not be so high in order to not discourage the purchase unless that the product was connected with status. Moreover it could not be too low to not generating in the costumer a felling that is something wrong with the product and depreciate the brands image. Nivea visage young target marketing purchase their products from high street shops or supermarkets while doing their groceries shopping. Consequently, we can say that charging a high price would mean loose marketing share to the competitor. Nivea Visage Young is the price leader in the segment of skincare beautifying needs for young age. A reason for this is that they were the ones that identified the lack of beautifying products for teens and created a product for it. This led the competitors to follow their prices or sometimes even lower it trying to gain marketing share. In order to Nivea maintain their share of marketing they need to adopt a flexible pricing strategy. A skimming price strategy was used in the last launch of â€Å"Nivea Visage Young†, when the price was slightly higher than the first launch in 2005. However, to not lose their market share to competitors that enter in the market at the â€Å"market growth†it means a launch of new competitor’s products, Nivea need a constant review of their price strategy. Interestingly enough to the retailers are given the freedom to use their own sales promotions such as loss leader where they will sell a product bellow the cost, just to gain market share from its competitors. In addition they give discounts and special offer for example. This would seem to indicate that customers would became being more loyal to the retailer, rather than to the Nivea Visage young and also if they keep lowering the price very often it could depreciate the brand image. Possible solutions to improve Nivea Visage Young brand and business. All the product characteristics mentioned that Beiersdorf that Nivea Visage young product met the expectations of its targeted teenage. However, by using its continuous market research, they should consider the necessary changes needed for the product, if teenage needs trends and demands changes often. Additionally, in order to grow Nivea Visage Young brand, it can consider entering to a new segment such as same age group teenage boys segment as they have not entered so far. The reliance of Beiersdorf on the high street shops and big retailers with high bargain power can also be a big treat to their business, to avoid it they should try also sell his products to low bargain power buyers such us beauty centers. Despite in a short term view it would mean increase of costs, in a long term view it would benefit both sides buyer and manufacturer. In one hand it would optimize even more Nivea brand in the skin care product market. Because the opinion of people specialized in skincare recommending the Nivea products would increase the loyalty to the brand. As a matter of fact most of the Nivea Visage Young purchase is made by the mothers when doing groceries shop, however those same mothers also go to beauty center and trust in the opinion of the professionals working there. Moreover that small account would also benefit of having a worldwide trusted skincare brand and Beiersdorf would have more power of bargain in the prices. The decision of Nivea Visage Young of going only in below-the-line promotion is a potential treat and we would suggest using young trusted celebrities in the actual media or even advertising in cinemas that is a common interest place between the young people and so Beiersdorf Nivea image brand would be thoroughly spread to their target market . A fifth P of People should also be added as a extra topping in the market mix cake given that all people that are directly or indirectly involved in the consumption of a service are important part of the marketing mix knowledge ,workers , employees, management and consumers often add a significant value to the total product . Conclusion On the whole we can say that balance is essential when trying to apply marketing mix to the launch of a product, if the company focus more and some P’s than others holes will start to show up in the business doesn’t matter how well they are doing at the present moment. Moreover they need to think outside of the box, because sometimes one more variable is need to balance and give the desired harmony to their aims and objective adding value to the firm in a long term perspective. We have learned that some decisions such as cutting costs, that may seem to be the best for the company interests at that present moment and also seeing as an opportunity for the management view, can become a future threat. Research Papers on Nivea Visage Young CaseMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaDefinition of Export QuotasRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Project Managment Office SystemThe Fifth HorsemanHip-Hop is Art
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Graduate Association in Sourcing and Procurement Essay
Graduate Association in Sourcing and Procurement - Essay Example Overall Improvement: The individual will also be responsible to ensure the overall improvements of the products and services and will need to work with other team heads to ensure that the needs of the stakeholders are met and adhered too. Â Products and Studios Management: Develop the funding plans for the company and ensure that the company receives higher levels of discounts minimum of 15% - 20% and pays lowered levels of interest on the funds, i.e. almost pay only 10%. Â Pricing and Price Management: Get all the costing and budgeting details and plan the prices keeping in mind the various possible changes in the environment and the changes in terms of choice. This can be based on the trends of the markets and the historical data. Â Overall Improvement: Ensure that the shareholders receive a higher rate of return on their investments. Currently, the company provides 10.3% on the return on equity (MSN Money, 2010). This can be increased to 12%. In terms of the employees make sure that the employees are paid based on their work and this will help keep a tab on the costs of the company as well. Â Rating the performance of an intern is highly strict and more focused and this rating is based on the hours worked. In the case of a traditional employee, the rating is based on the hours worked along with the initiatives and the overall interaction and contribution of the person to the company. The rating of the performance of a Disney employee is very different from that of any other industry as the processes and the working styles are very different and hence here in Disney the possible rating systems that might work may not work in other industries. Â
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Innovation in nursing IP phase 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Innovation in nursing IP phase 2 - Assignment Example Answers for Appendix A are: 1) 7, 2) 6, 3) 7, 4) 8, 5) 6, 6) 7, 8) 6, 9) 7, 10) 8, 11) 7, 12) 7, 13) 8, 14) 8, 15) 7, 16) 8, and 17) 8. After computing for the score, the mean for the exercise is 6.35. It is just a few points above half the scale. There is still room for improvements towards innovation in medical nursing care. The result may not be as impressive as initially expected but theoretical assessment does not literally translate to actual assessment which matters the most (Endsley, 2010). Strong points would be willingness to learn and open-mindedness. One would strongly consider those characteristics in a person who is working in the medical field as one would take in instructions from physicians. A single mistake into executing the instruction may put a patient’s life in jeopardy. Willingness to learn is somewhat associated with the fact that though one is knowledgeable in the field, there would be breakthroughs and changes which are needed to be executed. Learning, especially in the medical field, does not end upon graduation. There would be changes in the way medications would be administered to patients which are very crucial. Learning is not just the important thing at this aspect but also being properly informed. The two goes hand in hand. As for open-mindedness, there would be come a time that a nurse would be getting orders from interns and/or specialists who could be not just younger in age but also younger in exposure to the actual hospital or clini c. At this point, though the idea and concept of respect should always be present at a working environment, it is not always those who are employed longer who would get the final decision. This characteristic is truly crucial in the nursing world. As for weakness, one could point out lack of confidence and occasional stubbornness. Methods of expanding and enhancing innovations should be more inclined towards hand-on learning. It would give nurses
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Final Project Essay Example for Free
Final Project Essay To turnaround an unprofitable company, Joan imposed new management ideas despite her father’s business practices and culture. With her leadership, Joan will lead and motivate Invitations Inc. employees, and the company will become more profitable. This leadership void threatens Invitation’s Inc â€Å"sustainable pattern of customer focus and profitable growth†(Millikin 9). Invitations Inc. needs to continue the momentum and motivation to accomplish growth. Replacing Joan with as the new CEO by use of a search committee represents the obvious solution to the problem. However, this assumes a replacement could and would be Joan’s equal, including leadership and management style, vision, and knowledge. Garrett could allow Joan to transition the leadership role to a replacement of her choice, with approval of Invitations Board of Directors, after a mentoring and trial period. On the other hand, Invitations Inc. could negotiate with Garrett to extend Joan’s stay as CEO to ensure the status quo. This would allow Joan to continue her successful leadership and strategies, or run the company as CEO of Invitations Inc, while decreasing redundancies and increasing operating efficiencies. Analysis of the Alternatives Search committees often replace the traditional hiring of upper management and leadership. The committee must define present conditions and develop a consensus of criteria used in evaluating candidates, including the leadership qualities needed at this stage in the company’s revival plan. Next, the committee can identify, screen, and interview candidates. Afterwards, the committee can recommend candidates to the board for consideration and their eventual decision (Poston 1). Alternatively, if one exists, Invitations Inc. should implement their succession management plan. Evaluation criteria are critical to the search committee. To build consensus, the committee should examine the past and the present to understand the future. With her recent success and credibility, Joan might become a benchmark for the search committee. An examination of Joan would reveal her background and multicultural experiences, which have enabled her to embrace the cultur al differences between her dad and her. She fervently believes that â€Å"cultural conflict, if paced and channeled correctly, could provide opportunity for rapid innovation†. In hindsight, as the case suggests, Joan recognized the primary need to focus on corporate culture without passing judgment, recognizing its pros and cons. As an example, Joan confronted her dads method of performance evaluations and employee advancement. In US, factors like age, education level, and years of service to an organization determine career advancement. Except for those whose actions reflect poorly on the group and its members, seniority is the key factor for recognition and promotion. This paradigm often resulted in delays to the decision making process in an effort to achieve consensus,†thereby impeding the company’s decision-making (Millikin 3). To address these corporate cultural issues, Joan successfully balanced eastern collectivism and teamwork with western individualism. First, to develop a trust with employees, Joan displayed her strong interpersonal skills; she was the first manager to walk around the entire company and meet every employee in perso n (Millikin 5). Next, she developed systems for employee opinions and recommendations instead of hiring outside consultants. She also exposed managers to unfamiliar cultures, different areas of the business outside their boundaries, and more information through transparency and cross-functional teams. Nevertheless, she demanded personal commitment within the team environment by demanding accurate work, playing off the strength uncertainty avoidance (Millikin 8) Joan felt could use adjustment is the extent to which the people focus on the past, present, or future. Joan recognized that Invitations Inc. employees did not have a sense of urgency about the future, a potential bankruptcy. It makes sense for employees not to worry about such financial matters when the government bails out large employers. Thus, after careful detailed analysis, Joan recognized management did not have a vision for employees to follow. Therefore, he developed a long-term plan focusing on profit and listening to the customer. By mixing the cultural norms, Joan capitalized on the strength of the Invitations Inc. employee. As a leader, she understood cultural behaviors while appreciating their differences. Her cultural sensitivity coupled with her people skills helped turnaround the company. These skills and decision-making ability are not mutually exclusive to Joan’s normative decision model, which assumes decision-making styles are learnable. Therefore and a possible near-identical substitute could exist. One major problem with search committees are the significant amount of time and effort necessary by the members, who are often upper management, might produce less than ideal candidates (Poston 1). Although best practices exist for search committee, Joan’s replacement might not harmonize with the company. The replacement might undue the corporate cultural changes under Joan, reverting to old habits, or tip the balance of cultures too far in the other direction. According to the case’s timeline, Joan would continue as CEO of Invitations Inc. for as long as needed. This could be time spent by Joan to mentor a successor of her choice. Joan should follow the succession management system, if one exists, to find the future leader for the company. If such a system does not exist, Joan will need to follow a similar process to that of a selection committee: identify, screen, and interview candidates, and make the recommendation of a candidate to the Board of Directors. There must be full confidence and trust in Joan’s decision by the board and the company, and in return, Joan needs to be fair and as objective as possible, using the same criteria and documenting all steps during the selection process. During her time with the company, Joan stablished relationships with other managers and leaders, some of high-quality, some of low-quality. According to the Leader-Member Exchange model, â€Å"those followers with high-quality relationships are in the in-group (Nahavandi 87). Applying this model would assume Joan’s in-group enjoyed her attention, support, confidence, respect, and more favorable job performance ratings, often leading to promotions. Remember, Joan moved away from the cultural norm of the seniority promo tional system to a pay for performance system. Moreover, Joan might know those in the in-group intimately from non-work related social networks. Since she developed employee-based programs to eliminate the hiring of consultants, using the in-group as a pool of replacement candidates seems the most logical. However, should Joan feel her option, the entire company, are not suitable, she could use this time to search outside of the company, maybe her personal in-group. As part of Joan’s selection criteria will be support for her change management principles, including establishing cross-functional teams to address silos; focusing on key basic metrics of quality, cost, and customer satisfaction; ensuring transparency and communications that connect all levels of employees across the company. Additionally, Joan believes the CEO should align employees with company goals and strategies through the leader’s vision, which initially would be the revitalization plan established by Joan. Once Joan chooses her successor, she can personally groom and mold this individual. However, as Fiedler and his Contingency Model suggest, leadership effectiveness is a function of the match between a leader’s style and the leadership situation (Nahavandi 70). Essentially, Fielder proposes the leader cannot change his style but can change the situation. As such, unless Joan wants significant change within the company, she should not tolerate candidates lacking the core values necessary to meet leadership needs, like respect for employee buy-in. LEADERSHIP VERSUS MANAGEMENT From these definitions, it should be clear that leadership and management are related, but they are not the same. A person can be a manager, a leader, both, or neither. In the company, there are many different activities, the manager and leader would have different function in the activities. On create an agenda, the manager needs to planning and budgeting. The manager establishes detailed steps and timetables for achieving needed results. The manager needs to allocate the resources necessary to make those needed result happen. The leader needs to establish the direction. The leader develops a vision of the future, often the distant future, and strategies for producing the changes needed to achieve that vision. On develop a human network for achieving the agenda, the manager needs to organizing and staffing. The manager establishes some structure for accomplishing plan requirements, staffing that structure with individuals, delegating responsibility and authority for carrying out the plan, providing policies and procedures to help guide people, and creating methods or systems to monitor implementation. The leader needs to align the people. The leader communicates the direction by words and deeds to all those whose cooperation may be needed to influence the creation of teams and coalitions that understand the vision and strategies and accept their validity. On executing plans, the manger needs to control and solve the problem. The manager needs to monitor the results vs. plan in some detail, identifying deviations, and then planning and organizing to solve these problems. The leader needs to motivating and inspiring. The leader needs to energize people to overcome major political, bureaucratic, and resource barriers to change by satisfying very basic, but often unfulfilled, human needs. On outcomes, the manager needs to produces a degree of predictability and order and has the potential to consistently produce major results expected by various stakeholders. The leader needs to produces change, often to a dramatic degree, and has the potential to produce extremely useful change. Joan and her father will need to establish a knowledge of the above to strengthen their relationship. Works Cited Face Value: The $10 Billion Man. The Economist World News, Politics, Economics, Business Finance. The Economist Newspaper Ltd, 24 Feb. 2005. Fonda, Daren. CARLOS GHOSN, RENAULT: He Did So Well, Lets Give Him Two CEO Jobs TIME. Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews. Time, 1 Dec. 2003. Moffett, Sebastian, and Mike Ramsey. Renault CEOs Image Takes Hit. MarketWatch. Wall Street Journal, 12 Apr. 2011. Millikin, John P. The Global Leadership of Carlos Joanat Nissan. Publication no. A07-03-0014. Thunderbird, 2003. Muller, Joann. The Impatient Mr. Joan- Information for the Worlds Business Leaders. Forbes, 22 May 2006. Nahavandi, Afsaneh. The Art and Science of Leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. Poston, Muriel E. AAUP: Presidential Search Committee Checklist. American Association of University Professors.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Jane Goodall :: essays papers
Jane Goodall Jane Goodall is one of the world’s most admired women, acclaimed scientist, and conservationist ( The work that she does is called ethology, which is the study of animal behavior. Such a successful woman has numerous admirable qualities. She has contributed greatly to society as well as to the animal kingdom. Her research paved the way for countless primate studies, and has changed the way many people view chimpanzees. Trying to narrow down only three admirable qualities about her is difficult, since she has so many. To me, her most admirable qualities are her patience and persistence to understand animals, her research involving chimpanzees, and her contributions she has made to the world by establishing various institutions. Studying chimpanzees is not an easy task. Subsequently, Jane Goodall made it look as simple as doing everyday activities. When she started the research, the chimpanzees fled from her in fear. It took many months for her to get close to them. With patience and persistence, she searched the forest everyday, deliberately trying not to get too close to them. Everyday she did this for many months. On some days Jane would observe the chimpanzees through binoculars from a peak overlooking the forest, just so she wouldn’t disturb their natural behavior. Gradually over a long period of time the chimpanzees became accustomed to her. At this time, she would be able to move up to them and just sit there and study them. She believed that this was her breakthrough in her research. Jane tells us â€Å"I must find a way to watch free, wild animals living their own, undisturbed lives. I wanted to learn things that no one else knew, uncover secrets through patient observation. I wanted to co me as close to talking to animals as I could (†To be able to have such patience and persistence is remarkable. Jane’s scientific discoveries have laid the foundation for all future primate studies. Her interest was studying the chimpanzees to gain insight into humans’ evolutionary past. Her observations have changed the way researchers and everyday individuals view chimpanzees. Jane had observed chimpanzees making and using tools for different reasons, such as using straws for extracting termites from nests. Her studies have showed many similarities between humans and chimpanzees, this discovery had amazed the world. The longer her research continued, the more it became obvious how like people chimpanzees really are. Some people believed that her research would last only a few months, however it has become the longest field study on any animal species in their natural surroundings (www.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Native Americans and Early American Colonists
Native American and Early American Colonists Grade school and even beginning level college history classes have taught early American exploration from a largely one sided view of the conflict between early explorers and Native Americans. The traditional image of the Native Americans as the sole victims, is an oversimplification of the conflict that existed between early explorers, settlers and Native Americans. Through the readings from Columbus, Bradford and some selected Native American writings, the traditional view of the Native American victim will be challenged and a broader view of the conflict will be presented.Columbus set out to explore a new land under the Spanish flag to bring riches and fame to Spain and the throne. In his letter to Santangel, Columbus (1493) explained how he hoped to find â€Å"great cities†and â€Å"king[s]†but instead found a primitive people and settlements he described as â€Å"small hamlets†that he viewed quite devolved from the bustling civilizations of Europe (pg. 26). One can clearly see, that Columbus’s hopes of finding rich kingdoms and cultures were dashed; instead his presence was met with resistance from the â€Å"Indians†.This relationship with the natives was described by Baym et. all (2008) as â€Å"disordered and bloody†(pg. 25). These natives were mistreated even though one could argue that they â€Å"threw the first punch†but, as Baym et. all (2008) describes earlier in the chapter, the Natives were not merely victims. They strategically used alliances with explorers and settlers to further their own interests and disputes with warring tribes and peoples. William Bradford (1897) describes quite a different account of his coming to the new world. He was part of a group of â€Å"pilgrims†seeking religious freedom.He likens their arrival to the new world, to the story in Acts were the apostles are met with such aggression from barbarians â€Å"who were readier to fill their sides full of arrows†(pg. 60). Later on in his account, he describes an attack they received from the natives he described as â€Å"enemies†(pg. 64). Later on in his account, Bradford (1897) describes some awful events surrounding early accounts of settler and native interactions in which the Native Americans treated the english as â€Å"worse than slaves†and were sent around and â€Å"ma[d]e sport with†(pg. 70).One last important viewpoint to give credence to is that of the Natives themselves. This account is unique and oftentimes not told. The first story mentioned is that of the freeing of John Smith as a ceremonial act that the natives hoped would earn them respect from the English. This instead had the opposite effect and eventually brought about an attack from the natives which killed over 500 colonists. In a speech from Pontiac (1763) he expresses concern over his people forgetting their heritage and blaming the English for the polluting of his people’s culture and beliefs.He holds the English in complete responsibility and calls for their blood. The traditional view of the natives as the sole victim is an oversimplification of the problems revolving around immigration and cultural diversity. Just from these three personal accounts from the time period we have three very different views of the issue. So, to say that one peoples are the victim is a gross oversimplification and misrepresentation of history. Columbus, C. (1493). Letter to Luis de Santagel Regarding the First Voyage. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. pp. 24-28). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Bradford, W. (1897). Of Plymouth Plantation. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 57-74). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Pontiac (1763). Speech at Detroit. In Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 208-209). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Baym, N. (Ed. ). (2008). The Norton Anthology of American Literature (seventh ed. , pp. 1-218). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Dummies Guide For A Small Business - 2645 Words
DUMMIES GUIDE Cybersecurity Ryland M. Trogdon 4/24/2015 Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 3 Initiation 3 Frequency 4 Current Situation 4 Casual Analysis 4 Essential Walkthrough 6 Prerequisites 6 Walkthrough 7 Assurance by Insurance 10 Resolutions 11 Possible Solutions 11 Longitude and Latitude 13 Scope 13 Conclusion 13 Abstract The purpose of his proposal is to provide inquiry and identify the best way to implement fundamental plans to individuals who wish to build and run a small business in addition to the lack of information they may bear on the importance and sustainability of protecting their networks and data against cyber-attacks. Figure 1: Map Display of international cyber-attacks. Introduction In recent years, Cybercrime has increased radically and it is becoming more vital for people to grant protection on their computers and data just as they do with anything else they deem needs to be secured. The improved rate for the need of security also applies to conceptual institutes of small businesses. Small businesses keep record of client, personal, product, and explicit company finance information and data. With this wealth of information and the increase in cybercrime, small businesses need an effective solution to defend their computer systems and data from cyber-attackers. Small business computer and data security is an imperative dispute that needs to be resolved. Research is a considerable necessity to ascertain what small businessShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Start A Successful Business1170 Words  | 5 Pages12/11/14 How to Start a Successful Business Have you ever thought about starting a business? Millions of Americans do. This is your guide on how to begin. Through the implementation of a business plan along with thorough market research, you will gain the sustainability needed to begin a business. 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