Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Black Cat Essays - Fiction With Unreliable Narrators
The Black Cat The Black Cat Essay The Romantic period has numerous characteristics that help to distinguish it from other literary periods. A large majority of the pieces found in this period have at least one of the distinctive elements. Edgar Allan Poe uses a few of these elements to put a time frame on his short story, The Black Cat. Poe begins his short story by saying that For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. A big characteristic of Romanticism is a willing suspension of disbelief. It is never even thought that the plot to the story would be taken as being true, but rather as a made up story to get the attention of the reader. This also allows the reader to imagine if such a case were to actually occur. Each word that is read is meant to be doubted, and thought of as being absolutely bizarre, and with each new twist more doubt is created. Escapism, another key factor in Romanticism, is seen throughout the short story. The m ain character, who is never specifically identified, is running from his life by drinking alcohol. The alcohol eventually leads to the destruction of the first black cat, Pluto. The man felt the need to escape from Pluto even though the animal was one of his most beloved pets. His wife and the second cat are being run from merely for the disturbing conscious that they provide for him. Bizarre and unusual plots are often found in the Romantic period, and Poe does not hold back in his efforts. To deliberately cut the cats eye out of its socket is both bizarre and unusual regardless of being intoxicated or not. Even further, to hang the cat by a noose is ranked borderline for insanity. But the most abnormal act is that of getting rid of your wife by creating a tomb in the walls of your home would definitely be insane. Such acts are used in this literary piece to illustrate clearly that many factors weigh in to the different writing periods. The Romantic period, known for such elements as improbable plots and unlikely characters, is an important era in literature. Poe used a very unusual plot to create a vivid image of what the Romantic period truly was, and his work will be looked at for years to come English Essays
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Profile of Serial Killer and Rapist Henry Louis Wallace
Profile of Serial Killer and Rapist Henry Louis Wallace Serial killer Henry Louis Wallace killing spree began in 1990 with the murder of Tashonda Bethea in his hometown of Barnwell, South Carolina. He went on to rape and murder nine women in Charlotte, North Carolina between 1992 and 1994. He was arrested on March 13, 1994. After a subsequent trial and conviction, Wallace (a.k.a. The Taco Bell Strangler) was given death penalty on nine counts and is awaiting the sentence to be carried out. Early Life Henry Louis Wallace was born on November 4, 1965, in Barnwell, South Carolina, to Lottie Mae Wallace, a single mother. The home Wallace shared with his older sister (by three years), his mother, and his great-grandmother had no plumbing or electricity. Wallaces mother was a strict disciplinarian who had little patience for her young son. She did not get along with her mother, either, and the two argued constantly. Despite the fact that Lottie worked long hours at a full-time job in a textile mill, the family had very little money. As Wallace outgrew out his clothing, he was given his sisters hand-me-downs to wear. When Lottie felt the children needed to be disciplined, and she was too tired to do it herself, shed often make Wallace and his sister get a switch from the yard and whip each other. High School and College Despite his volatile home life, Wallace was popular at Barnwell High School. He was on the student council and. His mother would not allow him to play football, so he became a cheerleader instead. Wallace enjoyed high school and the positive feedback he received from other students, but academically his performance was less than stellar. After graduating in 1983, he attended one semester at South Carolina State College and one semester at a technical college. At the time, Wallace worked part-time as a disc jockey, which he preferred to college. Unfortunately, his radio career was short-lived. He was fired after he was caught stealing CDs. Navy, Marriage And a Downward Spiral With nothing holding him in Barnwell, Wallace joined U.S. Naval Reserve. From all reports, he did what he was told to do and he did it well. In 1985, he married high school classmate, Maretta Brabham. In addition to becoming a husband, he also took on the role of stepfather to Brabhams daughter. Not long after he was married, Wallace began using drugs- and his drug of choice was crack cocaine. To pay for the narcotics, he began burglarizing homes and businesses. While stationed in Washington, he was served with burglary warrants for crimes in the Seattle metro area. In January 1988, he was arrested for breaking into a hardware store, and later plead guilty to a charge of second-degree burglary. The judge sentenced him to two years of supervised probation but according to his probation officer, Wallace blew off most of the mandatory meetings. In February 1991, Wallace broke into his old high school and the radio station where he once worked. He stole video and recording equipment and was caught trying to pawn them. In 1992, he was arrested for breaking and entering. Due to his near-perfect service record, Wallace managed to get an Honorable Discharge from the Navy when his criminal activity came to light, but he was sent on his way. Shortly thereafter, his wife him. In November of that year, he relocated to Charlotte, North Carolina where he found work at several fast-food restaurants. Wallace's Murder Time Line In early 1990, Wallace murdered Tashonda Bethea in his hometown of Barnwell, and then dumped her body in a lake. Her corpse was not discovered until weeks later. Wallace was questioned by the police regarding her disappearance but was never formally charged in her murder. He was also questioned in connection with the attempted rape of a 16-year-old Barnwell girl, but again, was not charged.In May 1992, Wallace picked up Sharon Nance, a convicted drug dealer and known prostitute. When she demanded payment for her services, Wallace beat her to death, then dropped her body by the railroad tracks. She was found a few days later.In June 1992, he raped and strangled Caroline Love at her apartment, then dumped her body in a wooded area. Love was a friend of Wallaces girlfriend. After he killed her, he and her sister filed a missing persons report at the police station. It would be almost two years (March 1994) before her body was discovered.On February 19, 1993, Wallace strangled Shawna Haw k at her home after first having sex with her and later went to her funeral. Hawk worked at Taco Bell, where Wallace was her supervisor. In March 1993, Hawks mother, Dee Sumpter, and her godmother Judy Williams founded Mothers of Murdered Offspring, a Charlotte-based support group for parents of murdered children.On June 22, he raped and strangled coworker Audrey Spain. Her body was found two days later.On August 10, 1993, Wallace raped and strangled Valencia M. Jumper- a friend of his sister- then set her on fire to cover up his crime. A few days after her murder, he and his sister went to Valencias funeral.A month later, in September 1993, he went to the apartment of Michelle Stinson, a struggling college student and single mother of two sons. Stinson was a friend of his from Taco Bell. He raped her and then, sometime later, strangled and stabbed her in front of her eldest son.On February 4, 1994, Wallace was arrested for shoplifting, but police had not made a connection between h im and the murders. On February 20, 1994, Wallace strangled Vanessa Little Mack, another Taco Bell employee, in her apartment. Mack had two daughters, aged 7 and 4 months at the time of her death.On March 8, 1994, Wallace robbed and strangled Betty Jean Baucom. Baucom and Wallaces girlfriend were co-workers. Afterward, he took valuables from the house and left the apartment, taking her car. He pawned everything except the car, which he left at a shopping center.Wallace went back to the same apartment complex on the night of March 8, 1994, knowing that a man named Berness Woods would be at work and would have access to Woods girlfriend, Brandi June Henderson. Wallace raped Henderson while she held her baby, and then strangled her. He also strangled her son, but the boy survived. Afterward, Wallace took some valuables from the apartment and left.The police beefed up patrols in east Charlotte after two bodies of young black women were found at The Lake apartment complex. Even so, Walla ce sneaked through to rob and strangle Deborah Ann Slaughter, who had been a co-worker of his girlfriend, and stabbed her 38 times in the stomach and chest. Her body was found on March 12, 1994. Arrest, Trial, and Aftermath Wallace was arrested on March 13, 1994. For 12 hours, he confessed to the murders of 10 women in Charlotte. He described in detail the womens appearances; how hed raped, robbed, and killed them; and spoke about his crack addiction. Over the next two years, Wallaces trial was delayed due to the choice of venue, DNA evidence from murdered victims, and jury selection. Proceedings began in September 1996. On January 7, 1997, Wallace was found guilty of nine murders. On January 29, he was sentenced to nine death sentences. On June 5, 1998, Wallace married a former prison nurse, Rebecca Torrijas, in a ceremony that was held next to the execution chamber where he has been sentenced to die. Since his conviction, Wallace has made several appeals in an attempt to overturn his death sentences. He stated that his confessions had been coerced and his Constitutional rights had been violated. In 2000, North Carolina’s Supreme Court upheld the death sentences. His appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was denied in 2001, and in 2005, Superior Court Judge Charles Lamm rejected a further appeal to overturn Wallace’s convictions and nine death sentences.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Effect on Sales of Digital Music Through Legal and Illegal Research Paper
The Effect on Sales of Digital Music Through Legal and Illegal Distribution Channels - Research Paper Example Now as market leaders, it is essential for Apple iTunes to understand the negative factors causing this downslide of revenue due to losing of market share and how to counter the negative forces with its strategies to increase profitability. 3. Research Structure Initially this research paper will categorize the online music distribution channels similar to the iTunes business model. It will help to demonstrate the functioning of the online distribution channels and gain familiarity with their marketing techniques and strategies. It will also help to analyze the impact of other music distribution channels on the digital music distribution i.e. both legal and illegal distribution channels to be considered. This study will also help to establish a relation between pirated online distribution channels and its effect on the legal distributors like Sony Entertainment, iTunes, etc. Furthermore the outcome and analysis of the study will help to recommend and suggest marketing strategies so t hat the legal music distributors can avail measures to generate higher revenues in this prevailing market conditions. II. Aims and objectives 1. Aims The aim of the research is to analyze the impact of piracy on the legal music distribution channels and recommending steps for the crisis resolution. 2. Objectives To evaluate the functioning of the online music distribution system using iTunes. To analyze the difference in distribution methods between legal online providers and legal hard copy CD and DVD providers. To evaluate the extent to which music piracy effect legal distribution of online music. To find whether piracy initiated the emergence of online music distributors like iTunes. To define the user types for both legal and illegal music distribution... This research paper will categorize the online music distribution channels similar to the iTunes business model. It will help to demonstrate the functioning of the online distribution channels and gain familiarity with their marketing techniques and strategies. It will also help to analyze the impact of other music distribution channels on the digital music distribution i.e. both legal and illegal distribution channels to be considered. This study will also help to establish a relation between pirated online distribution channels and its effect on the legal distributors like Sony Entertainment, iTunes, etc. Furthermore the outcome and analysis of the study will help to recommend and suggest marketing strategies so that the legal music distributors can avail measures to generate higher revenues in this prevailing market conditions. This report makes a conclusion that there are many advantages like easy availability of data and saving of cost, time and effort etc. but a secondary researcher needs awareness about the limitations of the methodology. It is so because information and data may not be accurate if they are not collected from reliable and reputed source. This will been addressed in this research. Data always must be cross checked by comparing data from other reliable sources as an out of date or wrong data may lead to findings which may not have parity with the real scenario. Another demerit of secondary data is the sales reports and database provided by them are of existing customers. So these are some limitations mostly faced during the secondary research study.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Virtual Tour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Virtual Tour - Essay Example French Baroque did not follow the same deigns as did its Italian counterparts. This was evident when Louis XIV held the opinion that the Baroque as it was practiced in Italy was not in French taste. He proved it by rejected Bernini's famous proposal for redesigning the Louvre. Thus, the Palace of Versailles proves to be an ardent display of this new classicism which seeped into the traditional Baroque form. It began construction under Louis XIV who aimed to use propaganda and art to glorify the French. The Marble Court, Garden Faà §ade and Hamlet of Marie Antoinette are just a few building that followed this kind of architecture under Louis XIV’s rule. Versailles was chosen as the fixed housing of the sovereign kings in 1682, two years after its completion. It began an ardent display of Baroque architecture which represented a world of civilization and pleasure. A magnificent Hall of Mirrors reflects this form of Baroque art as it allowed the king to bestow his power. Coupled with this were various salons. Amongst them was the Salon of Hercules which was decorated with beautiful ceiling fresco paintings. The Salon of Abundance was similar in its design as a Baroque piece of architecture. This classical form of architecture was further complemented by the construction of extensive gardens which surrounded the area. The Hampton Court in England plays its role as a palace for King Henry the VIII. However, at the end of his reign he was replaced by various Kings and Queens who continued to live. in his lavish apartments. It was during the reign of William and Mary that Sir Christopher Wren was given a commission to redesign the lavish palace. He rebuilt them using a beautiful Baroque style which is prevalent even today. The work done by Sir Wren is evident in the East Front and South Front of the Court. The magnificent East and South fronts were constructed in red brick with Portland stone carvings. The structure's forms were intended to rival Louis XIV's r ebuilding of Versailles. This building too possesses displays of strength and power to glorify the force of England. Similar to the Versailles it has a great stone centre piece, the focal point for the design of the East Front. This is surmounted by a massive pediment containing Caius Gabriel Cibber's relief of Hercules triumphing over Envy. Along with
Monday, November 18, 2019
Impact of London Olympics 2012 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Impact of London Olympics 2012 - Essay Example The 2012 Olympics will give a fillip to the London economy, and it is a major opportunity for all organizations in the metropolis. Stadiums, swimming pools, courts, residential accommodation for athletes, officials and for spectators spring first to mind when most people think of the economic fall-out of a city being chosen for the Olympics. Physical assets have limits in reality, for returns cannot be achieved without qualified, skilled, experienced and motivated teams of people. The 2012 Olympics is a challenge for Human Resources Management, as much as it is a chance for civil engineers and architects to get busy! The Olympics represent an acute opportunity that comes to a city for about a week like a comet, once in decades! It nears years of careful preparation, with a full agenda for Personnel departments. Every function tends to inflate its own importance, but even those who are not full-time professionals from the Human Resources field will agree that finding and retaining people of the right caliber is going to be a major obstacle to be overcome, for any London institution to reap the rewards of their h ome city being selected for the 2012 Olympics. This document attempts to develop some key policies for a chosen London organization, so that it prepares for this major world event. Every metropolis has an aquarium, and London is not lacking in this respect. The London Aquarium has an especially spectacular collection, and a central location that puts it in the path of major tour operators and individual tourists alike. It has certain appeal for all the people who will come to London to watch some part of the Olympics. The 2012 event promises to be a chance for the London Aquarium to experience a surge in revenues if it is able to gear up for the flood of visitors who will descend on London from all corners of the globe. Young people from parts of the United Kingdom other than London itself will be amongst the most prized
Friday, November 15, 2019
Five issues of the bmw
Five issues of the bmw The Bavarian Motor Industry Background Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) was founded in 1916 by Franz Josef Popp in Munich, Germany and it was mainly producing aircraft engines. The circular blue and white BMW logo or roundel is portrayed by BMW as the movement of an aircraft propeller, to signify the white blades cutting through the blue sky. The first aircaraft engine BMW produced was IIIa inline-six liquid-cooled engine in 1918 and it was prefered for its high-altitude performance. With German rearmament in the 1930s, the company again began producing aircraft engines for the Luftwaffe. Among its successful WWII engine designs were the BMW 132 and BMW 801 air-cooled radial engines, and the pioneering BMW 003 axial-flow turbojet, which powered the tiny, 1944-45-era jet-powered emergency fighter, the Heinkel He 162 Salamander. When WWI ended BMW was forced to stop producing aircraft engines by the terms of the Versailles Armistice Treaty. The company consequently shifted to motorcycle production in 1923 once the restrictions of the treaty started to be lifted where the motorcycles produced where able to brake speed records and win many races. In 1928-29 BMW started the production of cars where until today its production is being driven by the passion of a luxury sports car and inovative technology. Implimeantation Of The Five Topics New technology. New technology is very importand to multinationas companies in order to comunicta and share information. The issue here is the New Technology†¦ implementing it integrating with the existing ones The second issue is the Organisational Changes Requirements†¦ the difficulty in balancing change in Corporate Culture Organisational Structure. Security/threats. In large intustries and especially in the automotive intustry importand is to be able to secure all the vital inforamtion from industrial espionage, hackers or trespassers. The issue here is How important is IT security to management The secont is What are the impacts of IT security breaches? Ethic/social issues. In todays enteprisec a lot of importance has been given into the ethics of a company and it has great importance fot the companies image and the way the company oparates. The issue here is the use of electronic surveillance The second is Ethical Issues E-commerce and its issues. Nowadays a lot of corporate giants are using business intelligence and data mining systems in order to have a better view of what the customer prefers and be able t attract more customers. The issue here is the Data security ethics The second issue is Privacy Global MIS/risks. A lot of big companies expand to other countries in order to find new markets or cheaper workforce. The issue here is Consider Partners Collaboration -expertise, funds, etc Partner and supplier relationship management Varaiable Option Conidered For BMW New Technologies The implementation and integration of new technologies is very importand in the level of compatibility with the previous hard ware systems or software systems. In order to have a Continuous flow of information between all the countries BMW is established we need to check the technological and legal barriers of each country before continuing in the implementation of new technologies. The Organisational Changes Requirements†¦ the difficulty in balancing change in Corporate Culture Organisational Structure. In big complex organisations such as BMW the imports of new technologies might disrupt the current infrastructure and that because new computer software may vanquish the need of a customer support canter because everything can be atomically through internet. Security/Threats The issue here is How important is IT security to management. In the automotive industry its important to be able to keep vital documents of the company or prototypes of designs safe from industrial espionage or malicious hackers. The way for this to be done is through with Communications (networks) controls, firewalls or encryption programs. The secont is What are the impacts of IT security breaches? The impacts of security breach in any organisation can be disastrous in terms of industrial espionage or malicious phishing programs acquiring information about members of the organisation or employs in order to use their information for internet fraud. A catastrophic breach can be easily avoided with firewalls and separate back up drives. Ethic/Social Issues The issue here is the use of electronic surveillance. BMW uses electronic surveillance in order to be protected from bad employs or spies. In this case through agrremnts made with the government in companies owned building BMW has the right to have an electronic surveillance system but must have a sing informing the persons entering the buildings about the cctv. The second is Ethical Issues. BMW as multinational company known thought out the world is also directed by its image in ethical issues. Since BMW has a fun club in the internet it is obliged by the law and for ethical issues to have the information of the members strictly confidential and not be exploited for commercial reasons. E-commerce The issue here is the Data security ethics. BMW uses e-commerce in order to have information on the customers likes dislikes and be able to be more attractive to customers. All the informations are gathered by business intelligence programs. Internet users entering the companys site are being monitored on what they browse the data collected are being stored in order to be analyzed in the design of an attractive offer. All information gathered is a part of the legal authority on the companys web site. The second issue is Privacy. Information gathered for the research of the company is to be kept confidential and private for the company use only. In my opinion the company should keep the record for the use of new ideas and records of royal customers. Global MIS/Risks The issue here is Consider Partners Collaboration -expertise, funds, etc. In global companies operating in different countries in the world means co-operations with several other organizations or parties. Since BMW has factories in Germany Austria South Africa and America they need to have partners with vehicle construction knowledge in order for them to be more efficient and improve the quality. This why in countries that BMW has factories BMW it has educational programs with technical, managerial and specialist training as well as providing assistance for higher education. The second issue is the Partner and supplier relationship management. BMW operates factories and dealerships in all over the world so it is very important to have a constant communication with all the partners and the suppliers. The best solution is a global system network between all the partners and suppliers using web services in order to be informed on any supply needs and the daily development. Lessons Learned So Far And Options Considered Differently. In a global company like BMW there are many risk of the regarding the information systems and the information technologies. In the automotive industry it is very important to have a comparative advantage over your rivals by being innovative and have a better understanding of the customers needs. All the information that is gathered and stored its of critical importance to keep them safe away from industrial espionage or hackers or phisers. It is also important to have all the internet or business application from programs like Trojan viruses, viruses, worms, or spasms because the can slow the performance of an application or even worse destroy it losing all information that are not stored. There is a big risk of internet crime of stealing personal information or information extortionists. There is a great importance from keeping your data systems or applications protected from all the possible intruders either living like hackers or social engineers or non living like programs viruses worms etc. New technology is being conastly developed either in information systems telecomunications or sience. New technoligy in the case of BMW means better production better informaion systems and comunication between all the dealerships and factoris acros the world. Inforamtion technology is based on information systems and information sharing technologies witch they are supported by communication networks such us the internet intranet or extranet wich it can be either cable or WiFi. This way multinational compaies like BMW can communicate with the factories and offices around the world and keep a constand flow of information through private server. So in todays wolrd the new technology can give the competitive advantage to help sustaining a healthy bussines with an excelent communication with factories all over the world. Ethical issues play a major part in global companies for their legal perception of the law on workforce and the public image of the company. BMW is using 29% of its earning in educational programs in third world countries something which shows respect for the workforce and a good public image. Nike for example had ethical legal issues because it had child workers in their factories. Ethical and legal issues also play role on the information systems gathering information about the customers or fun clubs of BMW through the internet or using electronic surveillance for security in private areas. In this case all information gathered or the video recorded from the surveillance cameras is legally restricted to be on public broad cast and BMW has secure storage places for all this material. E-commerce is the new way for global companies to have detailed information on their customers through surveys or intelligence programmes like data mining or predictive analysis to be able to have a better understanding of the customers choices and like in order to attract them or dislikes in order to improve. All those are part of the new technologies implemented by global companies that make full use of the internet. Of course all those information are to be used only by companys special personnel for the design of a new product or the improvement of an existing one. Major manufacturing companies that want to expand in to other countries either for its market of for the cheap labour they use globalisation systems in order to be in contact with all the factories all over the world. Global information systems like extranets XML web services electronic data interchange etc. in order for BMW headquarters to have full knowledge of all production in all of the factories scattered across the world they need to have a clear direct link with all the factories and dealerships. Its also important to have partners with who they can have a good communication and be trained in a level of mutual understanding this is why BMW has training programs teaching managerial and manufacturing courses in order to improve the quality and the efficiency. Conclusion And Improvement Ideas. In the end as we can see through the big history of BMW from 1916 to today BMW is a colossal in the industry area with factories all over the world and the need for information systems and technologies in order for the headquarters in Munich to coordinate the manufacturing plants and assembly plants all over the world with out delays from the suppliers. However the future of the e-commerce and information system is a long way a head because a new technology is being developed so the potentials of more effective communications and more improved security systems for the newly developed threats to the security of a system. So in the end global organisations like BMW will constantly rely on information and communication systems and new technology in order to operate though out the whole world. References management information systems:managing the digital firm laudon laudon 9th edition 8th chapter
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Prohibition and Repeal 18th & 21st Amendments :: essays research papers fc
Prohibition      Prohibition was the eighteenth amendment. It prohibited the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages. People would have never thought of â€Å"excoriating†alcohol until the 19th century (Tyrrell 16). During this time widespread crime and dismay arose. Some beneficial things did come out of this period of chaos such as women were able to prove themselves as people their temperance movements. During this time many things happened that led to Prohibition’s strongest point and to its fall. Prohibition proved to be a failure from the start,. Prohibition was scarcely adhered to and also widely defied but out of this women had a chance to voice their opinions and prove themselves.      Article V deals with amendments. Either house or law makers can propose amendments. In order for an amendment to be passed the House of Representatives and the Senate must ratify by three quarters vote. On January 29, 1919, the Secretary of State announced that on January 16th thirty-six states had ratified the amendment and therefore it had become a part of the Constitution.      Temperance movements were vital keys to the ratification of the eighteenth amendment. Temperance at first meant abstaining from distilled liquors, but later would be the complete avoidance of alcohol. Both men and women would participate in temperance across the United States. Women finally had a voice in these issues. Women temperance movements would include gathering around saloons, pharmacies, and other places that distributed alcohol that could be consumed. In these gatherings women would sing prayers, recite psalms, and persuade people to avoid drinking alcohol.      Among the men of these temperance groups was a Connecticut preacher named Lymm Beecher. He was well known for his work with temperance movements. He was also known for his publishing, Six Sermons on the Nature, Occasions, Signs, Evils, and Remedy of intemperance. He was a pre-prohibition modern day Reverend Jonathon Edwards by â€Å"appealing to the deepest emotions and beliefs of his readers†(Lucas 24). Ironically he moved to Boston and worked with Reverend Justin Edwards to unite temperance groups.      Among the women of the temperance era, Francis Elizabeth Willard was probably one of the most important temperance leaders. She was born September 23, 1839 in New York. She first got her aversion towards alcohol by her father because he was a â€Å"total abstainer†(Lucas 32). Her interests in temperance grew when she heard stories of the Women’s Crusades in Ohio. She joined a team of crusaders in Pittsburg and later became the president of the Chicago branch of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
I Am Ot Esther
In the novel â€Å"I am not Esther†, by Fleur Beale, a character I admired was Kirby. I admired her because she kept strong after her mum abandoned her, she helped Maggie and developed a strong relationship with her, and she left The Fellowship to find her mum and get her life back again. Firstly, I admired Kirby because she stayed strong when her mother abandoned her. Kirby was a complete mess about what happened, but she stayed strong as best as she could and tried get on with the change of lifestyle that was made to her.Kirby did find it hard, but she found a way to deal with it and not be so depressed. Maggie and Daniel helped with this, as Kirby felt less alone with their kindness. â€Å"I'm Kirby, I yelled. I'm not Esther for God's Sake! â€Å". This shows that Kirby is staying true to herself and staying strong with who she really is and that she will not let them change her identity completely. Another reason why I admired Kirby is because she helped Maggie become a happier child and she developed a strong relationship with her.The first time Kirby observed the Pilgrim family praying, Maggie stood out to Kirby because of how young she was, also by seeing how upset it made Maggie when they prayed, and Kirby knew it was wrong and felt sorry for her. Kirby then started to spend more time with Maggie and develop a bond between them, which made the two of them happier and stronger together. â€Å"Come along princess. Come and show me how to get into these funny clothes. This is showing that Kirby is wanting to start a good relationship with Maggie, and that she wants Maggie to be a happier child living with their religious ways. Lastly, I admired Kirby because she left The Fellowship to go find her mum because she knew that living with the Pilgrim family was not what she wanted, and she knew that she needed to be with her mother. Kirby was happy to announce that she would be leaving The Fellowship to return to her mother.She knew it was the right t hing to do, but that meant she was expelled from The Church and that Kirby would be dead to them all. Kirby knew that she would not become Esther Pilgrim, and that she knew deep down inside that she was Kirby Greenland. â€Å"Let's get out of here! †This is what Kirby says to Daniel when The Church kick them both out after they both decide to leave The Fellowship. This is showing that Kirby is eager to escape from The Fellowship, and get her old life back with her mother and other family me†¦
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Skys the Limit with Airline In-Flight Magazines
The Skys the Limit with Airline In-Flight Magazines Oh, did I mention they pay up to $1/word? Air Canada’s EnRoute magazine pays $1 Canadian/word, for example, and Alaska Airline’s Horizons magazine pays $150 $250 for short articles (300 – 800 words) and $700 for 2,500 word features. Airline magazines’ web sites don’t make the guidelines easy to find. Be prepared to hunt and peck. Here are 10 tips to make your pitch fly: 1.  Consider the airlines’ customer demographics and include in your pitch why your story will appeal to them. Find the demographics under the â€Å"advertising†section of the magazine’s web site. 2. If submitting a destination article, make sure the airline flies to that destination! 3. Pitch â€Å"evergreen†stories, or stories that allow for the magazines’ long lead times. Time-sensitive events are likely to get your pitch ditched. 4. Mention if you have accompanying photos. Airline magazines ar e primarily visual vehicles. 5. Check out the magazine’s editorial calendar, usually found under the â€Å"advertising†section on the web site. You’ll find some surprises! For example, Alaska Air’s Horizons magazine is publishing a special on Tahiti as a destination in their February 2013 issue. 6. Keep your story short. Most pieces are 600 words or less; â€Å"longer†features usually run under 2,500 words. 7. Read the magazine! The magazines’ web sites often have archived copies to download. Match their style. 8. Pitch a specific column. You’ll be more likely to get an assignment if your pitch matches the magazine’s format – and the editor will be more likely to read your pitch if she doesn’t have to guess where it might fit. Many of the web sites list the specific departments for which the editors solicit submissions. 9. Keep your ideas positive, not challengi ng. In-flight magazines want to keep their readers calm and relaxed. 10. Forget poetry, fiction or â€Å"how I spent my summer vacation†travelogues. OK, where to start? Here are some on-line resources: A comprehensive list of 101 in-flight magazines from AirArabia to Wizz Air (many with links directly to the magazine’s web site) is:  Many of these web sites have archived copies for your perusal. Cision Navigator lists the top-ten in-flight magazines United’s Hemispheres leads the list with a circulation of 800,000. Kelly Kyrik’s excellent article in Writers Weekly lists the needs of 7 major in-flight magazines. ( So get those fingers flying!Â
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
International Politics essays
International Politics essays Much of written history displays the conquests of the most powerful nations over less powerful ones. This has led to ever-changing territories as nations have been conquered or have conquered others and the most powerful nations or alliances of nations hold the ultimate authority. Especially in the past century, however, there has not been one major world power but many powerful nation-states capable of dominating the smaller nation-states around them. Before World War One, a balance of power (in Europe at least) system kept nations from unleashing their power and dominance on less powerful nations. As this system collapsed after the war, the League of Nations was set up as a forum to end disputes peacefully. This system too collapsed upon the start of World War Two and after the war was resolved great debates began to try and establish a better form of resolving conflicts via peaceful means. What emerged is the United Nations, a modern forum that has attempted to keep the world at p eace for over fifty years now. Yet there has been numerous devastating wars during the last fifty years which the UN has not been able to resolve. What I'm trying make clear here is that we cannot allow states to rule with ultimate state authority for it seems that it is part of our human nature, when we are more powerful than others, to impose our authority on them for self-beneficial reasons. Thus I disagree with the statement that "in international politics, no authority should supercede the authority of the state" and that establishments like the UN are necessary to protect powerful nation-states from themselves. Once analyzed, my views regarding this statement take some aspects from both the idealist and realist schools of thought. These two major theories emerged during the twentieth century; the idealist theory emerging after the First World War and the Realist theory after the Second World War. Both are still debated when discussing issues ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Improving the Shopping Experience at Target Essay
Improving the Shopping Experience at Target - Essay Example This paper will look at the overall shopping experience of customers at Target Corporation and suggest specific steps on how these experiences can be enhanced. In order to do this, this paper would want first to identify the distribution channels that Target uses. The following paragraph aims to acquaint readers with the different "places" used by Target to market its products. Place is one of the four essential components of a marketing mix. Place generally refers to the distribution channel of business organizations. It is irrefutable that "place" had evolved over time due to different external factors in the business environment. From small shops, retailers now sell products through malls, hypermarkets, supermarkets, and department store. The popularity and the commercialization of the internet marked the proliferation of dotcoms. Online presence now allows retailers to sell and market products to customers with a mouse click. Thus, in considering the overall shopping experience of a customer in Target, both of these channels should be considered. Target traces its root in 1902 when Michael Dayton opened a retail store called Godfellows in Downtown Minneapolis. From its humble beginning, the company is now the sixth largest retailer in the United States, lagging behind major players Wal-Mart, The Home Depot, Kroggers Sears Holding Corporation, and Costco. The company is also recognized as 27th on the list of Fortune 500 (Target Corporation 1). Target is typically viewed by customers as "having everything under one roof" as their products ranges from household goods, cosmetics, electronics, garments, books, grocery items. In order to enhance buying experience, Target retail shops usually brings together video rental store, pharmacy, portrait studio, one-hour processing lab, optical store, tire and oil change shop, and fast food outlets like Starbucks Coffee, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Unlike its competitors, the company recognizes itself not just a discount store but a discount department store by its more upscale store format and younger target market (Target Corporation 5). 3. Areas of Improvement Generally, customers who report excellent shopping experience at Target greatly appreciates the value brought about by lower prices, wide selection, and the convenience of finding everything under one roof. In terms of online shopping, Target is often complimented because of its website which is user-friendly and very easy to navigate. It should also be noted that Target delivers ordered products promptly, often sooner than its customer expects. However, as with other business organizations the shopping experience both on the Target's physical distribution channel and cybershop. 3.1 Customer Service One of the most common complaints of customers when shopping on Target's discount department stores and online stores is poor customer service. Customers report that the company's employees are less approachable, unaccommodating, and are sometimes rude. Others complain about the lack of employees to assist them in their purchases. In online stores, customers criticize the lack of knowledge of some of the customer representatives. This poor customer s
Friday, November 1, 2019
Analysis of the 260-day Value at Risk (VAR) of a portfolio of four Assignment
Analysis of the 260-day Value at Risk (VAR) of a portfolio of four shares - Assignment Example It is the level of return comprising of a given probability (usually, 5, 2.3, or 1 percent) of experiencing a return of less than that level. Value-at-Risk was first used in the late 1980’s by major financial firms to measure the risk of their trading portfolios. Since then, Value-at-Risk is widely used quantitative tool to measure market risk. According to Hull (2005), â€Å"VaR answers the question: how much can one lose with X% probability over a pre-set horizon†. More precisely VaR is an amount (say V dollars), where the probability of losing more than V dollars is over some future time interval, T days. Value-at-Risk has become widely used by corporate treasurers, fund managers, financial institutions, brokerage firms and investment funds to gauge their financial risk. In addition, bank regulators use Value-at-Risk in determining how much capital a bank should possess to reflect the market risks it is bearing (ibid). The aim of this project was to implement various VAR methods that consist of Analytic VAR, historical (Bootstrap) VAR and Monte Carlo (MC) VAR simulation as alternative approaches to calculating VAR, by using data from four portfolios namely; Johnson Matthey PLC, Kazakhmys PLC, Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC and Xstrata PLC. These portfolios are listed in the FTSE index, which are among the largest 100 UK companies by full market value. The FTSE index1 is the most widely used of the FTSE Group's indices and is frequently reported on UK news bulletins as a measure of business prosperity, because it represents about 80% companies of the market capitalization of the whole London Stock Exchange. The companies listed in the FTSE index are determined quarterly according to their market capitalization. These companies must meet a number of requirements set out by the FTSE Group, including having a full listing on the London Stock Exchange and meeting certain tests on nationality, free float, and liquidity. In the FTSE, share prices are weight ed by market capitalization, so that the larger companies make more of a difference to the index than smaller companies do. The first company is Johnson Matthey PLC. The company is world renown in refining and distribution of gold, silver, and platinum group metals in 30 countries on six continents. The company is organised in different divisions that includes Precious Metal Products division (the sole marketing arm for Anglo Platinum), Johnson Matthey's Environmental Technologies Catalysts division that produces emission control products, fuel cells, and process catalysts. The company also has Fine Chemicals and Catalysts division that make base and precious metals catalysts and chemicals. Johnson Matthey PLC has an average market capitalization of ? 43.90 billion. The second company under focus is Kazakhmys PLC. Kazakhmys PLC is a company that specializes in copper. It undertakes copper mining, processing, smelting, and refining as well as making of copper cathode and rod products . It is among the top ten copper producers in the world, with an annually production of about 350,000 tons of copper cathode that are used in computers, electric motors, automobiles, and other products. Additionally, Kazakhmys processes and sells by-products such as gold, silver, and zinc. Kazakhmys PLC has
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