Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Technostructural Intervention of TRW Systems Essay
Technostructural Intervention of TRW Systems - Essay Example (Thompson, Seher, and Kotter, 1976) Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation experienced quick growth due to its ties to the â€Å"accelerating ICBM program that the air force was sponsoring. Following the win on the contract bid for the job of providing technical supervision of the ICBM program it is reported that RW gradually expanded its capability to include advance planning for future ballistic weapons systems and space technology and by providing technical advice to the Air Force.†(Thompson, Seher, and Kotter, 1976) RW was held by many to be a ‘quasi-government’ agency with some of the aerospace industry competitors resenting the opportunities presenting in the audit and examination RW conducted on their operations. RW was due to this relationship with the Air Force prohibited from competition for mainframe and assembly work for the Air Force. TRW made the decision, following the merger of 1959 with Thompson that the hardware ban was too great a liability and moved to f ree the Systems Group from its limiting relationship with the Air Force. (Thompson, Seher, and Kotter, 1976, paraphrased) Because of the value of the services provided by RW to the Air Force a solution was created calling for a non-profit organization to be created by the Air Force and specifically the Aerospace Corporation. This Corporation is reported to have assumed the â€Å"advance planning and broad technical assistance†formerly provided by the Systems Group. ... he process pricing and billing was ‘cost-plus-fixed-fee-basis†and that changed to what is known as an incentive-based process in which rewards came from excellent performance, delivery dates that were specific and failures resulting in payment of penalties. It is reported that System â€Å"thrived in the new competitive arena, winning a number of important contracts.†(Thompson, Seher, and Kotter, 1976) II. Background In 1963 TRW is described being different systems in a matrix organization with functional divisions and the offices for program management (using project interchangeably with program). (paraphrased) TRW Systems Group was headed by the Director, and Sub-headed by the Florida, Houston, San Bernadino, and Washington Operations all of which comprised one subhead of the organization joined by the other subhead being that of the Administration. Team building is a process that was used in the earlier days of TRW. The first team-building meeting was held â⠂¬Å"offsite†and involved a team development session, which reported that the group â€Å"improved its working relationships with manufacturing. The success of this experiment became well known throughout the company.†(Davies-Williams, nd) The matrix of TRW is such that â€Å"any one man is a member of many systems simultaneously. He has interfaces with many different groups. In addition, he is continuously moving from one team to another, so they need team development to get the teams off to a fast start.†(Davies-Williams, nd) The process used at TRW Systems is one that can be easily disseminated in the interchange of company representatives after a planning session in which they all express views that differentiate the concerns and consideration of the organization when it enters into a project or process
Monday, October 28, 2019
Confucianism and Daoism Essay Example for Free
Confucianism and Daoism Essay The idea of the religion of Confucianism was developed by the Chinese philosopher Confucius. The idea of Confucianism is teaching a person to be able to have the power to make the most logical decisions on their own. It teaches its followers a greater meaning for life which then helps them to better understand death. As a religion it is a different kind of religion. It is taught to followers that there should be harmony between the ancestors, humanity and Heaven, and the secular and the sacred. For me, the idea of Daoism is much easier to understand. A way to explain Daoism is fallowing the way. The way is actually translated into the idea of Dao. Fallowing the way is just letting go and letting the force take over and control what needs to be done. In class we related the way of the Dao to Star Wars when Luke lets all technology go and lets the force take control of his actions and comes out successful. Trusting the way is trusting that the world will not lead you down the wrong path. One way that the traditions of the two religions are similar is that they both show great respect for their elders and believe that they are able to help out in their future. Both religions spend time worshiping the deceased because they believe that when they die they will be able to help them in their later lives. Both religions also have their own view of behavior and how people should be conducted. Being this way people of both religions both believe that they can co exist in peace. One major difference of the two religions is how Confucius believed that humans are naturally social beings and our abilities to be good people is naturally imbedded within us. He believed that everyone could exist in harmony if they all allowed themselves to. He believed that men who were superior to other men were able to conform to what society expected of them. Daoism has the idea that living in harmony come far less naturally than it does in Confucianism. Daoism puts much more importance on the relationship with oneself than it does with others. Another way they are different is the way they are passed down and the traditions are told to one another. Confucianism is passed down and taught through the texts of Confucius’ texts are mostly sessions between him and his students while Daoism texts are mostly writings from its creator. One thing that both religions have in common is that they believe in improvement of self. Confucianism believes that in order to live in harmony you have to be at harmony with yourself and they believe that conforming yourself to be the way that society wants you to is the best for yourself. Daoism believes that trusting the way will guide you in the right direction. By letting it take control you will be able to do make all the decisions that you are supposed to. Callie Rogus Intro to World Religions 10/19/2011.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Symbol of the South :: essays papers
The Symbol of the South The battle flag of the South stands above the capitol building in Columbia, SC. It waves proudly, echoing the lives and blood of men who sacrificed everything they were, and everything they had for something they believed in. They fought valliantly and bravely to protect their homeland, and to gain independence of the Union. The flag stands there, not as a symbol of hate, racial inequality, or blood-thirsty war, but as a symbol reflecting the rich South and the men who gave everything for it. Black and white, Indian, Irish and English, so many fought in the war. Blacks stood, shoulder to shoulder, with white men. Their blood is embedded as deeply as any white man's in the flag of the Confederacy. We all bleed red, the blood of many races were mingled on those ghostly battlefields when the smoke cleared. Removing the flag from where it has stood for over 60 years would be like saying that all of those men had given their lives for naught. Perhaps it would not have been best for the South to have won the war, but we should respect and uphold the men who fought so bravely for their cause. The mistaken idea that the Civil War was about slavery is one of the many causes that the flag's right to be above the capitol is questioned. This mistaken idea often causes problems between the races of this state. Slavery was wrong. I would never try to justify it, because it can not be justified. It was simply wrong, God made us all equal. A human being was never intended to be treated like an animal, animals even were not meant to be treated like slaves. Slavery is a sensitive area, but the flag does not reflect this. The war was about the South's right to make it's own laws, and to be free from the Union. There were many Black soldiers there in the Confederacy of their own will. They loved the South just as any white man. The flag means to harm to black people; it is there representing many lives of blacks who died in the war as well! Most of the white men who fought in the war did not even own slaves. The very high majority were not slave owners at all.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
My Personal Learning Style Essay -- essays research papers
My Personal Learning Style Wow! I have a personal learning style! If I had given any thought to my learning style prior to this course, I would have said simply, â€Å"Some things are easy for me to learn, and some things are not.†Now I can say, â€Å"I am a grouper, a top-down learner, an owl, in the C-D quadrants, and my strong intelligences are linguistic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal†. What all this means, still, is some things are easy for me to learn, and some things are not. But there I go again, simplifying the matter. My learning experience throughout grade school was cast in the Traditional method, employing rote, reward-and-punishment, and repetition, repetition, repetition. It was a one-size-fits-all approach, intended to instill good behavior as much as to instruct in the rudiments of reading, writing and arithmetic. We were not encouraged to participate in the process, unless, of course, we raised our hands, and were called upon to do so, and we were not to talk out of turn. We were to be passive and receptive. This was the â€Å"right†way to learn. It is a testimony to the great, unstoppable capacity of the brain to grow that many of us learned anything at all under those circumstances. Four decades of psychological research have taught us there is no one right way to learn. Our minds are as unique as our fingerprints. Our ability to learn is not necessarily related to high or low intelligence quotients, but rather a convergence of four important aspects of our perso...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Operational Management Theory of Constraints Essay
The theory of constraints is a management philosophy which was developed by Goldratt in 1986. It is based on identifying the limiting factors/constraints in a system which may hinder it from achieving its intended goals. It states that for such a system to improve, the constraint must be identified and dealt with accordingly. Question one. The major cause of the backlog at the BCMC MRI clinic is due to the low productivity of the MR machine and the heavy overtime schedule which strains the MR technologist and leads to scanning of lesser patients per hour. Although the machine is designed to make one scan per hour, it is not meeting this target due to various limiting factors such as poor communication between the patient and the hospital scan-scheduling department which has led to booking and overbooking of patients at the wrong times. This has resulted in the clinic having too many patients which it is unable to handle. Question two. The major problem of this process lies in the clinic’s scheduling department which makes so many mistakes when booking the appointments for the patients’ scanning. This system unlike previous MRI providers does not handle the scheduling leaving all the workload to the scheduling department and this has proved to be quite hectic for them. Question three. According to the radiology department manager, the clinic should consider hiring another MR technologist to ease the pressure on the present technologist and improve the lead-time. In addition, the clinic should consider introducing another shift may be in the early hours of the evening in order to ensure that more patients are attended to per day. In addition to the above recommendation, as Kevin and/or David i would recommend that more incentives be given to Jeff the MR technologist for every extra time he puts in. This would motivate him to work more thus maximizing the number of scans he performs per day and it will help a great deal in reducing the backlog.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
HR3759 School Administrator 25 11 14 Essay
HR3759 School Administrator 25 11 14 Essay HR3759 School Administrator 25 11 14 Essay JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: School Administrator Post Number: HR3759 Department: Cardiff School of Management Location: Llandaff Campus Grade: 3A/B Salary: Â £19,083 - Â £22,685 per annum Tenure: Permanent Hours of work: Full time - 37 hours per week Accountable to: Programme Support Co-ordinator – if assigned to undergraduate programmes MBA Support Officers – if assigned to MBA Role Summary: Working as part of a team of administrators, this key role supports the Programme Directors, Year Tutors and Heads of Department with high level administrative management in the day-to-day delivery of programmes within the School. This post requires any individual with the ability to effectively coordinate the administration of programmes using influencing and negotiation skills to ensure the facilitation of a professional service to both staff and students. Principal Duties and Responsibilities: 1. In relation to the lifecycle of Programmes and in conjunction with Programme Directors: Manage all programme documentation, including student handbooks and programme specifications and all other related documentation, ensuring that it is accurate and up-to-date. Co-ordination of all quality assurance processes for the relevant Programmes including responding to external examiners reports, HERA Code: CSOM46 (Broadly comparable to CSOM40) 2. periodic reviews and other projects as directed by the Programme Director and Senior staff, ensuring that all information held is accurate and up-to-date. To assist with Annual Programme Reports and ensure their availability to appropriate staff. To assist with the comprehensive evaluation of programmes process by students, employers, external examiners etc and to ensure that issues emerging from such evaluations are addressed, in conjunction with the relevant staff. Responsibility for monitoring information contained within Blackboard, Sharepoint and the all related websites, reporting instances of out of date material to the appropriate person. Prepare and manage all relevant information for all examination boards, including pre-boards, ensuring that all data has been reconciled before the boards commence. Provide administrative support for all Programme and Departmental meetings, ensuring that all relevant papers are available via Sharepoint. Develop and maintain Departmental areas on the School’s Sharepoint site. Co-ordinate the administration for student prizes and arrange for cheques to be raised in conjunction with the School Finance and Planning Officer. Co-ordinate cover arrangements when staff report in sick, including informing students via Facebook, Twitter and Blackboard; liaising with the Head of Department to provide an alternative staff member for cover; informing the Business Support Officer of sickness for reporting to Trent. In relation to the lifecycle of the student and in conjunction with Programme Directors: Assist the Programme Directors, Year Tutors and Heads of Department, in conjunction with Communications, Marketing and Student Recruitment, in providing high quality marketing materials such as entries in the prospectus, leaflets, flyers, promoting the programme through Open Days, responses from enquiries and other marketing events. Ensure that the information contained with all marketing materials is accurate and current. Support the Programme Directors, Year Tutors and Heads of Department in the recruitment, selection, induction and enrolment of all students to the programmes, ensuring all documents are valid and in place before students enrol (eg paperwork for admission, APL and other relevant documentation). Co-ordinate, lead and manage all student data within each programme, reporting any anomalies and amendments to the relevant Unit (ie MIS, International Office and Academic Registry) and ensuring that withdrawal and transfer information is reported within agreed University/legislative timeframes. Ensure that all
Monday, October 21, 2019
Titled versus Entitled
Titled versus Entitled Titled versus Entitled Titled versus Entitled By Daniel Scocco Another day I was browsing around the Internet and I came across this sentence: You might want to check out this great article that I found; it is entitled â€Å"bla bla bla.†But was the article really entitled? There is a common confusion between the words titled and entitled. Titled would have been the correct adjective for that sentence. If something is â€Å"titled†it means that it received such a title, either by the author or by someone else. Entitled, on the other hand, means that a person has rights to something. If you are entitled to a house, for instance, it means that the law protects your right to own that house. Some dictionaries propose that â€Å"to entitle†can also mean â€Å"to give a title.†I have rarely seen mainstream publications back up such usage, however. Below you will find two quotations from The Economist illustrating the point. A visit to Canadas web-site where the Federal Government describes itself to the world, particularly the section titled Powers of National and Provincial Governments, as written by the late Honourable Eugene A. (The Economist) The largesse has not been restricted to poor children. Since 1998 all pre-schoolers have been entitled to some free nursery care once they turn four, and in 2004 that entitlement was extended to three-year-olds. (The Economist) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a UK Business LetterList of 50 Great Word Games for Kids and Adults10 Varieties of Syntax to Improve Your Writing
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Predicate Complements
Predicate Complements Predicate Complements Predicate Complements By Maeve Maddox The term complement comes from the verb to complete. The predicate nominative and predicate adjective complete the meaning of a state-of-being or linking verb. The most common linking verb is to be, with its forms am, is, are, was, were, being, been. Other verbs, like seem and appear, also function in this way. The predicate nominative (abbreviated PN) completes the verb and renames the subject of the verb. The predicate adjective (abbreviated PA) completes the verb and describes the subject. The predicate complement is also called the subject complement because it restates or describes the subject. Predicate Nominative The predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that completes the meaning of a linking verb. Sometimes students confuse direct objects and predicate complements. One way to tell them apart is to reverse the sentence. If the sentence still makes sense after being reversed, the word that answers â€Å"What?†after the verb is a complement. Compare: Baxter is an excellent typist. An excellent typist is Baxter. The reversed sentence still makes sense; â€Å"an excellent typist†is a complement. Baxter typed the report. The report typed Baxter. The reversed sentence is nonsense; â€Å"the report†is a direct object. When the predicate nominative is a pronoun, traditional grammar says it should be in the nominative (subject) case. That’s logical because the complement restates the subject. English idiom and logic, however, are not always on the best of terms. Consider: Is Dr. Singh the man at the dais? Yes, that’s he. Because he is a predicate nominative in this sentence, the subject form he is correct. However, most native speakers would probably say â€Å"Yes, that’s him.†Predicate Adjective The predicate adjective follows a linking verb and describes its subject: You seem sad. (predicate adjective) In certain light, the fish appears transparent. (predicate adjective) Other verbs commonly used to express a state of being are: feel make taste look smell grow remain stay turn sound become prove Note: some of these verbs can also be used as action verbs. If the verb conveys an action, the word that follows is a direct object (DO). If the word that follows the verb describes the subject, it’s a predicate adjective (PA): I feel sad. (PA) I feel the wall. (DO) He made me mad. (PA) I made cookies. (DO) That smells bad. (PA) Wake up and smell the roses. (DO) Every day you grow older. (PA) The farmer grows strawberries. (DO) The angry dictator turned blue. (PA) The ox turned the wheel. (DO) That music sounds discordant. (PA) The bugler sounded the alarm. (DO) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar 101 category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your StoryWriting the Century55 "House" Idioms
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Post-course assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Post-course assignment - Essay Example In the illustrative section of the paper, there would be an analysis and evaluation of the methods, approaches, techniques and resources that will be used to deliver the training. The paper will also narrow down its scope to concentrate on how to incorporate cultural intelligence and cultural awareness into the training programme. This paper will be based on a group of 12 Asian delegation consisting of business executives who are being prepare for an international conference in the United States of America. The paper is therefore being put together to describe the teaching methods and content that will be employed to enable these executives to learn about how to communicate with their American counterparts and integrate culturally into the American society. In attaining this end, the paper will involve the components of Course and Syllabus Design which underline the IBET Certificate training programme. This will mean the application of important ideas and concepts from this aspect of the course to formulate a proper tuition system and design that would help the participants appreciate the course in English Business Communication. In doing this, we assume that the course is going to be held in a five day intensive session which would last for six hours each day with three breaks. This will be held in a conducive environment where all the participants will get the opportunity to interact with me, the tutor or instructor. In general terms, â€Å"a course syllabus provide the blueprint for structured teaching and learning in a training session†(Morrison, 2011 p133). â€Å"A syllabus provide the aims, objectives and targets that a given teaching program is meant to provide to the participants†(Moreno, 2011 p107). In this section of the paper, I will like to indicate how the course would be structured and the kind of syllabus which will be used to teach these
Friday, October 18, 2019
Overpopulation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Overpopulation - Research Paper Example However, this is not the whole truth. This paper is going to disapprove the critics of overpopulation by drawing upon relevant resources and using sound arguments to justify the benefits of overpopulation. The paper will draw upon the case of China since it is considered as one of the countries with a large population. Simply it is recognized as being overpopulated. The first part begins by an understanding of the term overpopulation and then followed by a discussion of the benefits of overpopulation. The final section analyzes some of the arguments put forward by the critics of overpopulation. Overpopulation can be phrased in many ways, but all definitions are based on one concept; it is regarded as the number of people in a certain area exceeds the carrying capacity of the area (Population Reference Bureau). It is not sufficiently adequate to measure overpopulation using population density. For example, economically advanced countries such as the Netherlands and Hong Kong have the ability of supporting an extremely dense population. It would be appropriate to base overpopulation in regard to the country’s population growth, living standards and other factors. There are those that argue that the earth contains finite resources, therefore, population has its limit; while others argue that if technology and science continue advancements population growth has no limits. There are over 1.3 billion people living in China and the number is predicted to continue rising. The population growth has been experienced since the last 60 years. One recordable cause of the high population growth today, is the mid 1990s Mao Zedong policies. Zedong encouraged the Chinese people to bear as many children as possible. As a result, Chinese families began having 5 to 6 children, therefore, the population exploded. During this time, workers formed the majority of the population and thus the
The effectiveness of coaching Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
The effectiveness of coaching - Research Paper Example cooperative of all team-players need to learn how they can best benefit their team, and for that, there are coaches: A fatherly figure, a mentor, a team-motivator and an inspirational leader, all combined into one, all at the source of the integrity and unity of a team. Great coaches have been known to drive mediocre teams to blinding success and successful teams to record-breaking levels of it. But how do they manage to achieve this, and how important exactly is a coach for the team? This question is answered through the examples of some of the greatest coaches of our time. Consider for example, Vincent Thomas Lombardi, or Vince Lombardi as he is better known, who is best known for being coach to the Green Bay Packers during the 1960s. When Lombardi first stepped on to coach the team in 1958, the team was going through one of its worst spells in history. Lombardi found a dispirited, disheartened team who had almost no support from the angry Green Bay and community and who owing to its abysmal state was in dire financial conditions as well. When Lombardi accepted to coach the team, he taught the team the first lesson that any coach primarily teaches his team – that it was not the statistics that determined the success of a team, nor the players that ensured it; rather it was the abilities of the players, developed through training and perseverance, and the mind-frame behind those abilities that drove a team to victory or success. Through punishingly exhaustive training sessions and incredibly motivating coaching, Lombardi was able to drive the te am to a success point not achieved by perhaps any rookie coach in history. Lombardi made it a point to incorporate a religious aspect into his coaching, earning him the title of The Pope. After the Packers lost the first Championship game under Lombardis coaching, which was to be his first and only championship loss as coach for the team, Lombardi motivated his team and told them that it would indeed be the last of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Holistic Comfort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Holistic Comfort - Essay Example As the study stresses comfort is an intrinsic attribute of nursing and patient care practice. Holistic comfort is crucial in the healing process of a terminally ill patient.  It can be argued that the concept of holistic comfort is significant because it’s a key measure in which medical and health care standards are gauged. If a patient is not comfortable the chances of recovery are limited and this could result to detrimental effects. Nursing and health care practitioners are aware of the role played by comfort in the lives of their patients. This precipitates the nursing professionals to know the degree of comfort they avail to their patients and the impact the intervention on the patient.According to the report findings comfort has been ruled out as an appropriate measure with which patient satisfaction is measured. Comfort to patients affects the way they respond to medication and the treatments they are being offered in the hospital facility. On the other hand, ther e are however no operational or theoretical measures put in place to ensure that the standards of comfort are met but medical personnel can ensure that this is possible. There are several modes of instilling comfort on patient like touching and talking and listening to the patient. This actions makes the patient feel that people around him care and are concerned about his well being. Medical practitioners should just not be geared towards the treatment of the physical ailment but should also understand the physiological needs of a patient.
World-system on the hierarchy of China and Hong Kong Essay
World-system on the hierarchy of China and Hong Kong - Essay Example First, a theoretical framework for the concept of the world system has been constructed using current literature. Second, the political and economic history of China and HK has been examined. Finally, the development of China and HK since the 1980s will be compared. World-systems theory is a set of nested and overlapping interaction networks which focuses on understanding the development of multicultural territory labour division across core and periphery regions (Chase-duun, 1993, 1995; Wallerstein 1974, 2000). Wallerstein (1974) defines the world-system as a multicultural territorial division of labour, and defines two types: core and periphery. These are defined by the nature of their industries: core regions are characterized by capital-intensive, well-developed tertiary industries and periphery regions by labour-intensive primary and secondary industries. The specific claims of world-system theory can be separated into system structure and system dynamics. System structure defines the characteristics and relationships of the system components, with reference to core, periphery and semi-peripheral regions1. System dynamics concerns the processes of the upward or downward mobility within the structure (Shannon, 1996). When Mao Zedong established the People's Republic of China in 1949, the government's priority was the forcible redistribution of property (Kenneth, 1992). Marrin (1993) and other critics describe the first few decades after the creation of the Republic as being full of chaos, famine and class struggles. The Korean War induced the United States and United Nations to enforce a series of embargo punishments on China. Furthermore, the Soviet Union withdrew loans and technicians in 1960 due to a downturn in their relationship. The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution (1958-1976) not only paralyzed internal production and economic activities, but also separated China from the world-system economy (Marrin, 1993). Because China rigidly controlled international investments and trade, Hong Kong became the only port where China could buy foreign currency and items that were not obtainable locally (Miners, 1991). Hong Kong (pre-1980s) Hong Kong became a British colony at the end of the Opium War in 1842. Although its governor was appointed by Britain, colonial government did not promote any ideology to enhance its political legitimacy. Hong Kong has often been described as a free society (So & Kwitko, 1990). Colonial government adopted a "positive non-intervention" policy towards the economy while maintaining a competitive business environment to attract foreign investment, and pursued export-led industrialization in the early 1950s (Haddon-Cave, 1995). After China's political upheaval in1949, an influx of over sixty thousand refugees to HK (Hambro, 1955) brought substantial capital and labour resources, which were used to set up manufacturing factories. The embargoes imposed on Chinese trade in the 1950s helped subsidize the HK economy, with HK acting as a buffer zone between western countries and the Chinese market.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Holistic Comfort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Holistic Comfort - Essay Example As the study stresses comfort is an intrinsic attribute of nursing and patient care practice. Holistic comfort is crucial in the healing process of a terminally ill patient.  It can be argued that the concept of holistic comfort is significant because it’s a key measure in which medical and health care standards are gauged. If a patient is not comfortable the chances of recovery are limited and this could result to detrimental effects. Nursing and health care practitioners are aware of the role played by comfort in the lives of their patients. This precipitates the nursing professionals to know the degree of comfort they avail to their patients and the impact the intervention on the patient.According to the report findings comfort has been ruled out as an appropriate measure with which patient satisfaction is measured. Comfort to patients affects the way they respond to medication and the treatments they are being offered in the hospital facility. On the other hand, ther e are however no operational or theoretical measures put in place to ensure that the standards of comfort are met but medical personnel can ensure that this is possible. There are several modes of instilling comfort on patient like touching and talking and listening to the patient. This actions makes the patient feel that people around him care and are concerned about his well being. Medical practitioners should just not be geared towards the treatment of the physical ailment but should also understand the physiological needs of a patient.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Housing Policy Seoul, Korea Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Housing Policy Seoul, Korea - Research Paper Example ty has also experienced extensive sprawl and suburbanization, growing into a metropolis of twenty million citizens in neighboring provinces and cities. In the face of this abrupt and phenomenal expansion, Seoul metropolitan Government has had to manage emerging urban challenges with a fair share of lamentable mistakes and success stories (Yoonseuk, 2012). As part of a two-tier local government administration, Seoul Metropolitan Government is involved in policy-making for the entire metropolitan region. Seoul has been at the center of a remarkable boom in residential buildings, in which older houses have been replaced by newer ones that with increased density (Yoonseuk, 2012). The inner cities, specifically, have seen phenomenal renewal over the past twenty years, both in terms of pace and magnitude. Managing this growth across the entire metropolitan area has been one of the most challenging issues of planning for the Seoul Metropolitan Government, especially in light of the Jeonse system that is unique to South Korea and has resulted in unique challenges for Seoul. This paper will discuss the unique challenges facing Seoul, as well as how the Seoul Metropolitan Government has reacted to these challenges in way of housing policy. Finally, the paper will present an evaluation of these policies with regards to their success. The low interest rates and the lengthy slump in the housing markets In South Korea as a result of the Asian financial crisis and the global financial crisis threatened the very future of the jeonse system, which is a unique and long-standing home-lease system that stretched back to the 19th century. These jeonse contracts have been a mainstay in Seoul since it was founded over a century ago. In this system, the tenant, rather than paying rent monthly, pays the landlord a lump sum, up-front deposit that is normally ~40% of the houses value (Yoo, 2014). After a lease period of two years, the landlord can either renew the lease or refund it in its
Unemployment in America Essay Example for Free
Unemployment in America Essay Here is good news for you: according to the New York Times, the unemployment rate in America dropped to 7.7% which is the lowest rate in four years. But is this rate low enough? The answer is no. The labor market is far from recovery. There are around 11 million people who still need jobs. Throughout American history of unemployment, The United States has experienced 11 recessions since the end of the postwar period in 1948. The U.S. unemployment rate rose steadily from 5% in January 2008 to a peak of 10% in October 2009. For college students, when we graduate and are getting ready for the taste of the real world, we will find out that the real world is not easy and it is not always fair. Good jobs are very few and far between, especially during the high unemployment rate period. The reason we care about unemployment so much is because the unemployment has many bad influences. First, the unemployment has psychological consequence. According to the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues: the stress of unemployment can lead to declines in individual and family well-being. The burden of unemployment can also affect outcomes for children. The stress and depressive symptoms associated with job loss can negatively affect parenting practices such as increasing punishment. As a result, children report more distress and depressive symptoms. Second, the unemployment affects the social stability. The unemployment will result in low-quality housing, underfunded schools and lack of money, and all these factors can link to the increase in the property crime. The unemployment also causes the loss in consumer spending which is the significant driver of economic growth. The main reason of unemployment is the lack of demand. There are several reasons that cause the demand is less than supply. The first reason is high tax rate. Businesses need to pay more tax in America than many other countries, and if the costs that companies need to pay are too high, the companies may cut some jobs in order to reduce the training and wage costs. Since the tax costs and wage rates are very high in America, businesses may choose to move their companies to other countries, such as china and India, thus leading to huge amount of job loss in America. For example, the labor costs in China are much lower than in America, so if one business chooses to outsource some parts of the company, it will save lots of money, but decrease the potential job opportunities in America. Automation also affects the demand. The technology plays more and more important role nowadays; hence, people are placed by machines. For example, there are many self-check machines in groceries and airports, and these turn out the decreases in needs of jobs. In general, employment is still a big problem in America. The main reason for unemployment is the lack of demand. The unemployment has psychological and material influences for people, and it also affects the national economy and social stability. We all want jobs; we all want better lives. Job does not mean anything, but without a job, what can we do as college students? Not only for us, but also the family members and friends around us; we need chances to prove ourselves, and enjoy the life in the steady environment.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Cultural myths detrimental to american society today
Cultural myths detrimental to american society today A cultural myth is a traditional story that has a meaning attached to it. These myths have an effect in they way people lead their lives and even how they interact with each other. It is notable that myths have a role to play be it personally, or to the wider society. In as much as one may believe or doubt such myths, they still continue to exist in different ways, and are shaping destinies of many. Myths can be full of truth or falsehood and depend on the interpretation a person may prefer. Many societies and races in the world have diverse myths which may encourage or discourage certain patterns of behavior. Rituals and customs are explained in myths and their merits or demerits laid down for everyone to discern. The Greek mythology (Detienne, 18) is most notable especially in the way they exhort ancestors to be like gods. Myths came before science and this makes it impossible to discredit them. Long time ago, people depended on myths to explain the mysteries of creation and they accepted them with a lot of zeal. Many other questions were answered including the origin of man and his eventual destiny after death. Evil is also brought under the scrutiny of myths and they expound its cause and reason for its existence. The rise of modern civilization can too be traced in myths ranging from agriculture to industry to settled life in cities. The modern world has continued to embrace myths in one way or another. Modern technology has given rise to much development in mass media which in turn has enabled many myths from different parts of the world to be collected together for study. Books have been printed and availed to anybody with interest to read and either agree or disagree with the subject. From an individual to a community, some cultural myths seem worthy in the sense that they encourage or uplift the spirit (Wessels, 92). Others may not necessarily be so and may seem unrealistic especially if they are prejudicial or implying immorality. Happily Ever After; the American society as any other society has not been left behind in embracing myths. Many of them believe that happiness can be sought and achieved despite the hardship one may go through. Happiness is attributed to material possessions whereby those who do not have ample material wealth are considered unhappy. The ideology of possessions can be traced through ancient myths some of which are still followed today. Hard work is associated to prosperity and lack of it therefore leads to a lowly life. Studies have shown that happiness is not related to material or money possessions (Veenhoven, 5). The old notion which led many people to acquire as much as they could has been proven false. Traditionalists believed that it is out of what you possess that gives you the feeling of happiness. People then would strive so much in order to have money so that they may live the rest of their lives happily. In did not matter the means or the extent to which this was sought as long as one could proudly claim he had money. Americans forgot that happiness is never permanent and mostly is derived from being comfortable with what one has, however little. Obsession with possessions created greed in American people which can never be satisfied. Someone even came up with a term National Happiness, a system that oversaw people overlook other important issues in order to acquire happiness. Ironically, this myth has wrought greed, selfishness and immorality in the Americans (Alesina Tella, 3). The Nuclear Family has been a basis upon which nations are built. The nuclear family is composed of a father, mother and their children. This family set up has been criticized for a very long time due to its lack of universality, essence and modernity (Chester, 111). Industrialization brought out the need to move away to work places and obviously the nuclear family was affected. When the heads of the family began moving to far away places in search of job, there remained a question as to whether those left should still be considered as a nuclear family. The myth that every nuclear family should cater for itself has contributed negatively in its essence. Most Americans may prefer to be in such families in contrast that whole societies need to live together and cater for each other. Another aspect which makes the nuclear family fail is failure of it being universal. Since other societies in the world have extended families, the notion in Americans mind that only the nuclear family is perfect could be wrong. This is another cultural myth that has pulled back the Americans in their pursuits and has isolated them. The western culture took the nuclear family as a symbol and went ahead to portray it in art and media. But statistics show that there has been a decline in the number of nuclear families in the America over the past few years. Divorces and remarriages are common and therefore the true definition of a nuclear family has eroded. This goes on to show that the ideal nuclear family that was projected was just another cultural myth which has no place in modern society. It becomes a myth in the sense that sometimes ago; departure from this family set up was seen as immoral and unhealthy by many Americans (Uzoka, 34). Most Americans have shunned the extended family setup which encouraged communal responsibility, and have upheld nuclear families which promote individualism. The extended family comprises of the nuclear family and the relatives. This type of family is mostly concerned with building relationships which in turn play a role in the wide community. It is only when people begin to care for each other, the immediate community benefits as well as the whole country. It is therefore important that the Americans embrace extended family and break from their cultural myth of nuclear families. Racial Stereotyping There have always been contentious issues in regard to racial conflict existing between the whites and the blacks in America. The problem can be traced in the colonial times whereby black slavery was a norm. Blacks then were considered superstitious and primitive. Such a myth has seen them being oppressed for so many years that even now there exists a small percentage of whites who regard them so. They have also been associated with every negative aspect in society from crime, violence and laziness. An important fact to note is that, were it not for a tradition of viewing black negatively, they too are human and have all the abilities as white have. The cultural myths have engineered a trend that is difficult to deal with in modern society. Some instances where these myths have brought about are cases where people are discriminated according to their skin color. They are denied jobs and other government services just because of their skin color. A recent case during Hurricane Katrina where the government failed to act speedily is a case study for this. It attests to the fact that cultural myths still have a place in the modern society; albeit the American society ought to shun this evil (Palmer, 75). Americans have stereotyped many other races. The, Americans have stereotyped many other races and the most affected are the African-Americans. African -American simplification of individuals behavior is the African-American Stereotyping. They came about into the American culture from the period of colonial settlement, specifically after the collapse of Slave Trade. The minstrel of the earlier blackface illustrates blacks as ignorant, superstitious as well as naÃÆ'Â ¯ve in addition to been joyous which are the same characteristics which were associated with the slaves. Additionally the African-American have been stereotyped as a race which consists of people who are only good at sports. The act of stereotyping has got to its peak in the media through movies in addition to television. The media has contributed in passing negative information regarding the lifestyle of African-American to the young people. Certain shows aired on the T.V channels demonstrate the false personalities abo ut the African Americans. To make the matters worse, there is a specific video game which has been developed whose main character is an African American who plays only the role of killing, robbing alongside having sexual relations with persons. This indicates an example through which the media has been involved in stereotyping. It is because of these cultural myths that have behaved in negative ways towards each other. They have refused to move away from such myths ignoring the fact that such cause hatred amongst each other. Mark Twain analyses myths in a perfect way by showing in the characters the effect myths can have on people. The main themes of past, slavery, chivalry are expressed well in the book. Self-destruction and or preservation are another aspect that is brought about by the book. Hank Morgan is a prisoner who has traveled back in time to the sixth century and is sentenced to death before Arthurs court because of his strange dress and appearance. Before the execution is carried out, he is able to buy his freedom by convincing the Arthur that he is a magician. He relies on knowledge that a sun eclipse will take place before he is executed and he convinces the King that he is the cause of it. Hank is given the highest title in the land and he does not fail to ridicule the people who fear him. Morgan sooner learns about superstitions embraced by the natives and he capitalizes on his superior knowledge to outdo them. Through the magician Merlin, Hank is later discovered as a fake and people start to spread rumor about him. Using his wit he is able to outsmart Merlin again by calling fire from above. Hank uses his influence to bring about industrialization to that country and also set up schools. She becomes familiar with the territory he begins to understand the people and their way of life, which are still much in superstitions and myths, and even befriends a girl named Sandy. Hank outsmarts Merlin again in rebuilding a broken water fountain and thus retains power and respect. He convinces all present on his ability to summon the demons. Morgan has a way with the natives lives and together with the king he continues the hold of power. Sandy gives birth to a baby with Hank and upon the childs illness he is lured to leave the country thus leaving a gap in the countrys leadership. The King and Lancelot fight over Guinevere infidelity. The church provokes a revolt over Hank the people start a war. The story ends with the present day where Hank is found dreaming about his lover, Sandy, almost a millennium later. It is argued by some people that the book is an attack on Americans values which include materialism and technology. American sentimentalism about the past is also criticized (Twain Thompson). In conclusion myths, however good they might be still remain myths. In the modern society, we should be keen to understand the truths about life and work together towards a common goal. The real goal in our cultural diversity should be to see everybody gets food, clothing and shelter and that they can fit in every situation. Twain in his book looks in the effect myths have on our culture and day to day live. The mythic Arthur is associated with the past in contrast with Hank who symbolizes the present. The church is also brought into perspective and is seen as an evil and an enemy which conspires with political figures to oppress people. Slavery as another social menace should also be done away with. Slavery was embraced by many people in the past since they saw in it a way to get cheap labor and monetary gain. It becomes a cultural myth that Americans now should abolish. Magic is contrasted with reality in form of industrialization. People in the past relied on magic to achieve their needs but the book shows that such a myth can be done away with through use of technology. Industrialization should be a factor in civilization rather the magic of yesteryears. Many more achievements can be found by training people since human nature allows it. Training determines the behavior of a society unlike when people rely on myths. They are then able to differentiate between what is right and wrong (Umland Umland 25). Besides stereotyping being hurtful, it is wrong as well. Even though the stereotype can be correct in some occasions; relentlessly putting an individual down on the basis of predetermined perceptions cannot assist in motivating one to succeed. Stereotyping only gears people to lead lifestyles of hatred and in some situations stereotypes victims live in fear. It should be noted that all these myths have had a place in American society and some have tarnished its name. Americans should therefore move away from negative cultural myths, as discussed above, in order to continue as a nation. Above all, all other nations look towards America for guidance and support.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
essay :: essays research papers
Coach Nestled along the Massachusetts shore, lined with oaks that may have seen the arrival of the first Americans, there is a quaint baseball park, bordered only in the outfield by a thatched wooden fence and some pines. The Pawtucket Pawsox of the Cape Cod League call this unique sanctuary home. Today is a Friday evening. The sun slowly pulls the last traces of orange from the sky, and the skyscraping light towers illuminate a 6 foot 4 inch right-hander, made only taller by the Georgia clay mound. Like most in the minor leagues he is a fighter and a worker. He is far from home and at the climax of a magical journey of a career.      Reaching local stardom at an early age, Aaron Knieper pitched in all of the big games. He pitched in all of the not-so-big games too. People could see the potential that this lanky kid from Saginaw, Michigan possessed. As he piled up innings in his youth, they only contributed to more to his experience but were slowly taking their toll on his meal ticket, his arm. Aaron was still careful about his health, but youth often disguises ignorance. As his body matured, it ceased to stretch in ways it had before, and his workload drastically increased upon being drafted by the Boston Red Sox out of college. Now he was playing for a job. Then, one fateful day everything changed. It was his elbow. And there it all ended.      Most young athletes dream of becoming professionals, but those dreams almost always end at or before the college level. It is a major disappointment for those who are told that they are not good enough to play anymore, yet Aaron was. He had almost reached the show and it killed him inside. He wasn’t ready to let anyone tell him that his career in baseball was over. His stubborn pursuit of a dream, which had carried him this far, would now have to change with no hope of returning to professional baseball. He went back home and spent some much missed time with his mom and sister, for his father had passed away when he was young. Most of time was spent relaxing in front of the television pondering what to do next. Aaron had never had a â€Å"real†job and did not even finish college. It was then that he decided to follow his passion, baseball.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Journal Entry Essay
In the twentieth century, the journal of my Irish ancestor, Detective Robert Shorts, was found during an Estate sale. He immigrated from Ireland in the early 1850’s as a teenager and spent the later part of his life as Detroit’s Detective and, later, Police Chief. The following are his words. October 24, 1872, Detroit. It was a dark time. The city had been safe since the 1830’s, so safe that women could walk about without their husbands or go to work without an escort. Now. Well, now things were dark. I found myself standing alongside the latest victim, pretty, well-dressed, not a prostitute. A lady of means, murdered in broad daylight. I wondered what the world was coming to. Back in Ireland, this never would have happened to her. Things were different there. The main difference being that in Ireland, you knew where the bad neighborhoods were, and unless you were there for reasons unmentionable, you avoided them like the plagueâ€â€for that’s what it would get you, and that would be the best of things. Things had changed so much if you didn’t know the new buildings in town you could get easily lost and wind up in a bad spot. Which is probably what happened to the lady, I considered. I saw nothing that would have placed her in this dark alley that used to be a small, slightly urban park. My hand rested on my pistol as the city’s finest surrounded me to take pictures of the scene and lay the tape that would seal this woman’s fate in history as one of the first victims of organized crime. December 26, 1880, Detroit. I was named Police Chief today, called in to work to have the torch handed down to me as the last Police Chief had been murdered by vindictive members of the mob. As of yet, we have apprehended no one in the cursed plague of murders that have been a result of their organized crime since I began as Detective on the force in the early 1870’s. As the holiday passed me without celebration, I began to wonder why I ever came to this country. I came alone, without parents to support me, and with only my wits to get me to this country of freedom and inspiration. America. Land of the free, brave, and dangerous. I don’t know what most immigrants were thinking or where we got such ideas. But, in trading crime for commerce, it is true that I make more in wages in one month today than I ever made in more than two years of factory work back in Ireland. Yet, in looking out my window, I considered what there was to feel inspired about when more than six slaughterhouses surrounded the precinct. I had to endure the rancid smell of rotting meat day in and day out while I worked my cases. The mayor has promised change in the area of expansion, and a business district, which would place the markets and businesses on a different block, but that ideal seems a long way off. The papers said today that the city has seen extensive growth, moving the population from two thousand to more than one hundred sixteen thousand in the past fifty years (Schneider, 3). That’s more than one hundred thousand people who have moved within the city lines in the past fifty years. It’s no wonder the city is floundering in crime and un-planned expansion. From what I’ve seen, this dramatic increase has done more for the volume of crime and murder than it has for the success or development of the city, but there is hope of a revitalization from the industrial revolution sweeping the nation, even reaching a dark place like Detroit.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Anil Ambani Essay
Anil Dhirubhai Ambani – a Bachelor in Science from the University of Bombay (Now, University of Mumbai) and Masters in Business Administration from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania was born on June 4, 1959; is the second and the youngest son of Dhirubhai Ambani a famous Indian Business Tycoon. His mother is Kokilaben Ambani; he is married to Tina Ambani who is an Indian Actress and has two sons Jai Anmol and Jai Anshul.He joined Reliance in 1983 as a co-chief executive officer and before the split in Reliance group; he was Vice-Chairman and Managing Director in Reliance Industries Limited (RIL). After the split of Reliance he incorporated Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG), of which he is the Chairman and includes companies like Reliance Communication, Reliance Capital, Reliance Energy, Reliance Natural Resources Ltd. He is a man of courage and conviction; he believed; â€Å"It is hope in this wider sense which enabled my father to build, from scratch, one of India's largest modern enterprises.His was an undertaking powered by hard work, initiative, self-belief but, above all else, the capacity, as he would often say, â€Å"to dream with your eyes wide open†. He is the President of the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar; and a member of Wharton Board of Overseers; The Wharton School, USA; Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad; Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur; Executive Board, Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad.He raised $ 3 billion from the highly anticipated Initial Public Offering of Reliance Power in less than 15 months, which is the biggest in Indian history. As of October 6, 2007, his total net worth is US$ 42billion and his personal stake in Reliance Communication is 66%. Forbes magazine listed his as the sixth richest man in the world after his brother Mukesh Ambani. Since his wealth tripled in only on e year in percentage terms he was the world's fastest-growing multi-billion-dollar individual.And his success mantra is, â€Å"I think you have to work with people, and when I talk about managing relationships, don't think the derogatory †managed relationships†. It is a question of sharing emotion and feelings. The common denominator of everything can't be money, and it should not be money†. He was awarded several awards and recognitions like: – o â€Å"Businessman of the Year 1997†by Business India. o â€Å"MTV Youth Icon of the Year†in September 2003. o â€Å"CEO of the Year 2004†in the Platts Global Energy Awards. o â€Å"The Entrepreneur of the Decade Award†by the Bombay Management Association. â€Å"Businessman of the Year 2006†by The Times of India. o â€Å"Best Role Model†in the pool conducted by India Today Magazine in August 2006. o â€Å"First Wharton Indian Alumni Award†by the Wharton India Economic Forum (WIEF). o â€Å"Leaders of the millennium in Business and Finance†by Asiaweek Magazine. Rupal Jain, Lecturer, Atharva Institute of Management Studies (Mumbai), and I can be reached at [email protected] com Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/? expert=Rupal_Jain Article Source: http://EzineArticles. com/1331114
Donating Blood
Imagine that your father had just suffered a heart attack, and has to go through open-heart surgery in order to repair the damage that happened to his heart. Imagine your little nephew or niece was born with a rare heart defect and had to have a daily transfusion of blood in order to have a chance to wake up the next day. Imagine that your best friend went to the doctor and had just been diagnosed with leukemia, a disease requiring regular platelet transfusions. These aren't very nice things to imagine about, are they?It is very sad and unfortunate, but these things happen all the time, you or someone you know may have experienced something like that already. People experience something like this every day. Most people would probably just expect that the hospital would have enough types of blood to give to the people who need it so that they can get better. But that is not the case. In these sad cases most people would feel or want to do anything that they can to help. There is one w ay everyone can help and that is by donating blood.Red blood cells, platelets, and plasma are some of the things people can donate and they are also very important to a person who needs them. These can help the person return to good health. Some of the types of people who would need a blood transfusion are patients that have gone through surgery, burn victims, accident victims, anemics, hemophiliacs, babies that are very sick, and people suffering from leukemia, cancer, kidney disease, and liver disease. Some really interesting facts about the blood donations and the need for blood is that about every three seconds there is someone in the world who needs blood.That’s more than forty thousand people who need blood every day. The demand for blood is constantly rising and sometimes a certain type of blood can be in short supply which can put lots of peoples lives in danger. Even if you just donate once, that will be enough to save several people. I myself have gone to a blood do nation clinic, but unfortunately I couldn't donate any blood because my temperature was too high, but I won't let that discourage me from re-scheduling another appointment at the American Red Cross blood.The set up that they had there was not what I had expected it to be. There have been a few blood drives at my school but I never donated blood. American red cross came about two times each school year around the middle of every semester. Everything was set up inside the gym with around a couple dozen of beds, where they make you lie down while they take your blood, spread around the basketball court. Sometimes they even brought the little camping trailers where you can go inside of it and they'll take your blood.The day before I had made my appointment online at 4:00 PM to donate platelets. When I walked in the American Red Cross clinic I thought it was going to be much bigger like the ones that were at my school gym but instead there were only about a dozen beds in a little area to the left of the entrance. I Started walking towards the area where everyone was donating at, but then I was stopped. A short Latino man with black hair around his forties came up to me and asked â€Å"Can I help you? †.Since it was my first time going somewhere to donate blood, I didn't know what to do. I thought that since I made an appointment at four that I would just be able to walk in, confirm that I was the one that had made the appointment, lie down on the bed, and they will take my blood, but I was gravely mistaken. As I was just standing there not knowing what to do I said to the man â€Å"Ummm yeah. I made an appointment online to donate platelets. †He asked me if I had a donors card and i replied no.Then after explaining to him that i have never given blood before so this was all new to me, he gave me a look like he finally understood why I was so clueless. Now that we were finally on the same page, the man asked for my drivers license so that I could prov e I am who I say I am. When i gave him my drivers license he went somewhere to another room. While he went to go do his thing, I was instructed to sit down and read a binder that looked at least 6 inches thick.I grabbed the binder from the table and just sat there looking at the front cover thinking to myself â€Å"They expect me to read everything thats in this huge binder? †. But when I opened it up, I was relieved to see only a few pages. As I finished reading about donating blood and the requirements, the man came back with my drivers license attached to a folder with a paper clip. I was asked if I was ready and I said yes. I was taken to this really small square room that almost made me feel closterfobic and then I was told to sit down.I took a seat and then he also sat down in a small desk in the corner of the room next to me. I was asked a few questions like my social security number, where I lived, do I have any diseases, my age, a whole bunch of questions. It felt li ke I was being interrogated. As he finally got done asking me all those questions, he told me that he needed to poke a little needle in my finger and get a small blood sample. As I was sitting there with my finger sticking out I saw him grab what looked like a small clicking pen.Then he started to put the end on the top of my finger. Suddenly he just clicked the pen, and I felt a little poke and my finger started bleeding. He wiped my finger with a small cotton ball and then grabbed a little square piece of glass and put in on my finger to get a small blood sample. After he told me I had enough iron in my blood to donate, now he had to take my temperature. I had to put a thermometer under my tongue for a few seconds until he grabbed it. One of the requirements for donating blood is you cannot donate if your temperature is over 99.5 F. When my temperature was taken I was only 2 percent away from meeting the requirements, which means my temperature was 99. 7 F. I was told I couldn't d onate which made me a little disappointed. I told him I would reschedule again some other time. In my one day that I went to the American red cross building I learned a lot of new things and how I can help save peoples lives. I will definitely be making another appointment soon and ill keep making an appointment as much as I can.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Definition of Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Definition of Addiction - Essay Example Actually, addiction is rampant challenge in the world especially among the young people and has adverse effects on human life. There have been many arguments and researches on addiction with various scholars and researchers drawing diverse definitions and explanations on the reference topic. Philip Stater is one of such scholars that seek to explain addiction. Indeed, in his article, â€Å" Want-Creation Fuels Americans Addictiveness,†Philip Stater argues that addiction is a state of wanting and that it is a condition in which the individual feels he or she is incomplete, inadequate, lacking, not whole, and only the addition of something external can solve satisfy it (Stater 391). Philip Stater argues his point by first drawing us to the probable effects of illegalizing cigarette smoking. He argues that even though tobacco would become expensive in America, people would still smuggle tobacco to the country via Miami and New York because they cannot live without it. Moreover, he argues that even if the federal government ban growing and advertising tobacco, many Americans would consequently try smoking cigarette for the first time since Americans love making laws but hate implementing them. He further argues that Americans are self-centred, restless, dissatisfied, and innovative and love trying new things that will give them comfort with speed and no hustles.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Bridge Collapse and the Duty to Warn (ethics) Essay
Bridge Collapse and the Duty to Warn (ethics) - Essay Example What is Right I believe that the engineer that conducted the initial inspection adequately did his part as mandated by the California Attorney General’s Opinion Number 85-208 (1985), that as the hired registered engineer assigned to investigate the structural integrity of the Swinging Bridge; he was able to conclude that it is stable and sound to provide adequate service. But he also added to his recommendation that further testing should be carried out and that protective coating should be applied even though the bridge was free from rust. Noncompliance to his recommendations, added to that the regular swinging of the pedestrians, could have severely compromised the integrity of the structure and thus caused the accident. I believe that the court ruling in favor of the county is justifiable. For one, I do believe that the pedestrian should be responsible for their actions. It was them who engaged in a risky past time and they should in turn bear the consequences of their acti on. Secondly, theyâ€â€anyone who engages in swinging the bridge should even be sanctioned for putting not just themselves at risk but other pedestrian as well who are using the bridge since their past time is creating potential danger to other people. Third, I think that the engineer should not be held liable because he did perform his duty to warn the public through his report. What is Wrong On the other hand, it was the inaction of the county to the report that could have caused the collapse. It for instance did not follow the engineer’s recommendation of carrying out further tests to determine structural stability, and it did not apply the protective coating that would prevent the onslaught of rust. Furthermore, if further testing had been carried out after the initial survey, as was part of the recommendation of the investigating engineer seven years prior to the accident, the succeeding test/s that would be carried out in the bridge would have allowed the succeeding investigating engineer to see the damage that the ‘swinging’ is causing to the bridge and thus determine the structural stability of the bridge in his report. If so, again, the incident could have been avoided. This will allow the engineer to again, adequately warn the public about the potential hazard of the bridge if it is continuously swing. The county also failed in addressing the illegal past time of the people, the Swinging Bridge is a public place, and since swinging it has been a well-known past time that pause potential danger not just to the actors doing the swinging but to other innocent pedestrian, it was the responsibility of the country to address the matter by creating ordinances that prohibits such activity. I also believe that the court should have sanctioned the county. Despite the fact that
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Impact of Leadership on the Growth and Performance Research Paper
The Impact of Leadership on the Growth and Performance - Research Paper Example Issues such as cultural values combined with the personal experiences of the individual have a profound influence on all the aspects that the above-mentioned topic tends to deal with. Above all, the individual personality of the leader cum moderator is another aspect that goes a long way in determining the extent of success that the group can experience by way of one’s actions. In fact, all these theories have functioned as the basis for the theory of the upper echelon over a number of decades and have been based on the principle of bounded rationality. One of the many such places where leadership is nurtured and inspired from a very young age is at our very day care centres, where inspired yet simple leaders take the responsibility of bringing together young minds and leaders of tomorrow under a common roof and teach them the importance of thinking, motivation and self-confidence and instil the notion of participation and group work right from an early age. As such, the proposed research study aims to evaluate all these three theories that are considered as the primary elements of leadership at a daycare center (David Ketchen, 2006). The reasons behind choosing such a topic are deemed important as it allows me to relate my experiences as a daycare worker over a period of 2 decades in using leadership to foster growth and involvement amongst children. Speaking specifically, there are a number of different elements that assist a worker within a daycare center to influence and shape the strategic direction of the group (of children), thus providing a direct impact on the performance and growth of all children within this group. The first and the foremost step in this process is to ensure the collective participation of every child and take the right decisions depending on the level of response from every child and the ability in these responses by instilling the faith in every child over their relevance and importance to the success of the group.Â
Sunday, October 6, 2019
To what extent was a US Civil War inevitable in the event of a US Research Paper
To what extent was a US Civil War inevitable in the event of a US CIVIL War, to what extent was a Union victory inevitable - Research Paper Example from the American Revolution to the adoption of the Constitution, no one ever doubts that Americans, whether in the South or the North, had a common interest of establishing a prosperous nation. The means to achieving that very end, however, proved contentious, with sectionalism creeping in to widen the rifts between a people that fought their independence together barely a century earlier. To be sure, the origins of the civil war had roots in the first miserable boatload of African slaves into the American soil. The doubtful, as Sydney E. Ahlstrome notes, would be at pains to refute claims that slavery and the sustained mass moral condemnation of the institution was at heart of the conflict (649). Indeed without slavery, the war wouldn’t have occurred. In the 100 years or so of independence, the Southern states remained on an economy largely founded on cotton plantation agriculture aided by the institution of slavery. The North, though had own agricultural resources, was more advanced commercially and industrially, that one state after the other felt the need to abolished slavery. For a time it, it appeared that slavery was on its way to extinction with the remarks of Virginia’s Thomas Jefferson defining the South’s peculiar institution as a â€Å"necessary evil†(Roberts 53). To some, slavery was in every sense a â€Å"positive good†that generated a great deal of foreign exchange at no or low cost for the southerners. So intense were the gridlocks that when the Tariff legislation was finally introduced in the Congress and passed with the aid of Northern politicians, in effect raising the prices of imported goods in favor of the North produ ced goods against the wishes of Southerners long used to shipping their cotton to Europe in return for inexpensive boatloads of European goods, including clothes made from their own cotton, the southerners furor rose to near conflict 30 years to its actual dates. With the new tariff putting foreign goods out of financial
Saturday, October 5, 2019
About Sallie martin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
About Sallie martin - Essay Example She was absorbed in a nearby Hospital while pursuing her desires in gospel in her off hours. She had heard of Thomas A. Dorsey that had electrifying gospel then in Chicago church culture that saw her arranged an audition. However, Sallie’s down-home style initially was at odds with Thomas A Dorsey’s fledging movement but later in 1927 joined the Dorsey Trio despite her serious misgivings about her unrefined style characterized with groaning and whooping besides a great deal of physical movement besides being unable to read music (Young 1997). Martin made her debut with his team in Ebenezer Church and in 1933 produced her first solo that instantly connected her with fans. She opened a music store that accrued a lot of profits leading to an adversarial and respectful relationship with Dorsey as they each inter-depended. Following the saturation of Dorsey songs in Chicago, she traveled to Cleveland in 1933 where she organized a chorus setting similar teams in South and Midwest. Martin and Dorsey became the co-founders, and organizers of the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and choruses serving as the vice-president till her death. She went solo in 1940 and teamed up with Ruth Jones, a young pianist. Martin together with gospel composer Kenneth Morris teamed up in 1940 with financial backer Rev. Clarence H. Cobb forming Martin and Morris, Inc. publishing company, the biggest of kind in America and performed with Ruth and arranger Roberta Martin. Sallie formed the Sallie Martin Singers with Roberta Martin, Eugene Smith and Willie Webb, the first female group in gospel history. Martin traveled the Gospel concert circuit as a soloist in conjunction with her singer team that stayed up to mid-1950s. Martin contributed greatly taking the leading role in the French production of ‘Gospel Caravan in Paris in 1979. Her hits were â€Å"Just A Closer Walk with Thee†and â€Å"God Put A Rainbow in the Clouds†and â€Å"He’ll Wash You Whiter Than Snow.†She was an
Friday, October 4, 2019
Puritans, Max Weber Essay Example for Free
Puritans, Max Weber Essay 1.Explain: Puritans wanted to purify the Church of England. Puritans were people who wanted to get rid of things that were not stated by Jesus Christ or by the Bible. They rejected decisions and traditions established by the Church (i.e. people). Examples: paintings of God and Jesus, rich ornaments and dà ©cor, hierarchy in Church, selling pardons. They also thought that the temples should be smaller and not so monumental. Puritans’ beliefs were a threat to the hierarchy and wealth of the English Church, so they were persecuted and unwelcome in there. They had to look for a place they could live the way they wanted. 2.Describe the Puritans who set sail to America in 1620. Majority of Puritans who set sail to America on Mayflower in 1620 was well-educated and belonged to upper middle class (they were rather rich). Those people couldn’t worship God according to their beliefs because their religion was a threat to the Church of England. Puritans were constantly persecuted and they left to Netherlands, and then to Virginia in Noth America. Their trip resembled Exodus to the promised land. Puritans called themselves Pilgrims, because it was a pilgrimage to the new world where they hoped to be free and to establish the Church there. 3.The literary genres Puritans practiced and did not practice. 4.Explain the notion of predestination and how Puritans shaped they lives according to it. Puritans believed that they don’t have any influence on whether they will go to heaven or to hell. They believe that God knows it before they are born and they can do nothing about it. (There is a paradox of free-will - although one may be a good person, he/she can still go to hell.) God may change his mind, but people cannot do anything. For Puritans, the fact that someone is rich and successful means that this person may be predestined, so they work even harder and look for success, hoping that maybe this would be a sign of their predestination. 5.What biblical events did the first Puritans in America draw parallels to? Puritans considered themselves to be like pilgrims to the Promised Land, like Jews running from Egypt to Israel. As they wanted to establish a Church they considered it to be a mission. 6.How did Max Weber compare Protestants and Catholics in terms of the notions of hard work and calling? According to Max Weber, Catholics believe that the hard work is their way to salvation. People have to work hard to be good people. Protestants, on the other hand, believe that they should work hard because it is their duty, as this is God’s will and it is useful for the whole country and society. For them it a kind of vocation. Every Protestant feels the vocation to work and to worship God (Everyone has his own mission in life – there have to be poor farmers and rich lawyers – this is God’s will and it is completely normal.) In case of Catholicism, only priests feel the vocation to serve God. 7.Explain how Max Weber analyzed in his discussion of Protestant ethics the notions of work, investment, charity, waste. Work– every Puritan has a vocation to work. It is a duty and God’s will. Work is useful for the whole society; thanks to work we make our community better. â€Å"Not leisure and enjoyment, but only activity serves to increase the glory of God, according to the definite manifestations of His will†Investment – If someone has money and is successful in business, it means that he is in God’s favor. Money should be multiplied not wasted and spent on unimportant things as luxuries and amusement. Charity– if someone needs charity it means that he is a beggar. If someone doesn’t work – he sins and offends God, as it is a duty to work. Supporting charity means supporting offending God. WASTE – waste of time is the worst and the deadliest sin. â€Å"Not leisure and enjoyment, but only activity serves to increase the glory of God, according to the definite manifestations of His will†– only hard work praises God an d any other activity is a waste. 8.What did a Puritan sermon look like (use in particular Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God). In the 18th and 19th centuries during the Great Awakening, major sermons were made at revivals, which were especially popular in the United States. These sermons were noted for their fire-and-brimstone message, typified by Jonathan Edwardss famous Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God speech. In these sermons the wrath of God was clearly one to be afraid of, although fear was not the message Edwards was trying to convey in his sermons, he was simply trying to tell the people that they could be forgiven for their sins. It combines vivid imagery of Hell with observations of the world and citations of scripture.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Dominos History and Analysis
Dominos History and Analysis History of Dominos Dominos Pizza was brought to America by Italian immigrants in the 1800s and it grew in popularity as a pie of choice and rose to popularity hence necessitating the nee for Dominos chain to be created. The companys business model was its reliance on delivery (which was set at 30 minutes) and a focus on efficient and streamlined processes of taking pizza orders, preparing them and delivering them to consumers. With Dominos success on its pizza delivery time the company it appeared as though the company substituted quality service for quality product hence the decline in Dominos shares. Dominos crisis. With the success of Dominos, customers where also demanding more from their pizza maker, they wanted better tasting pizza that had flavour. From the material provided, it is evident that Dominos became comfortable in their position to recognized as the leader in Pizza delivery and did not carry out any market research in other to find ways to improve their product and guarantee customer satisfaction. Marketing research generally comprises of a product research in terms of market need that a business wants to satisfy as well as the size and characteristics of the market (new or old) by identifying consumer preferences and buying behavior. Another reason for the Dominos Crisis was that the 30 minutes delivery time was not uniform for every Dominos outlet. Depending on how big a Dominos shop service area was the 30 minutes delivery time worked perfectly, but where the area is large and considering other factors the timing was different. Attribute analysis Attribute analysis is the process of breaking down a problem, idea, or thing into component parts and then thinking about the attributes of the problem rather than the thing itself by taking into consideration the crucial aspects of a companys business model and turning it around (IAF, 2009). What this means is that with rising customer dissatisfaction which is evident not only through surveys, feedbacks and word of mouth. There was the need for the Pizza turnaround programme because as at 2009 Dominos quarter revenue had dropped by 6.5% and as such there was the need for a massive overhaul of the companies financial and operational parameters. What was considered in this regard is how great pizza could be made while still maintaining the unique selling point which was the timing (30 minutes delivery time). Attribute analysis was used by simply identifying key problems that had been collated through customers feedback. This feedback was put together and to ensure customer loyalty product was improved and this improvement saw a 65% increase in repeat purchase by customers (Worldwide 2017). By meeting the challenges head on the turn around team did a road show with their franchises introducing the new and improved pizza as well as carried out blind test road show. From the road show a number of customers preferred the new taste. The success of any new initiative by an organization is highly dependant on the involvement of every member of the team directly involved in the product. Attribute analysis helped Dominos identify specific areas that needed improvement and then the next step was to inform senior management team of the negative feedback they had received from customers and management team saw the need to immediately turn around their pizza operations. In general, this case points to the fact that for any brand to successfully transform itself to one capable of competing for customers with the competition, creating a strong position for future growth is reliant on customer feedback, continued effort to improve product offering and in taking feedbacks and customer suggestions seriously. Concept testing approaches in my opinion created an opportunity for customers to be aware of the various efforts been made by Dominos to satisfy them through new and improved products. This no doubt helped Dominos grow and position itself favourably in the hearts of its customers. References Australian food News, February 2015. Dominos attributes record profits to innovations and new initiatives. Retrieved from: Accessed 13 January 2017. IAF methods database. October 2009. Attribute analysis. Retrieved from: Accessed 13 January 2017. February 2017. How Dominos repositioned itself from pizza delivery to mealtime solution. Retrieved from: Accessed 13 January 2017.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Men and Women in Nontraditional Sports as Portrayed in Film Essay
Men and Women in Nontraditional Sports as Portrayed in Film Women and men play various sports because they as Americans want to experience the excitement of playing for fun, and doing something they love. The idea of what men and women can do for fun in sports has been shaped by the American society in many different ways through the media, schooling and education, and professional sports organizations. America portrays women playing field hockey and doing synchronized swimming while men do boxing, and body building. If a woman chooses to do boxing because to her it is fun and if a man chooses synchronized swimming because he likes it, they face many cultural costs and benefits of choosing this sport. Society does not like change and holds female athletes up to ideals such as being beautiful, graceful, and healthy. Male athletes are held to ideals such as strong, aggressive, and powerful. People who choose to play non-traditional sports risk being judged by society as unnatural and homosexual, instead of being viewed as an athlete who is spec ial and unique, they are often subjected to unwanted sexual advances and assumptions. The benefit of doing an untraditional sport is that you are able to do something you love. As a result of people who do non-traditional sports, they open the doors for future generations of women and men who might want do play an non-traditional sport. The movie, "Pumping Iron II" is an example of women doing bodybuilding which is considered a non-traditional sport. Images of muscular women are viewed by some people as threatening and imitating. The benefit of this non-traditional sport is that it forces us to question our thoughts about women and what they are. We must ask, what is a woman? Bodybuildi... ...ach step in athletics for women is a fight. Title IX did not solve all the problems as colleges and schools across the country have an equal number of sports for men and women. Over time women's athletics have acquired this image that is negative and often times drives women away from playing sports at all. We need to change this negative image so more women will be conformable doing the sports they love. Women playing un-traditional sports are a start in this process. Along with the cost of playing non-traditional sports that are sometimes harmful, there will be a benefit no matter the consequences. The benefit of women playing freely, without the fear of being judged or hurt by other people is a benefit that is superior than all the obstacle women go through. It is my hope that someday women will be able to play freely, and in hopes in having fun playing the game.
Dolomite and Peaty Wheat Straw Essay -- Film, Race
I have seen many from Dolomite and Peaty Wheat Straw by Rudy Ray Moore, Willy Dynamite starring Roscoe Orman, and The Mack Starring Max Julien and so on. The way these actors portrayed the characters of Willy Dynamite, Dolomite, and Goldie the way the talked the jive the way they walked the walk more than likely set the black race back by decades. Grabbing there groins and having a glide in their stride, wearing big hats, capes, and over exaggerated gestures help create stereotypes and threadbare ideals of the black race that are prevalent even today. In 1987, Robert Townsend wrote, starred, and directed a behind the scenes parody of those types of movies called Hollywood Shuffle, while on one hand Townsend is exhibiting his blackness by pointing out the obvious bias behavior of the white studios but also exhibiting the talent and recognition seeking of the black actor. Townsend’s almost biographical parody of movies, television shows not only his range as an actor but also h is since of humor of the angst of being an actor chosen solely for the color of your skin. Robert Townsend through situational and dramatic irony and by exhibiting how the white ideals shape the identity and description of what is black and how Hollywood has warped it. Robert Townsend plays Bobby Taylor a struggling young man actor who is with a healthy imagination and a dream of becoming a serious actor. Bobby family reluctantly supports him in his endeavors but his mother, and grandmother played by Starletta DuPois and Helen Martin secretly pass judgment on his chosen career path while his co-worker Donald and Tiny at the Winky-Dinky Dog played by co writer Keenan Ivory Wayans and Lou B. Washington openly mocks his dream. Crushed are Bobby dreams of playi... ...ood Shuffle" And "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka." Cinema Journal 38.3 (1999): 50-66. JSTOR Arts & Sciences III. Web. 3 Dec. 2011. Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin, White Mask. New York: Grove, 1967. Print. Grant, William R. Post-soul Black Cinema: Discontinuities, Innovations, and Breakpoints, 1970-1995. New York: Routledge, 2004. Print. Harrison, C. "W.J.T. Mitchell, What Do Pictures Want? Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. 380 Pp., 16 Col. Plates, 84 Halftones, 10 Line Drawings. Hardback $35, 24.50 ISBN 0-226-53245-3." Journal of Visual Culture 6.1 (2007): 160-63. Print. "The Souls of Black Folk Study Guide - W. E. B. Du Bois -" ENotes - Literature Study Guides, Lesson Plans, and More. Web. 03 Dec. 2011. . Tourà ©. Who's Afraid of Post-blackness?: What It Means to Be Black Now. New York: Free, 2011. Print.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Organizational Behavior Chapter Essay
Read chapter 1 (â€Å"What is Organizational Behavior†) in your e-text, answer these questions, and watch the chapter 1 quiz video for course mentor clarification. 1) Johanna Reid, a campaign manager at a child rights organization, recently started working on an illiteracy project. During the project, she needs to motivate team members to attain their project milestones and direct them through different phases of the project. Which of the following kinds of functions will these tasks be covered under? a) planning b) organizing c) scrutinizing d) evaluating e) leading Answer: E 2) Regina George works as a campaign manager in a not-for-profit organization in Hampshire. For the upcoming campaign against genetic engineering, she is networking with managers who are working on the issue of food safety. Through her network of contacts, she strives to gain information about the stakeholders in the food industry and other lobby groups. Which of the following roles is George most likely to be playing according to Mintzberg’s classification of managerial roles? a) figurehead b) leader c) liaison d) entrepreneur e) resource allocator Answer: C 3) The ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support other people, both individually and in groups, may be defined as ________. a) human skills b) technical skills c) conceptual skills d) cognitive skills e) analytical skills Answer: A 4) According to Fred Luthans and his associates, managers involved in traditional management activities undertook which of the following tasks? a) motivating b) socializing c) decision making d) training e) politicking Answer:C 5) According to Fred Luthans and his associates’ study of 450 managers, ________ made the largest contribution to the success of managers in terms of speed of promotion within their organization. a) networking b) decision making c) planning d) controlling e) staffing Answer: A
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