Saturday, August 31, 2019
Deutsche Brauerei Essay
The agenda attached (EXHIIBT 1) became the focus of Ms. Greta Schweitzer’s concentration for the next 24 hours. She relied on her team from her EMBA class in Frankfurt to assist her with the recommendations she would need to address this board tomorrow morning. Upon initial analysis, it became obvious that DB was in trouble with respect to the Ukraine market, much less the proposed capital expansion. Several items alarmed the team when we read the statements from both Lukas Schweitzer and Oleg Pinchuk. The sales and marketing manager has an obviously different approach than that which made DB successful in the past. Oleg Pinchuk has extended credit to its â€Å"distributors†which is causing a rise in sales and accordingly an increase in his salary (as it is based on sales). This needs to be corrected; given such a volatile environment and this firm’s recent history, a person in his position should earn a salary based on accounts receivable collections, rather than sales. Perhaps then, his discretion would be more restrictive with respect to extension of credit. Furthermore, if the distributors are in fact expanding and enhancing their stores by purchasing new equipment and restocking inventories, then obviously they have the cash to pay DB for their outstanding invoices. This raises considerable questions regarding the prudence of â€Å"trade-credit extensions†and compensation packages offered Mr. Pinchuk, and accordingly, we recommend his termination. A new salary structure and job description delineating required results can be negotiated with Mr. Pinchuk’s replacement. When considering adopting the budget for 2001, we must consider the proposed expansion and investments in new plant and equipment (warehouse and distribution center). With the overuse of short term debt and a borrowing rate over 2% higher than the government rate, it will be impossible to finance this capital expansion. We cannot recommend approval of the budget in its current form. There is not enough cash being collected, too much inventory carried on behalf of the distributors, too much risky short term debt and too many capital improvements budgeted to justify this expansion. Without actually collecting cash from the receivables, we do not recommend declaring any additional dividends, as indicated in the budget. Historically, declared and paid dividends were right at or below $2,000 (in thousands of Euros) and the proposed budget increases those to well over $3,200. We recommend restricting dividends declared to what was done in the past, without any increase. Once collections are received and with the change in marketing, credit policies, and inventory control, the company would be in a better financial position to pay additional dividends. As a matter of final note, we strongly urge the Board of Directors of DB to consider the short term effects of expanding into a new market economy. The Ukraine is just transitioning into becoming a market economy (experiencing supply and demand that guides the allocation of resources). Such a transition is politically and socially difficult for businesses because of rising inflation, unemployment, and economic uncertainty. We have serious questions about the vitality of DB and whether it can survive until the long term benefits of this transition are realized.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Different between leader and manager
LEADER.From the root word itself, a leader is basically someone who leads or guides and is in charge or in command of others. (www. thefreedictionary. com, 2007) But not every one is a born leader. Leadership to some is innate and to others, a skill.. And certain leaders have different characteristics but same basic roles. In essence, there are nine roles for a leader. First, a leader must take the role of a sage. He constantly develops wisdom through continuous gain of knowledge about wide-range subjects and designs a strategy by being mindful of considerations and consequences.He must also be open to find the best path for the organization. Second role that the leader must play is that of a visionary. A visionary-leader must know how to turn seemingly impossible dreams into reality by innovating powerful ideas and articulating it to the members so that the whole group would act. A leader should be a magician. Magician in a sense that he should be able to reform things without wasti ng too much effort and coordinates change by maintaining equilibrium among the structures, systems and procedures of the old system into a new one.Also, he should be able to maintain calmness despite a transition’s instability. The fourth role is that of a globalist. The leader should promote the organization’s accomplishment in leveraging the diversity of its workforce to ensue its global activities. The leader should also be able find the common ground on which the workforce can productively function. Next role is being a mentor. The leader should be committed to personal and professional development and can help his workforce to advance their careers through several learning opportunities and is devoted to the individuality of each member of the group.The leader should also serves as a motivator by generating an environment for people to find their inner drive. Then, the leader should also be an ally which builds partnerships to come up with an effective and mutuall y beneficial collaboration. The leader must also be a team player. He must also be willing to extend his trust to others. Then, the leader should also be sovereign. He should always be mindful in the use of power and is clever enough to take risks and face uncertainty. He should be responsible enough to take liabilities for the organization. He should be reliable in honoring obligations.The leader must also be a guide. He must be a flexible organizer and focused. The leader makes the journey towards the goal worthwhile. He should be able to use his expertise to accomplish the work and support the efforts of others. The last role of a leader is being an artisan. The workforce should see the leader’s devotion to master his craft and is always pursuing excellence through balanced aesthetic with practical standards. The leader should also be able to sustain attention to detail and is always pushing the creative juices of every one. (theleadingedge. com, 2007)Style is the method a nd approach of presenting direction, plan implementation and motivating people. (Clark, 2005) In the manner of leadership, there are basically three styles. First is the authoritarian or autocratic style. In this style, the leader has absolute power over the team. The workforce has little opportunity to make suggestions even though it is for the best interest of the organization. This style is best employed for routine or unskilled jobs. Second is the bureaucratic style wherein it works â€Å"by the books†to ensure that the work is done properly.This is usually used in works involving serious safety risks or big corporate deals. The last is the democratic style. The leader is open to the suggestion of the members in the decision-making process but in the end, the final decision still relies on the leader. MANAGER. He is someone who manages or controls resources and expenditures. (eLook. org, 2007) Managers play a significant role in administering the performance of their org anization. First, he is involved in the decision-making process of the organization.This role involves planning out strategies to solve or improve the quality of the wok force and the product. The manager should also be concerned in setting, planning and organizing the goal of the organization. To achieve short and long term goals, the manager should communicate the vision of the organization to the whole members. As the manager, he should also be able to guide and give directions so that the group can efficiently perform. Also, he should also empower the team because the performance of the organization greatly depends on how you motivate them.As a manager, you should also be able to effectively communicate with your subordinates to maintain the rapport in the organization. Another role is to evaluate and analyze a process that may give the best performance for the organization. Also, the manager should provide fulfillment amongst everyone. Lastly, the manager must be an excellent r ole model to the whole organization. The manager must always set a high standard not just for the group but for him as well and should be able to accomplish it. The manager must set as an example of being accountable for his and the group’s performance.(about-personal-growth. com, 2007) There are two main styles of management. These are autocratic and permissive. In the autocratic style, the manager makes all the decision unilaterally while in the permissive style, the manager allows the subordinates in the decision-making and gives them a substantial degree of autonomy in the work activities. (www. rpi. edu, 2007) One example of a good leader is Margaret Thatcher. She was responsible for setting in motion a series of interrelated events that gave a revolutionary twist to the century.She also helped the world mark the end of the millennium with hope and buoyancy. She became powerful person to many transformations that the world has seen. (Jonhson, 2003) On the other hand, the re are many great managers that do not make it in print. But, there are ways to become a great manager. The best managers are those who have an enthusiasm for continuous learning and are willing to work for their self improvement. (Hill, August 2003) A good manager is also someone who is both a team player and is concerned for others. Leaders and managers are almost synonymous but we there are still some differences.In a reality, the context of a leader is someone that is etched in our minds as someone heroes or patriotic. Whereas, we see managers as someone fitted in the corporate world. They are seldom associated with greatness or patriotism. In the corporate world, we also seldom hear about great managers a s great leaders. The difference between manager (or management) is that they are two sides of the same coin. In being one, they perceive each other whilst being diverse and different; they are parts of the whole with vital contrasts and in those very same contrasts, they make each other clear. (Garner, 2005)
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Saudi Females Experience Between the United States and Saudi Arabia Research Paper - 1
Saudi Females Experience Between the United States and Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example ent of Saudi Arabia, thousands of Arabian youth have moved to the US to study under the scholarship named â€Å"King Abdullah’s Scholarship Program.†Half of these people are young ladies, who the government, in an attempt to empower the female gender in line with the global requirements. Some came at a tender age, after completion of their secondary education, while others came at an advanced age of their youth, at tender ages of their marriages. An argument can be raised that the variations in the experiences among these scholars lie on their age. However, the reasons for coming to study could also be a reason for the reactions. This paper focuses on the experiences of the female Saudi Arabia women in the US, by reviewing literatures done by various scholars and newspaper articles. The inception of â€Å"King Abdullah Scholarship Program†was supposed to give as many Saudi Arabian citizens education opportunities as possible, all over the world. According to Newswire, (2007) students who were to benefit under the scholarship would be provided with full tuition fees, a living stipend, books and computer allowances. The purpose of this move was to make sure that no student who qualified for the program was left out due to financial constraints. Applications for the programme are either done directly or student nomination through a professor. Since the inception of the program, has been successful if the number of Saudi Arabians who have benefited through the program is anything to go by. Statistics reveal that in 2010, 1984 high school students were selected to join in the program to pursue bachelors’ degree, while 6736 students were chosen to join masters’ programme, as doctorate degree beneficiaries were a total of 1283 (Newswire, 2010). The high number of people being chosen to join the programme is an indication of its success and citizens’ willingness to study. The United States and United Kingdom colleges and universities are classified as some of
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 16
Summary - Essay Example Individuals such as Francis L. Lawrence have been expressed to the stipulations shunning prejudice due to his utterance. Francis L. Lawrence once expressed that blacks were the most disadvantaged and lacked genetic hereditary to merit any higher advantage. Craig Rogers also filed an expensive case about her lesbian professor of psychology for leaving her feeling rapped and also trapped. Learning institutions have formulated strategies to ensure no tolerance to prejudice of any manner ranging from racism to Christian bashing. This has been implemented to ensure that the society is favorable to the perceived minorities. By resisting every element of prejudice, it does not depict that the racial aspect does not exist in every individual. Nonetheless intellectual pluralism should be embraced to permit respect of expression of every individual. "Only when racism and other forms of prejudice are expunged," The suppression of prejudice targets the time when there will be a total belief among individuals in the society that there is no difference in human origin, a provision that is even doubted still. The author states that, â€Å"I doubt such a day will ever arrive.†The feeling of segregation is recurrent in human and should be suppressed every time. If a total freedom exists, people will be legitimate in their diverse thoughts such as insanity of the homosexuals , their barrier to reproduction and the doubts they impose on people. Moreover, as the efforts are geared towards doing away with the prejudice it is realized that no much achievement are attained and as a result the conditions worsen. Therefore, it would be wise to start thinking and implementing the facets of prejudice at the expense of eliminating them. Prejudice has caused much confusion in the society and bad habits in the society such as homosexuality benefit from the policies and opposing homosexuality is a prejudice to the group. For instance the student
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Definition of an Operating Segment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Definition of an Operating Segment - Essay Example Corporations that sell at the retail level, but who also have an online operation have multiple operating segments. The e-commerce operation would be considered an operating segment. Let’s take the Jiffy Lube business as an example. The money generated by the oil change operation would be considered an operating segment. The car wash operation of the business is another operating segment. Any food items sold inside the store in the waiting area would be a third operating segment of the company. 2. I agree with your definition of an operating segment. It is imperative for the CEO or COO of a company to evaluate the performance of each operating segment on a recurrent basis. Whenever an operating segment starts to under perform that segment could become unprofitable. A strategy that can be used by management to eliminate operating segments that are not generating profits is divesture. Divesture can be defined as the partial or full disposal of an investment or asset through sale, exchange, closure or bankruptcy (Investopedia, 2011). (2011). Divesture. Retrieved September 7, 2011 from Effective and successful managers are able to generate profits from all the operating segments of a company. On many instances companies achieve expansion by adding operating segments to their operations. ... Two powerful stock exchanges are the NYSE and the LSE. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1933 requires companies to register with the SEC prior to going public. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 discusses the matter of being public. Once a company is public the SEC oversees its activities. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 regulates broker dealers and stock exchanges. 6. GAAP guidelines are used in the preparation of financial statement disclosures. Financial statement disclosures are comments or explanations listed in a company’s financial statements. Three types of items that are covered by disclosures and whose inclusion is mandatory based on GAAP rules are changes or errors, asset retirement and insurance contract modification. There are also voluntary disclosures included in the business reports of companies. Some voluntary disclosures include forward looking statements and management analysis. 5. The threshold to for an operating segment to be reportable is listed below: Reported revenue is at least 10 percent of combined revenue Reported profit (loss) is at least 10 percent of combined profit (loss) Assets are 10 percent or more of combined assets (Schroeder & Clark & Cathey, 2011). Schroeder, R.G., Clark, M.W., Cathey, J.M. (2011). Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis (10th ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 7. Weekly Summary Week 5 was very challenging, but I learned a lot about accounting during the week. The individual paper discussed pension funds. I learned that the use of pension funds became used a lot in corporate America after World War II. The accounting profession and the government have ensured that corporations respect the rights of retirees by properly funding pension funds. In
Monday, August 26, 2019
Focusing on Financial Impact & Innovation TLMT 441 forum 2 Assignment
Focusing on Financial Impact & Innovation TLMT 441 forum 2 - Assignment Example According to Mullineux (2008), financial innovation enables firms to raise funds for investment, which is critical in lowering production cost. Similarly, the growth is developed by new technologies and not driven by profit-maximization. They help in supporting entrepreneurs to create new methods to fund and screen technologists. Financial innovation is poised as the economic engine of the societies, at the same time, castigated as source of weakness of the economy (Bansal, 2006). Empirically, the source of financial innovation is poorly understood by entrepreneurs. These innovations refer to advances in technology that expedite access to information, payment, and trading approaches (Bansal, 2006). Financial innovation shapes the monetary policies of countries. On the other hand, financial development in media and payment systems has created a substitute for note, which is a reserve of the central banking (Bansal, 2006). For instance, they have enhanced e-banking and online money transfer that enhances money circulation. In other words, financial innovation facilitates the operation of monetary policies (Allen, 2004). They enhance transfer of money, contract on futures values, and allow negotiability of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Open forum intelligence analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Open forum intelligence analysis - Essay Example My primary concern is how can I efficiently conduct an ACH by use of the subjective process? How is the Analysis of Competing Hypothesis different from conventional intuitive analysis (Hypotheses 2008)? Richards asserts that there might be no apparent guarantee that any form of analysis might produce accurate answers. Reason being, it all depends on imperfect human judgment on incomplete information. Consequently, this has led to the failure of intelligence systems. Therefore, what are some of the essential factors needed to make the analysis of competing hypothesis more effective (Intelligence Reports 2013)? Hypotheses, Analysis of Competing. "Analysis of Competing Hypotheses." Central Intelligence Agency . July 2008. (accessed October Thursday,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
The Christiana UPS building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Christiana UPS building - Essay Example The problem with UPS Christiana building is that the amount of work they handle has increased, hence, expansion is the only end to this congestion. Implementing the proposed solution will not require additional invention. UPS Christiana only needs to assign available constructors to use already existing tools, equipments, and materials to complete the expansion. I doubt the feasibility of this plan since implementation depends solely on the availability of land that the author does not assure us of. The executive summary is not concise and accurate because it does not give an exact explanation of how a large building will lead to faster arrival of customer packages. Additionally, using unclear phrases such as â€Å"our competition is designing new systems and technologies to compete with us†makes the executive summary to lose accuracy and ability to engage the reader. The summary discusses all parts of the assignment, but the information given in some parts is irrelevant. Considering several flaws in the executive summary, I would not read the business plan as an executive because I would expect it to be a piece of bori ng text. When writing an executive summary, the author should remember that they are writing to people with busy schedules who need accurate information that is specific and relevant to the problem that the business planners intend to
Friday, August 23, 2019
Consumer Behaviour (Marketing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Consumer Behaviour (Marketing) - Essay Example A, Ms. B, Miss C and Little D. Mr. A is a 63 years old retired man. He spends most of his time at home. His wife, Mrs. A, is a 55 years old lady. She has been a housewife throughout her life. She also remains confined to her home most of the times. She visits the nearby market twice a week to buy groceries and vegetables. Their elder daughter, Ms B is a 34-year-old widow and lives with them. She works as a middle level manager in a big company. Miss C, 24, is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. She works part time while attending her MBA Classes. She spends all the money that she earns on her education and personal grooming like, clothing, perfumes, beauty parlor etc. She is very fashion conscious and spends most of the time outside home. Little D is the daughter of Ms. B. She is a 7 year old child who attends school from morning nine o' clock to noon. After that she spends her time at home watching TV. In the evening she devotes a couple of hours in doing homework and playing ou t with friends. The family does not appear to be very affluent as there is only one major working member (Ms B) when compared to the basic expenses of food for five people, medicines for two old people and education of a child. All the members of this family have their own choices as far as TV viewing and radio listening is concerned. Mr. ... Viewing / Listening pattern of Member 1 (Mr. A) Mr. A is not very choosy as far as TV channels are concerned. He watches any program that the other family members are watching and often sleeps in the middle of it. However one habit that he still maintains from his early days is listening to the news channel on the radio in the morning. He says, "Just like breakfast I never miss the morning bulletins". Listening to a particular radio channel has become such a habit that he finds his day incomplete without tuning the channel. When the entire house is bustling with activity in the morning, he is the one who is most relaxed, listening to the radio. His liking for that particular radio channel can be linked to the theory of lifestyle. On asking why he listens to that news channel of the radio he said it has become a habit since childhood days when TV had not become an integral part of our lives. Since his childhood he has heard from his elders that the radio bulletins are very credible. So his choice of radio news channel can be linked to the theory of attitude as well. It has rightly been observed by Hawkins, Best and Coney (1992, p. 372) that " Source credibility influences attitudes. It appears to be composed of two basic dimensions: trustworthiness and expertise. Influencing attitudes is much easier when the source of the message is viewed as highly credible by the target market". Viewing / Listening pattern of Member 2 (Mrs. A) Mrs. A is highly interested in watching TV. Says Mrs. A that " I literally have a fight everyday with my grand- daughter (Little D) and the sole reason of our conflict is the TV". Mrs. A loves watching channels that run daily soaps and cookery shows.
EVA Calculation and comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
EVA Calculation and comparison - Essay Example The chart below indicates that Walgreens EVA scores have been on the rise in the past three years. CVS' EVA scores have been falling and indicate that CVS needs to examine its resource utilization methods and decide what to do turn its scores around. The goal of any organization is to lower its costs while increasing profitability. There are many methods organizations can use. In the three year window examined (2004, 2005, 2006). Initially Walgreens' total assets were slightly higher than CVS'. Then CVSs were reported as slightly higher than Walgreens. Walgreens consistently outspends CVS for cost of goods sold. The higher the cost of goods sold the lower the profits. But, Walgreens consistently reports 10% on ROA (return on assets). CVS reports between 6.3% and 8% ROA. Walgreens has a bigger share of the market and consistently outperforms CVS. But, the difference is not so big that n any one year CVS could come out on top. The current earnings are so close that a good year could put CVS ahead. Both pharmacies could benefit from strategies to differentiate them in the market and draw in a greater share of the market in pharmacy sales. Walgreens has begun doing so by advertising itself as "your pharmacy" and "there's my pharmacy next to work""there's my pharmacy close to home"(TV commercials). .. Sales $37,006,200 Cash $513,400 N/P $774,200 COGS $27,105,000 A/R $2,080,700 A/P $3,988,900 Gross $9,901,200 Inventory $5,719,800 Accrd Exp $59,500 Prepaids $78,800 SG&A $7,881,700 TTL Cur $8,392,700 TTL Cur $4,822,600 EBIT $2,019,500 PP&E $3,952,600 LTD $1,594,100 Interest $110,500 GoodWill $1,789,900 TTL Liabilities $6,416,700 EBT $1,909,000 intangible $802,200 Other Assets $223,500 Equity $535,500 33.96% Tax $648,300 LTA Charges $122,500 EAT $1,260,700 TTL Assets $15,283,400 TTL Liab & Equity $6,952,200 ROA 8.20% ROE 235.40% Debt $2,368,300 0.8200 0.01 0.82% equity $535,500 0.1800 1.4894 26.81% $2,903,800 27.63% 18.25% EVA -10.05% Table 2 Table 3 31-Dec-03 Assets Liabilities & Equity Sales $26,588,000 Cash $843,200 N/P $3,166,000 COGS $26,588,000 A/R $1,601,700 A/P 0 Gross $26,588,000 Inventory $4,016,500 Accrd Exp $323,200 Prepaids $35,100 SG&A $5,439,400 TTL Cur $6,496,500 TTL Cur $3,489,200 EBIT $1,423,600 PP&E $2,542,100 LTD $1,032,100 Interest $48,100 GoodWill $889,000 TTL Liabilities $4,521,300 EBT $1,375,500 Intangible $403,700 Other Assets $211,800 Equity $207,800 38.40% Tax $528,200 LTA Charges 0 EAT $847,300 TTL Assets $10,543,100 TTL Liab & Equity $4,729,100 ROA 8.00% ROE 407.70% Debt $4,198,100 0.9500 0.010639 1.01% equity $207,800 0.0500 0.3538 1.77% $4,405,900 2.78% 1.71% EVA 6.29% Works Cited: Ecoach. EVA. Retrieved 2007-02-09
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Essay Example for Free
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Essay Maximilian Carl Emil Weber (1864-1920) was a renowned German political economist whose works are still influential in the field to date. He is credited among the founder of the modern study of public administration and sociology. In his analysis on religion, Weber wrote an essay on The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism wherein he argued that religion has largely shaped the different cultures of the world, creating differences between the eastern and western cultures. It is religion, according to him, which brought about the spirit of capitalism and bureaucracy in the western political culture. Protestantism and capitalism are social aspects that intermingle at several places. Protestantism is often associated with revolution and anarchy. It refers to a form of Christian faith holding principals of reformation. Reformation is this context refers to the revolution in the Christian realm which happened ion the 16th century in protest against some principles of the Roman Catholic Church. The leaders of the reformation established the protestant movement to run parallel to the Roman Catholic Church. The term is not used in reference to any particular church, but for the group of churches excluding Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.            Early Protestantism was characterized by the acceptance of the Christian holy book as the only source of absolute truth. They believe in universal priesthood and that faith is the only justification of one’s relationship in God. It is therefore a sin to doubt God and the provisions poof the Bible.            Capitalism on the other hand is an economic system that believes in the free market mode of business. A capitalist society is characterized by minimum state intervention in economic activities. Capitalists argue for the control of the economy being effected by market forces, where an entrepreneur engages in a capital investment to earn profits. Morality in such cases is relegated as the businessman is strictly after profits. In such a society, people should work extra hard to harness the benefits an economic venture.            There is however no society that can be fully capitalist. In all societies, the government has to intervene to inculcate an orderly environment for business to flourish. It has to create order where there is none, and establish a society of understanding, not the state of nature argued by Thomas Hobbes where life is short, brutish and involves a war of all against all. A capitalist system encourages hard work. Individuals are competing against themselves, and a social welfare tendency is mostly a marketing strategy.            The bible is clear in support of capitalism. In the parable of the servant who was reprimanded because he did not invest the shilling he was given, Christianity is clear that people should be hard working and invest more. The bible goes ahead to say that whoever dies not work should not eat. This is the spirit of capitalism based on the principle of toiling and consequences of laziness faced by individuals and not groups.            It is argued that the spirit of capitalism is deep rooted in Protestantism. Many of the clergy came from commercial circles. A large number of the adherents of Pietism are former commercial bigwigs, and the probability that they are going to frame the economic policies to suit the capitalist environment is very high. It is notable that  many capitalistic entrepreneurs sprung from clergymen’s families. A good example worth mentioning is Cecil Rhodes.            Protestant churches were open to voluntary membership. This is a characteristic feature ioif a capitalist system, in whose advocates argue for freedom of choice and minimum government intervention, if it must intervene. This is different from the state sponsored European churches in Europe where Max lived. Any member could therefore be trusted in business, irrespective of the sect he confesses. However, misbehavior could cause excommunication.            In America, Weber also noted that the members of the protestant sect used to run the sects. This is at variance with the European model where the state appoints the pastors to rub these establishments, and therefore the pastor becomes a political appointee. The congregation insisted on preaching ethics as opposed to mere ideas of religious dogma. These were considered less important by the congregation at the time. Again members of the American church could replace corrupt or inefficient pastors on such basis.            With time, the influence of the church seemed to wane away, with secular institutions gaining strengths in society. These secular organizations were keen to accept members who exhibit a clear record. The members assured the strict adherence to these principles, and not the hierarchical structure of governance. Traveling salesmen had to have a label indicating them as members of a certain organization, for the sake of building customer confidence.            As Weber argues in his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, the protestant reformation was the origin of ethical behavior for businessmen, and has effectively promoted the growth of capitalism. References Fischoff, E. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Social Research, Vol.XI, 1944,    pp.62-68 Swatos, W. H. (ed) Time, Place, and Circumstance: Neo-Weberian Studies in Comparative       Religious History. New York: Greenwood Press. 1990 Swedberg, R. Max Weber and the Idea of Economic Sociology. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Manuel Castells: Theory of Information Age
Manuel Castells: Theory of Information Age Manuel Castells is one of the most widely recognised contributors to contemporary debates about globalisation. Indeed his three volume trilogy The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture published from 1996 to 2000 was amongst the earliest, full-scale theories of globalisation. Castells transformed globalisation from a fashionable academic concept into a a whole new phase of human history. More recent contributors such as Hardt and Negri, Held, Bauman and Giddens have arguably been writing within Castells legacy. Few since however, have been able to match the boldness of Castells venture which some are already characterising as a work in the tradition of previous grand works of sociology such as Karl Marx and Max Weber. Of course, it is too early to place Castells alongside Marx and Weber but the central thesis of his trilogy is certainly all-encompassing. It is nothing less than the claim that new information technologies have not only transformed the technology of communicati on, they have not merely had a globalising impact but have brought about a new age, within which these technologies are the organising logic and principles. Very little of human life escapes this new age for Castells, from state structures and national sovereignty to the everyday individual reckoning with our own identity. In the first volume of his trilogy, The Network Society, Castells explains how the new age can be characterised as an age of informationalism. The world has shifted from industrialism to post-industrialism to informationalism (Castells, 1996). In other words the determining technology of our age is not mechanical but informational. This has brought about a whole new way in which economic activity and production is conducted, through networking. This takes place within companies, between companies and between regions. Networking is the new means for ensuring productivity, as opposed to old-fashioned heirarchical managerial strcutures which relied on the controllable logic of mechanical operations. Rather networking is informational and its technological medium is the internet. The networking society has important consequences not only for economic progress but for human relationships and the future of the nation-stae. In economic terms it means that progress is tied inextricably to in formation technology. If technology is responsible for transferring labor and matter into consumable goods and the production of consumable goods determines economic progress then such progress is determined by information technology, and particular the manipulation of the internet. Furthermore, if human culture is significantly determined by the forms of economic activity that permeate it then the rise of the new information technologies is bound to have a rapid and dramatic impact on everyday human relationships. Perhaps the most significant of these is the impact on our conception of time. The world has become a much smaller place with the onset of information technology as we can interact and respond to each other in real time about matters of great significance. This theme is further developed in the second volume of the trilogy The Power of Identity. Here, Castells explains how the new social movements are posing a formidable challenge to the old nation-state system (Castells, 1998). These new social movements are the product of the new global economic order because this is new order is ruthless, perhaps more ruthless and brutal than previous economic orders. Whole communities and forms of life can simply by cut out or switched of. Individuals are likely to feel that their traditional roots have no value and at the same time there is very little security provided by this new order. In the End of Millenium, the third volume of his trilogy, Castells paints a gloomy picture of the trends that have been set in place by globalisation (Castells, 2000). On the one hand many will feel increasingly lost in the information age further removed from the forces that are shaping their lives. On the other hand many of those that embrace the new world or der will do so at the expense of the moral grounding that upheld previous social orders. Castells trilogy has been both widely discussed and heavily criticised. Much of this criticism has been concerned with the presentation of his ideas, that Castells covers too much ground and is uneccessarily verbose. There are more serious criticisms that can be made however. These criticisms are perhaps best highlighted by contrasting Castells work with other theorists of globalisation. Saskia Sassen provides one such contrast. For Sassen departs significantly in her account of globalisation from Castells economic and technological determinism. Whereas Castells argues that the new world order is fundamentally a new economic order and that this new economic order is founded on progress in information technology, Sassen argues that there are two main trends that have driven globalisation (Sassen, 1996). According to Sassen these two main trends are both economic and political. And it is the development of political globalisation that tells most significantly against Castells thesis . New forms of transnational political association such as the European Union are acquiring a significant measure of political authority over process of global economic and social activities. They must therefore be understood as part of the driving force of globalisation. But political globalisation does not simply entail the transfer of power from national to international institutions. It also includes new human rights regimes. These rights have been centred around the protection, or at least the recognition, of peoples from the abuse of state power by international. Whilst human rights protection is patchy and far from universal it is one aspect of a way of avoiding the pessimistic conclusions made by Castells. Perhaps, even, a new form of global citizenship is possible through both global political institutions and the remaining and still vital democratic institutions of nation-states, which are far from disappearing as one might believe after reading Castells. But how will this be possible if, as Robertson explains, there is no prospect of any kind of unified global culture that could underpinn it. Well, perhaps it is if we follow Robertsons definition of globalisation as opposed to Castells. According to Robertson globalisation refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the global whole. (Robertson, 1992: 8) In contrast to Castells then, who argues that in a globalised world individuals are likely to feel increasingly lost, disconnected from the forces that are shaping their lives, Robertsons globalisation leads to an increasing interconnectedness between people. This interconnectedness is obviously enabled to a significant degree by the internet. And, to be sure, not everyone is able to access the new communications technologies that are helping to drive globalisation. However, the possibility that those that are excluded from the rights and priviledges enjoyed by citizens of the west might be protected from the consequences of globalisation and might be eventually be included in these privileges is enabled by a key feature of globalisation itself. This is that in a globalised world we are more likely to position our views in relation to a far greater range of human perspectives. In other words, globalisation involves comparative interaction of different forms of life. (Robertson, 1992:27) This process can be called relativisation, which is a process that affects both individuals and states. A more specific and more detailed exploration of the ways in which the comparative interaction of different forms of life may help to transform our world for the better can be found in theories of global civil society. There are many different versions of the theory of global civil society, but at its most optimistic it is envisaged that the key to the democratisation of forces of globalisation lies not in human rights regimes but in the development of networks of cooporation between international actors (NGOS) who can place pressure on both states and international authorities through the exchange of opinion within a global public sphere (Keane, 2003). Just as national civil societies ensured that national markets were socially embedded with moral and ethical norms, so global civil society may have this impact on the global economic order. The exposure of some of the unsavoury practices of certain global companies, such as Nike and BP, by NGOS and the paradoxically named anti-global isation movement, are surely already having such an impact. That said however, if we wanted to understand the forces that might render the prospect of a global civil society unrealized then there are few better theorists to turn to than Castells. That is if we put aside his economic and technological determinism. References Zygmunt Bauman (2000) Liquid Modernity Polity Press Keane, John (2003) Global Civil Society Cambridge University Press Castells, Manuel , (1996) The Information age: Economy, Society and Culture volume one. The Network Society Blackwell Castells, Manuel (1998) The Information age: Economy, Society and Culture volume two. The Power of Identity Blackwell Castells, Manuel (2000) The Information age: Economy, Society and Culture volume three. The End of Millenium Blackwell Robertson, Ronald (1992) Globalisation Social Theory and Global Culture. London: Sage. Saskia Sassen (1996) Losing Control? Columbia University Press
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Information Technology In The Tourism Government
Information Technology In The Tourism Government Involving information and communication technology on a range of modern methods and techniques used to simplify a particular activity and lifting tool, a group gathered the necessary equipment to process information and circulation of computers and software and hardware for saving and retrieving and electronic transport across wired and wireless means of communication in all its forms and different kinds: written, audio and video, which enables two-way communication and teamwork and provide transmission of the message from the sender to the recipient; through closed networks and open; and globalization has allowed information and communication technology to benefit from services a four-Twenty hours (24 h / 7 days), from any point on earth, especially with the spread of electronic financial settlement of transactions on Line. Nowadays technology involves every aspects of life. One of these aspects is tourism. People who work in tourism sector use technology to execute their work. Technology helps to distribute information about different places for tourism. Tourists can gain information from the internet and know the accurate things to decide the best places to visit. Technology makes the work easier related to the tourists need like hiring cars, getting rooms and tickets. It becomes very easy register your information online. Tourists will have more time to enjoy themselves because their information has been already registered online. Tourism use technology to make records about their usual customers to know their favorite food, places and activities to attract them to come again. Briefly this issue will discuss the concept of Information technology in tourism industry and will cover those main points: Concept of information technology. E-Government. Information Technology and Tourism. E-Tourism. The importance of e-tourism and its impact on national economy. Tourism applications. Government internet website Information Technology? Information technology mean possessed the manufacture and storage and dissemination of information by a microelectronics-based computing and communications. When we say Information technology that means, computer programming, internet, computer engineering, and technician and so on. All of that make big change in tourism industry so; the government should use this technology to be number one in this sector. E-Government: The common definition of e-government as a network of computer systems that enable public access to a large number of government services and transactions automated, online or through other electronic letters . The intellectual and political content of the e-government, and historical and cultural context that led to it. The concept e-government integrated mean the effective use of all information and communication technologies in order to facilitate the daily administrative operations of the government sectors. We can say in light of the foregoing that the electronic government in terms of the concept is: the environment where it is information be for all by easy way IT and Tourism: Because the tourism industry is rapidly changing and evolving. It was necessary to use information technology to keep pace with the evolution in the world and is noted on this basis that the tourism market has been affected a lot of this technology over recent years has been known an exponential growth in e-tourism Through the Internet. The countries which used the e-government and considering tourism as one of main economic recourse faces to use technology in this sector and this helped to appearance of the concept of E-Tourism. E-Tourism: Appeared a few years ago the concept of e-tourism, and dealt with many international organizations of different applications and their impact on increasing tourism growth, especially in least developed countries, which constitute the tourism revenues, a large proportion of GDP. Has contributed to further spread the concept and applications of various factors such as high proportion of the contribution of e-tourism in the total international e-commerce, and the resulting integration of this concept in the institutional structures of the bodies involved in tourism from the reduction in the cost of tourism services provided and thus prices, and the development of tourist product submitted in the development of new touristic activities consistent with the different segments of tourists, as well as increasing the competitiveness of tourism enterprises, and the consequent increase in the value added of the tourism sector in the national economy. We can say the e-tourism is Pattern of tourist transactions are executed through the use of information and communication technology. The importance of e-tourism and its impact on national economy The importance of e-tourism, which provided huge benefits for both providers of tourism services for tourists or tourists themselves , which contribute to overcome traditional barriers in the typical tourist transactions, and most important of these benefits : 1. Facilitate the provision of information, which depends on tourism industry. When we use the technology it is will be easy to get information about tourism destination. 2. Reduce the cost of tourism services provided. Because the services provided online with lees price and time . 3. Ease of product development, tourism and the emergence of new tourism activities in accordance with the different segments of tourists. That happen when we use the technology to know what tourists need and what his her opinion about certain destination. 4. Increase the competitiveness of tourism enterprises. That depends for how we use the Information technology in our work . All of that helped to increase the benefit of tourism in national income so; the use of information technology is strategic choice and necessary. Tourism applications: Before tock about tourism applications in IT sector we should know who use the IT. In general we can divide them to four groups which are: Tourists:, Travel agents. Service providers.. Tourism offices. In tourism we use information technology in airlines, hotels, car rent, Tourism offices and travel agencies. The government use information technology in several way s for example, marketing research, promotional plan and exchange the information between the countries and so on. Also the government use computers, Mobil phones, and satellites to control and administration the staff and the process in easy ways. Government Internet Website It is the biggest and useful part of information technology and the government use it to promotional the country and market it in good ways. This website provides all information for all and it easy to access and get what you want about the country so, that will be increase the number of visitor. Moreover the government uses the internet to provide direct services like, reservation, tickets and other things. Conclusion: In conclusion, I can say the information technology effect the tourism industry in different ways and change day by day. Also the exact impacts are far from clear, the future of e-tourism. In the end of this report we can see the important of information technology in tourism sector and who it is affect it. In my opinion the information technology becomes the important issue and I have the right to say no live without information technology.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn      In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck Finn was the main character. The story was told through his eyes, and most of the events that took place happened around him. But some of these events would not have happened without other main characters as well, like Jim, Tom Sawyer, the King, or the Duke.     Huck’s personality at the start of the novel had changed gradually throughout the novel and until the end. At first, Miss Watson tried to make him pray for things but Huck did not believe in praying because it brought him bad luck. Later in the novel, Huck tries to pray for forgiveness and wants to erase his sin for stealing a nigger. After he prays, he feels he can pray openly now and will not sin anymore (CH. 31). Huck was also superstitious and believed that everything that went wrong was because of certain things he did, like the snake in Jim’s blanket. And everything was blamed on the bad luck Huck and Jim had. Huck also became kind, especially after the quarrel with his father, pap. He learned that in order to get along with people (like the king and duke), you have to let them have their way, and Huck did.  Jim, at first, was looked upon as just an ordinary nigger. But Huck and Tom soon realized that he was very smart and had helped Huck through most of his adventures. But as a nigger, Jim was looked up to as a hero to other niggers. For instance, Huck tells the reader when niggers from all over the country came to see Jim and hear of his heroic stories and every nigger wanted to be like Jim. Jim was also very superstitious, especially in chapter eight when Jim talks about all of his superstitions, like counting the things for dinner and telling the bees that their owner had just died. All of this supposedly brought bad luck.   Tom Sawyer was also a very influential character to the story. He was the one who came up with all the solutions for things, which eventually made more of a disaster. But that is because he followed stories too much. For instance, in chapter 35, Jim is captured and Tom tries the most original and hardest way to get him out, thus creating more of a catastrophe.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Need for Policy Maker to Regulate Human Genetic Engineering Essay
My research essay will concentrate on the topic of human genetic engineering (HGE) and will argue that if doctors further develop HGE, it could improve the ability of humans to fight disease. However, my argument will temper this claim by suggesting that policy makers should regulate HGE so that doctors cannot use it for cosmetic purposes or eugenics. The first part of my paper will provide an overview of what HGE is and the processes involved with such technology of HGE. I will then analyze the potential risks associated with HGE, which include: safety risks; potential threats to genetic diversity and a decrease to the human life span. I will argue that these risks are directly linked to the use of HGE for individual benefit. Inversely this paper will also consider the benefits of HGE, which are connected to the use of HGE for the benefit of the collective. The potential benefits include: the manipulation of genes to treat or cure diseases, and potential increase to the human life s pan. The last part of my paper will assess the future of HGE and suggest that more research is needed to ensure that scientists can eliminate safety risks to test-subjects as well as to eliminate There is a recent increase in evidence that HGE can potentially be used to alter many biological and psychological traits by gene modification. The main focuses of HGE research are traits that target immunity, cognitive abilities and psychological mentality. HGE differs from archaic processes of selective breeding and artificial selection because it directly alters genes. HGE modifies the genomes of humans to produce a specific phenotype (a set of observable characteristics of an organism) or genotype (genetic constitution of an organism) that embodies des... ... HGE for the collective good. The use of HGE for the collective is the key to an increase in the persistence of the human population. Instead of the selection of desirable traits through the use of HGE it could be utilized to create an increase in the diversity of traits amongst humans. This is possible in the future if scientists can generate new phenotypes. These new phenotypes might code for traits that humans do not possess naturally, but could help fight against potential future environment changes or pathogen outbreaks. This could be especially important with the increase in effects of global warming in the future. The use of HGE for the collective has the opposite effect than the use of HGE for individual benefit, as it potentially could help scientists tailor genes that possess the facility to combat new threats to the human population that may arise.
Cause of Homosexuality Essay -- Gay Lesbian Homosexual Papers
What exactly is a homosexual? It is a person sexually attracted to a person of their own sex. Why do people become homosexuals? This is a question that has been asked ever since the first homosexual person "came out of the closet." People do not choose to become homosexuals. There has never been a proven theory of why people become homosexuals. There are three theories that try to explain why people become homosexuals, they are: the Biological theory, Psychiatric theory, and the Sociological theory.(Thio, 211) The Biological theory is broken down into three different parts. The first one is the hormone theory which states that homosexual men have a low level of male sex hormones and a homosexual female have a low level of female sex hormones.(IBID, 211) the second one is the genetic theory. The genetic theory states that people are born gay and society only helps their homosexuality advance. Researchers announced that there is even a "gay gene".(Nardo, 66) The last Biolo gical theory is the brain theory. The brain theory states that a person who has a smaller brain is most likely going to be gay.(Thio, 211) The Psychiatric theory has evolved through many different thoughts about what is homosexuality. At first, psychiatrists thought that it was a mental illness. After it was proven not to be an illness many assumed that homosexuals were going through sexual orientation disturbance. Psychiatrists helped gays to accept themselves as being homosexuals. Another psychiatric theory was that homosexuals had a bad parent-son relationship when they were growing up.(IBID) The last theories are the Sociological theories. Sociological theories state that society affects a person's sexual preference. The biological predisp... ...ause he was not open about his sexuality.(www6) The same thing happened with Ellen DeGeneres. She was famous and she came out of the closet. She was the first gay leading character in a series. Her ratings were high even though having a gay leading character was unusual. As people were overexposed to it her ratings dropped and her show ended.(www4) My thesis was wrong because teenage boys do not become homosexuals because of the nurturing of society. The nurturing of society helps the teens with a biological predisposition decide whether they want to express themselves freely or hide themselves to avoid humiliation. In the case of Anne Heche since her father died because he kept his sexuality a secret she decided not to keep hers a secret. Also, because the school that Greg went to accepted homosexuality he felt more open to expose his sexuality.(Nardo, 72)
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Marketing Strategies of Boeing and Airbus Essay
Effective marketing strategies are considered to be the integral part of every organization. If it’s implemented in an appropriate manner than an organization can reap desired results. Every organization wishes to design its marketing strategy in a proactive manner such that it would give the organization a sustainable competitive advantage. That’s the reason why an organization stresses a lot it developing effective marketing strategies because they want to achieve their objectives and their mission. In this paper we would analyze the marketing strategies of Boeing and Airbus and how both of them are influencing the aviation industry. Introduction The Boeing Company is considered to be the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial aircrafts and as far as exports are concerned the Boeing Company is United States major exporter. The organization is quite in every attribute and it employee more than 105,000 people. Similarly, Airbus is the subsidiary of Aircraft manufacturing company EADS (European Aerospace Company). Airbus is considered as one of the leading aircraft producers of the world and the company produces around half of the world’s jet airlines. Both these organizations are considered as fierce rivals of each other and they have a strong eye on each other’s strategies. These two companies have been soaring high in the marketplace based on its level of market share and level of credibility. In fact the two companies have been improving their businesses in order to outwit each competitor by incorporating technology advances in superior designs (Campos, 2001). The rivalry between the two plane makers has already created a noise in the marketplace but the two companies are still existing and soaring higher in spite of competition. The products of Boeing are known as Boeing business jets, Boeing VIP and military jets and they are numbered as 737,747,767,777, and 787 Dreamliner. Similarly, the products of Airbus are A320, A300, A330 and A380 Family. Marketing Strategy of Boeing The marketing strategy of Boeing is quite extensive and attractive in nature. Boeing faced a huge number of manufacturing difficulties and a competitive threat from its huge rivals Airbus. Boeing had to find an efficient way of developing and building airplanes and for that reason they changed the entire production systems and they revamped their marketing strategies (Balle & Balle, 2005). Boeing’s aircrafts are a sign of prestige and comfort. Boeing marketing strategy like others is dependent on projections and forecasts. That is the reason why Boeing forecasts a $2. 6 trillion market for a new commercial airplane which is nearly over the next 20 years. The strong market demand in the airplane industry will lead the organization to a world fleet and with a significantly improved environmental performance. Boeing gives an appealing touch and it’s more preferred by the customers. The 787 of Boeing is considered to be a different version of airplanes and it has an entirely different vision. Similarly, the design of the plane is entirely different too. The conventional approach is not followed by the Boeing and it doesn’t apply the hub-and-spoke model. The vice president of sales and marketing has stressed on the design of Boeing and he believes that number of frequencies offered by the airlines has doubled. He believes that customer’s preferences about airplanes are changing and customers prefer more point-to-point flights which allow the customers to fly more frequently and on smaller planes (Newhouse, 2008).
Friday, August 16, 2019
Oleana as a Tragedy
Oleana presents many definitive traits that could categorise it as a tragedy. The most prominent is the presence of a ‘harnartia', executed by John. Harnartia is Greek terminology that translates literally to â€Å"missing the mark†, and was often used to depict the ‘Hero's fatal flaw. In the case of Oleana, it could be argued that John committed the fatal error' of breaching the lawful gap between teacher and student by â€Å"placing his arm around†Carol while trying to soothe her.This sentimental reaction is generally condoned by the audience, despite the legal implications, as the motional reasoning behind it temporarily clouds the unprofessional elements. Ultimately these actions result in a string of misfortune. Tragedies also have a reputation for elating the audience, and encouraging conflicting emotions for the characters. Such is arguably achieved, as Carol is portrayed as a youthful woman whom is insecure in her own academic abilities and correspo ndingly becomes a victim to John's crass, arrogant attitude as is shown by an extreme amount of ellipsis and interruptions in their earlier interactions.She is also strained by that of her own group' whom convince her to liberate the dramatic allegations that guarantied John's downfall. However, she is also represented as vindictive and headstrong, as is shown by her dialogue in the last act wherein she attempts to blackmail John into rebuking his book: â€Å"If you would like me to speak to the tenure committee, here is my list. You are a free person, you decide. John is firstly depicted as a brash and slightly aloof man with good intentions, but as the story develops, these quirks lose their initial romance and his character appears intrusive and pompous, due to his esquipedalian qualities. He dominates the conversation and ushers Carol repeatedly; an action which is generally regarded as being extremely derogatory and advocates the belief that his elder status gives him a right to be condescending.Even disregarding the fact that they are of opposite sexes, it is strenuous to reach a conclusive, untainted resolve, and thus the desired effect is achieved. It is common in tragedies to have a ‘reversal' of fortune; this could be aligned with John's looming loss of power, Job, home, and, effectively, life, due to Carol's persecution. A great deal of his loss is arguably down to John's insolent action of belittling the resonance of a higher power; in this case the Tenure Committee.He believes that they will revoke the statement, and thus foolishly provides Carol with more opportunities to amplify damning evidence. This is an unmistakable trait in variations of Tragedies, generally tagged ‘hubris', wherein the equilibrium is only achieved after the hero suffers for their imprudence towards the Gods. Lastly, a key feature in any play is the chorus; a seemingly detached group, whom gather to inflict Judgements and muse over the ighteousness of the chara cter's actions throughout.The most relevant comparison to this in Oleana is the presence of the telephone, and the confliction and distraction it brings. This ongoing chaos could possibly be interpreted as foreshadowing for the misfortune that John was fated to experience, or the general tone of condemnation regarding John's various inappropriate actions towards Carol. In conclusion, there are many connections that can be made between a typical tragedy production and Oleana, and it would be completely valid to place Oleana in that genre. Oleana as a Tragedy By saraelnairree
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Globalization and Its Effects on Mexico Essay
Mexico has the size and assets which could contribute to wealth and prosperity within their borders. The nation has the second longest border with the United States, significant oil resources, and the 11th largest population in the world. Mexico underwent all the necessary free market changes to help support globalization despite initial resistance, but they are yet to complete the interior microeconomic makeover they drastically need. Mexico has many things working for them but continue to underperform when it comes to global power and economy, China out performs Mexico for low-cost manufactured goods and India is often the target for outsourcing jobs and services over Mexico (Biggs, Shiess). After sustained pressure from the United States and the International Monetary Fund, Mexico decided to change their global economic stance to one that supports the free market. They changed their economy to one based upon exports, they eliminated most tariffs while lowering others, attracted foreign direct investment and private state assets, and finally reduced government spending. These steps were taken at an effort for Mexico to join in on the economic benefits of globalization, but Mexico only finished half of the necessary adjustments necessary for economic prosperity. (Biggs, Shiess) Many residents of Mexico may blame their problems on issues such as the drug cartels, the lack of quality jobs, or lack of foreign investment. Although these ideas may contribute to the problems that control Mexico, they are not the true reason. After Mexico completed their globalization efforts by using the ideas of macroeconomics, they had only completed half the necessary adjustments to truly co mpete as an economic superpower in the world today.(BBC News) Mexico has failed in great part due to their stubbornness and interior corruption to evolve their nation from that of an above average Latin American Economic power, to that of one on par with most European nations, China, India, and the United States. The second half of the puzzle that Mexico is missing relies heavily on the ideas of microeconomics. Mexico never created the level playing field for companies within their country and is greatly powered by monopolies which ruins an economy due to lack of competition and innovation. For Mexico to begin to succeed in the free market needs to put resources into banks, education(specifically on technology), mechanisms which will support collaboration between competing companies, and most importantly new laws to disallow the monopolies which control Mexico’s economy. (Biggs, Shiess) Until these steps are taken Mexico remains a country which can be overwhelmingly difficult to do business in, which turns away the majority of investors, and people looking to expand companies into different countries. It is not a good sign when according to the International Finance Corporation Mexico ranks 75 out of 183 countries in the world for â€Å"ease of starting a business†. (IFC) Around the year 2000 when the globalization movement was fully set in motion, Mexico was going through an extreme change in their political stance as well. This was a major problem for Mexico, even though the economic changes which were drastically needed were happening outside Mexico’s borders it is a very difficult task of changing their political institutions at the same time of changing economic institutions. Mexico continues to stand where they are rather than take a step back to allow for future gains, for example Mexico continues to rely on their state owned oil giant Pemex instead of bringing in new companies and investors for an attempt at innovation and competition in their oil industry. (Biggs, Shiess) Until Mexico decides to take a small hit and clean house in regards to their current internal economic stance companies will continue to avoid Mexico at all costs. Startup companies need stability in a political and economic system, and until Mexico is willing to offe r that and put in place fair trade laws, better tax laws, and economic regulations they will continue down the same road. Mexico is greatly reliant on their petroleum exports; this has been called the Resource Curse by many experts. The problem lies in that when they started to nationalize their oil resources, they needed foreign investment to refine petroleum into oil as they lacked the local funds to do so themselves. This results in some economic benefits due to other countries purchasing crude oil for themselves, but the process remains to be quite draining on what could be the road to economic prosperity. Mexico needs to mine the crude oil, export it to outside nations where they can refine it and then re-import it as gasoline. (Biggs, Shiess) The biggest problem that their fossil fuel dependence will bring upon Mexico is that the country is relying on the industry, and because demand and prices are high Mexico has no reason to start new industries. Oil is a fossil fuel and resources are diminishing, and when they are gone Mexico will not be in even rougher shape than they are currently. Mexico is at the crossroads when it comes to their economy and what direction those in power want to take the country in. As of right now the globalization efforts have helped the Mexican economy but due to lack of funds and a change in political scenery at the same time Mexico was unable to fully capitalize on the free market. They may have helped their trading relationships with outside countries, but not enough was done within their own borders to disallow corruption and monopolies. Mexico is stuck in place until they take the necessary short term economic downfall to get the full rewards from globalization. With the constant changing of political motives, problems with drug cartels, and corruption the chances of new businesses starting up is slim. Without new businesses to inspire competition the economy will continue to rely upon oil to sustain the country’s economy, but eventually the oil resources they have will run out and lead to ultimate turmoil within Mexico. Works Cited Biggs, Cate, Ami Shiess, Kelly Korenak, Linda Chang, and Laura Neumeister. â€Å"World Savvy Monitor.†World Savvy Monitor. Ed. Anita Trachte. The World Savvy Board, Aug. 2009. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. . â€Å"Mexico Country Profile.†BBC News. BBC, 09 Apr. 2012. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. . â€Å"Doing Business in Mexico – World Bank Group.†Doing Business in Mexico – World Bank Group. International Finance Corporation, 2012. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. .
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Fraternal and Identical Twins
Not all twins act the same, even the ones that are identical. They may come about the same way. Fraternal and Identical Twins have some of the same traits but are definitely not the same. All twins, whether fraternal or identical, are truly two separate unique individuals.There are four different types of twins. The first is fraternal twins that either never divided or divides within the first four days and have two separate amniotic sacs and placentas. This is included for almost all fraternal twins. The second is Identical twins that share the same placenta, but have two amniotic sacs.This occurs when the embryo splits in 4-8 days and is most likely to occur in 60-70% of all identical twin pregnancies. The third is also identical twins that share the same amniotic sac and appear when the embryo splits after 9 days.The last and most uncommon type of twins are the conjoined twins, which occurs when division takes place later than 12 days after fertilization. This can cause the embryo ’s to become joined together on some part of their body. Identical Twins are most unique. They are the most admired and sometimes the most notable.It is believed by most that this is the most common type of twin. This is not a proven fact because fraternal twins have become the norm, while identical twins have become somewhat of rarity. There are 3 different ways that identical twins can develop and be carried:The first case is where there is only one placenta that feeds the babies, but there can be two amniotic sacs. When there is 1 placenta and 2 amniotic sacs then the pregnancy is referred to as having an identical pregnancy. Twins may also occur from invitrofertilization.This is when several fertilized eggs are placed inside the mother, with the hope of one of them becoming an embryo. This can sometimes lead to one or more of the eggs becoming an embryo. Identical twins share a single egg but are fertilized by one sperm. The egg splits into two identical halves.This us ually takes place within the first few days of fertilization. Identical twins share the same DNA and are always the same sex and same blood type. However, they do not have the same fingerprints. This is somewhat a shocker since most of the TV detective shows often portray identical twins that are identical in every way.Scientists believe that the reason that this is not prevalent is because they often don’t have the same exploratory pattern as the opposite twin. While in the womb, they do share the same placenta. Identical twins are similar in appearance and are relatively easy to tell apart.They also seem to occur randomly, three out of 1000 births. This is why they less common as fraternal twins. Fraternal twins come about when a woman releases two separate eggs at the same time. The eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm. Fraternal twins can be the same sex and blood type.They have become more common among older women over the age of thirty-five. There is still a lot of research as to why this is so for mature women. Fraternal twins also have separate placentas and don’t share the same of anything. They have the most distinct features but you can be able to tell them apart.Some of the most recognizable fraternal twins would be Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. They look identical but are fraternal twins who look so much alike in appearance. This can cause the person with keen eyes to be easily deceived into thinking that they are identical twins.Scientists also think that fraternal twinning may be due to hereditary influences. It has been studied that more women commonly have several sets of fraternal twins throughout many generations in the family. It is a common misconception that twins only come from the mother’s side.This is found only to be true when the father is the one with twins in the family or is a twin himself. The male’s parent can have several sets of twins and still may not be in indicator as to where they will actual ly have twins themselves.The male only provides the sperm. The female is the only one who releases two eggs at the same time. This is where the mother’s genes become the one that has created the twins. The female can inherit the gene from the grandmother or aunt on her father’s side. Some people have the misconception that the mother inherits the twin gene from the mother’s side. Clearly, this isn’t the case. It also is more common in women of African descent to have twins and less in women of Asian descent. It is easier to tell the differences after the twins are born.Fraternal twins are about as alike as a brother and a sister. Most people have heard or even actually seen an episode of Maury Povich where some women are certain that their fraternal twins share the same father. It becomes a shocker when Maury announces that one man â€Å"is the father†of one child, while he is not the father of the other. Talk about a jaw dropper. That means that the mother had sex with two different men, in a small time frame. Development issues can also indicate whether your babies are twins or not.Identical twins usually have very similar developmental patterns. They do things often within days of each other, which means you might see them speaking and walking at different times but within days. Fraternal twins may have wide differences in these patterns.There may be one twin who is equal to the developmental stage that is recommended at their age and the other one who may  need a little more time to grow. This doesn’t mean they will have developmental issues down the line but rather they need more time to develop.In conclusion, fraternal twins are composed of two separate eggs and sperms, while identical twins come from the same fertilized egg that has been split in two. Fraternal twins vary in their appearance, while identical twins tend to look the same.Fraternal twins may grow at different rates, but identical twins will fol low the same pattern of growth. It almost makes you wonder if what researchers believe to be true, everyone is born with a twin. If that is the case, there are one more of you running around the world. This could be a good or bad thing, which are you?
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Use plate tectonic theory to explain the origin of Mount St. Helens Research Paper
Use plate tectonic theory to explain the origin of Mount St. Helens (and by extension, the Cascades and all Andean-type mountains) - Research Paper Example Juan de Fuca is one of the plates that slide under the continental North American plate causing the convergence. Volcanic eruptions near the oceanic lithosphere contributed to the formation of the Cascades and Andean-type mountains. This was because of the subduction of the landscape along the mountains that led to the invasion of magma from the layer and some due to crustal reduction. It is apparent that at the boundaries of the ranges are sedimentary rocks that slant, forming hogbacks. When the molten rocks and solids present under the earth mix together, then they form the magma. This substance is capable of triggering intrusion into the adjacent rocks that form the sills. The magma rocks are formed when explosive gases and hot underground water melt the glacial ice near the mantles (Price 24). The magma at Mt. St. Helens contains glacial rocks, ash and sedimentary rocks that melt during eruptions to form the mountain. This happens when the pressure pushed up the weaker sedimentary rocks that mix with the ash along the mantes (Foxworthy and Hill 23). The eruption can take long hours in the atmosphere before reaching the surface and this is harmful to the people in the vicinity. The magma erupted through the explosives are highly viscous and resistant to flow, which make the steep volcanoes. As a result, the chemical investigation of the eruptive materials from various phases of Mount St. Helens volcanism indicates that the magmatic structure interacts with different chemicals such as silicic and other compounds (Anderson 50). The Andean-type mountains extend from the Columbian to the Chilean regions. They were shaped through the subduction of the Nazca plates that collided with the Antarctic plates to cause an eruption. In this regard, the other geologic features associated with the Andean-Type mountains entail faults, folds and igneous rocks (Price 24). These features are remnants of active eruptions
Monday, August 12, 2019
Jane Addams' Vision of Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Jane Addams' Vision of Democracy - Essay Example She spent seven years after her graduation trying to identify a worthwhile career. (US Political thought). In search of clarity, she made two trips to Europe. The first was in 1883-85. The second was in 1887-88. During her second trip she visited Toynbee Hall and was greatly influenced by what she saw. She decided to establish a similar settlement house in Chicago. Joining hands with her friend Ellen Gates Starr, she opened the Hull House in September 1889. The life history of Jane Addams is marked by ups and downs. The ebbs and tides of social recognition she received were severe and strong. Her defense of the anarchists following the assassination of the President William McKinlev (September 1901) showed her in poor light. But it was her stand against the involvement of America in the First World War that brought her name and fame to a record low level. The negative feedbacks never slowed her down. Jean Bethke Elshtain points out, "Elizabeth Dilling described Jane Addams as a dangerous radical masquerading as a saintly champion of the poor." (Elshtain 19) Jane Addams seemed to accept bouquets and brickbats gracefully. She was continuing on her chosen path. In 1931 she was awarded the honorary doctorate by the University of Chicago. In the same year, she got Nobel Award jointly with Nicholas Murray Butler. The beautiful life sketch drawn by Jean Bethke Elshtain brings out vividly how Jane Addams who fought to improve the living standards of the residents of Hull House, was drawn into the realms of dangerous and seedy realms of Chicago politics; how her insistence upon peace and justice at international level, made lose her popularity at national level; and how, in due course her relentless fight for peace gradually removed the national scorn; and again, she gained recognition at national and international levels. Though Jane Addams' fame did slide down sometimes, her sincere work has carved a niche for her in the minds of the people. A proof for this is that her book 'Twenty Years at Hull-House' in which she has given a description of her early years has never gone out of print since its first publication in 1910. Jane Addams was admired as a respectable social worker, fighter for the rights of women and downtrodden, an intellectual, effective writer and a political activist. She highlighted by her own example that the core of true citizenship was the concern for others' difficulties and concerted efforts to be of help to all. In her vision of democracy, by personal example, she laid rules for true citizens. By defining true citizens, by emphasizing direct participation in social life, she defined democracy. Jean Bethke Elshtain, who was determined "to draw back the curtain of historic mist and dust that has obscured Addams and blurred her reputation", has provided the most appropriate source to understand Jane Addams' vision of American Democracy. Addams did believe in Democracy. Her father had given her a concept of democracy. learnt from Abraham Lincoln, his one time political acquaintance. We all know that the most simple, direct and evocative definition of Democracy, "Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people." has come down to us from Abraham Lincoln. Addams had been initiated into this personally by her father in her formative years. So her vision of dem
Superstition & Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Superstition & Science - Essay Example Neville discovered that the infected beings possessed both the human and vampire-like characteristics and only came out after dawn (Matheson 17). The other characteristic trait was that they could be repelled using garlic. It became a constant battle of survival for this resourceful man who had to go against extreme odds to get what he aspired. At one point Neville captured Ruth, a creature possessing both human and vampire characteristics and one that could go out during the day. Neville’s reaction was that there was nothing eye-catching about them during the day (Matheson 30). Neville was suspicious as to whether Ruth was truly human as she portrayed herself adding to the fact that she was opposed to killing of vampires. Ruth and Neville soon became companion to a point where it developed into a relationship. On his quest to identify the cure for the disease, Neville and the readers discovered that Ruth’s blood samples were indeed infected. Ruth left Neville and revea led that she lived in colony of people who were infected and planned to rebuild their lives. Given that Neville had formed a habit of killing many of Ruth’s kind, he only seems to be in their way and had to be converted before he destroyed her people. The novel concludes by depicting the final thoughts of Neville before he was executed. Part 2: Argument Using the evidence put into play by Richard Matheson, in connection with the 1940s and 1950s timelines, it is clear that there were universal human fears among the American public in 1954. The fear could also be directly linked to the existing, cultural conditions and existing custom of individual identity. From the timelines given, year 1940 to year 1954, it is clear that the American public was fearful of the Cold War and the effects it had on individuals, their health and social aspects. Vampires represented American’s xenophobic fear which manifested with time and was made worse with the onset of a few films made in New York for entertaining the Elite. Hence, most Americans were not fully reassured that the vampire syndrome would come to an end. The sale of surplus war material in 1940s posed a serious risk to the lives of Americans who were at war with other nations. Vampire-like symptoms can be indirectly compared to American public’s fear of the devastating physical changes, illness and decreasing faculties when exposed to biological war materials that were used by their enemies. The public was fearful of loss of individuality as a nation. The manifestation of decaying being that still lingered in the world can be compared to the individual fear of being incapable of recognizing and preventing oneself from encountering pain and suffering that was inflicted once a loved one was lost in the war. The drinking of blood as depicted in Matheson’s book, page 10, of Vampires’ craving to drink Neville’s blood represented the public’s fear of re-occurring problems w hich surfaced during the Second World War. It reprieved the public off its financial and emotional aspects of life. The compelling universal fears manifested in an average American’s mind in 1942 and 1943 where there were atomic bombs being developed as a form of weapon. This may be compared to the views of Americans in regard to Vampires in the society. When the world war two occurred, most countries were affected on a global scope and so was Neville’
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Religion and Theology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Religion and Theology - Essay Example People can independently practice any faith and doctrines that their consciousness allows and without the fear of being opposed by anyone. It is hard to separate religion and liberty in the present days. This is because it has been used by those that are struggling for freedom (Gunn, 15). Religion has played a crucial role in advocacy for human rights and in democracy promotion. How one responds to other religions that exist apart from our own determines how committed one is to observing this freedom of religion. It is evident that this commitment is in some people’s self interest since they have no religious beliefs that they hold on to. Religious freedom needs people to tolerate other religious groups even those that are considered to have followers that are causing trouble. Whether Christians, Buddhists or Muslims they all have the right to practice their religion as well as build their places of worship be it churches, temples or mosques all in accordance with the beliefs which people have. (Gunn, 23). The Chinese religion is the one which is of focus in this case. There are various issues which come into focus in relation to this particular religion. The one which seems to stand out, however, is in relation to the statues and many deities which are associated with the various religions that are prevalent in China. It is also of the essence to note that most of the religions which are in China are rather traditional in nature. This brings to question of whether these religions indeed incorporate the modern beliefs that are associated with religion. It is also seen that these religions may seem to be just favorable to the local inhabitants of the country or rather the local inhabitants. As opposed to some of the religions which may be practiced in other countries, the one in China seems to be unaccomodative of foreign individuals (Gunn, 7). With these revelations one of the things which can be asked is whether the Chinese religion was in existence bef ore the relations which the country had with other nations, particularly those of the West. The main reason for such an inquiry is with the notion that the West seems to be influential of most of the things which happen in the current world. The answer to such a question is a rather simple one. The Chinese religions have been in existence for a significant period now. This is to mean that they are totally autonomous from the influence of the West. There are certain elements which are associated with religions in the West and these elements are not anywhere in the Chinese religions. Some of these elements include the use of religious elements such as the Bible (Yanxia & Xinzhong, 35).. The Chinese religion is also one which is rather conservative. The elements which were in the religion back in the days are still being practiced even in the contemporary society. The ability of these religions to stand the changes which are in existent is majorly based on their deeply rooted beliefs i n traditions, not forgetting their conservative nature. To a greater extent, the happenings that are associated with the Chinese religions may seem rather strange to the ordinary people. However, it is also of the essence to appreciate the diversity which various regions of the world have to offer (Yanxia & Xinzhong, 23).. In the recent past, there have been concerns that this freedom is waning. There are claims that some religious minorities are being discriminated against and being mistreated. This piece of information has not been widespread, but its impact might be felt nationwide in the coming days if nothing is done. There have been wars which are perpetrated by individuals from one religious group to another. In most cases, it is the Muslims and Christians who are affected. There are
Saturday, August 10, 2019
My Three Most Recent Classical Escapades Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My Three Most Recent Classical Escapades - Essay Example Eight months ago, I was opportune to have the London Symphony Orchestra in a rare spectacle at Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall. The orchestra under Valery Gergiev’s direction had created for the audience a milestone high with raptures of Prokofiev’s fifth and sixth symphonies (LSO Press) becoming that indescribable moment the lifeblood of the violin concerto which the ensemble took to the level of genius. The raving Russian conductor had had his very peculiar way of getting every bow on chord to regulate textures of rhythm with a wide range of crescendo from which to pick an element either of mildness or of severity. Laid back on my seat some ten meters from the stage, tensions fastened with me every shaken sense that my appreciation grew with intense curiosity from one level on to the next as if a wide-eyed scene shut into suspense. A particular story was being weaved movement upon movement like an act in a play, while the tempo brought indications where tragedy must come in, the point to remain as such or otherwise jolt-free with the magical winds, as their collaboration with the strings awaited subsidence of the latter to tell which part would relax cardiac beating.
Friday, August 9, 2019
Managing in the service environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managing in the service environment - Essay Example The customers ought to be satisfied with what the service providers have. The service providers should be able to keep customers coming back through the services provided (Martin et al 4). Customer service dimensions are crucial in ensuring that there is satisfactory customer service from the service provider to the customers. One major dimension is known as desired service. Desired service entails a blend of what the customer believes can be done and should be done. This draws the hope and expectation of the customers from the service providers. The procedural dimension comprises of systems and procedures that are important in the delivery of products and services. Conversely, personal dimension explains how service providers use their attitudes; behaviors and verbal skills interact with customers. This indicates that there is proficiency in the procedural service, but the personal dimension is weak. Basically, the approach tells the customer that he /she is a ‘number’ in which the service provider is there to process (Martin et al 11). This indicates a service that is extremely personal, but does not have procedural constituency. The approach communicates to the customer that the service provider is trying hard although they are not sure of what they are doing. It is the best approach as it represents quality customer service at both personal and procedural dimensions. It communicates to the customer as having the knowledge to handle its issues through care, and delivery (Martin et al 11). Employee empowerment is important in ensuring that they are in a position to make decision on behalf of the employee in terms of service provision. Moreover, it makes the employee have a sense of ownership, responsibility and to serve customer as per the standards of a given service provider (Martin et al 12). Anticipation entails being able to predict the behavior of
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Identify a development or industrial project or a suburban area Essay
Identify a development or industrial project or a suburban area - Essay Example The location of the project is shown in the figure below: Thinning trees is believed necessary to facilitate stand growth, enhance tree vigor and contain tree mortality due to more competition for resources among trees. However, root root (Pheilinus Weirii) was found rampant across all units and as many as 20% of the roots were found to be infected. Such diseased root stands run the risk of infecting nearby healthy trees and cause massive root decays in the adjoining areas. Further, reduced trees render the area vulnerable to winds which also aids in the transmission of the root disease to new areas. Other potential threats include increased susceptibility to forest fires and winter storms. Move to favour conifer species over Douglas fir tree types to improve plant diversity in the region (increased seed supply, improve resiliency to diseases and provide cover against diseases and insects) Analysis of the water resources is an important consideration for the present case study. It is used to assess any potential increases in new inflows, any changes in the channel morphologies, increase in turbidity and sediments. The key focal point of this issue is the Gunner lake’s drainage area which lies in the region undergoing the thinning project. The current conditions in the channel area have been a result of widespread road building and logging activities since the past 70-80 years. Once again, the focal point for the analysis of fish species and related habitat is the Gunner’s lake and its associated streams. It has been estimated that prior to human activities like rail and road construction, timber harvesting and settlement, the quality of fish habitat in the lake was far more complex and diverse and their population was much larger in comparison to current levels. The primary consideration of the section is to examine the major concerns on the soil resources in the area and analyze the effects of the proposed project (namely road building,
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Adam smith biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Adam smith biography - Essay Example During this time he lectured on various topics, and he explained for the first time his ideas of "the obvious and simple system of natural liberty", which was the basis of his influential book entitled An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (The Wealth of Nations).1 Around 1750 Smith met the philosopher, economist and historian David Hume, one of the most famous figures of the Scottish Enlightment along Smith himself. They became close friends, and Smith was influenced by his works as it has been noted by many scholars. In 1751 Smith became a professor at Glasgow University where he lectured on logic and moral philosophy. In 1759 he published his book entitled The Theory of Moral Sentiments, which is concerned with the explanation of moral approval and disapproval. Smith finds in sympathy the solution to moral problems. After the publication of The Theory of Moral Sentiments Smith payed more attention to jurisprudence and political economics in his lectures. An account of these lectures by one of Smith’s students around 1763 was edited by E. Cannan in 1896. In 1763 Smith was hired as tutor to the young Duke of Buccleuch. During the next years (1764-1766) Smith travelled with his pupil to Switzerland and France, where he met many intellec tual leaders as Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Turgot, D’Alembert, Andrà © Morellet, Helvà ©tius, and Francois Quesnay, who was the head of the Physiocratic school whose works influenced Smith. Later on he also met Benjamà n Franklin.2 Smith retired from his post as tutor of the Duke of Buccleuch thanks to the life pension that he earned through that tutorship, and he returned home to Kirkcaldy, where he dedicated to the task of writing his most important work, The Wealth of Nations, which was published in 1776, the same year of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. His close friend Hume also died in that
Hardness Removal Essay Example for Free
Hardness Removal Essay 88%. Total Hardness Percentage Removal = 100-84328*100=74. 39 % Calcium Percentage Removal = 100-59296*100=80. 06% Magnesium Percentage Removal = 100-2532*100=21. 88% ) How close did the treatment process come to reaching the practical limits of hardness reduction? Hardness removal limits were not achieved. Calcium was reduced to a concentration of 59 mg/L versus the limit of 30 mg/L. And in the case of Magnesium the concentration was reduced to 25mg/L versus the limit of 10mg/L. Calcium percent difference: 30-5930=96. 66% (Absolute value) Magnesium percent difference: 10-2510=150% (Absolute value) 4) How many metric tons of Ca(OH)2 and NaCO3 are necessary to process 59 million gallons of water per day based on the calculations of 1. a. and 1. b.? To run this water softening technique in a water plant processing 59 million gallons per day it would require 51 tons of Ca(OH)2 and 33 tons of NaCO3 2. 27*10-4kgL*223. 02*106L*(ton1000 kg)=51 tons of CaOH2 per day 1. 48*10-4kgL*223. 02*106L*(ton1000 kg)=33 tons of NaCO3 per day Discussion Hard water is an issue for industries that rely on large amounts of water to operate. Hardness generated by elements such as calcium and magnesium cat ions produce scum in pipes and with many industrial chemicals reduces their overall effectiveness. That is why it is important to have economic and reliable ways of reducing water hardness in large scales. The particular method used in this experiment was lime soda softening. It has to be noted that this particular procedure only works for water that has an initial pH level lower than 8. Based on stoichiometry and the addition rules according to Nazaroff and Alvarez-Cohen we are able to find what concentration of Ca(OH)2 and NaCO3 are needed to remove hardness from the water. Based on our results the softening of the water was a success. Initial total hardness was recorded at 328 mg/L, after softening the concentration was found to be 84 mg/L. Looking individually at the reduction of calcium and magnesium the concentration was reduced from 296 mg/L to 59 mg/L and 32 mg/L to 25 mg/L respectively. Even though a large amount of the hardness was removed from the water it was nowhere near the practical limit levels. This can be attributed to the fact that the reactions that dictate hardness removal suffer from diminishing returns. Sources of error in this lab can be attributed to the fact that the sample water was only allowed to precipitate for 15 minutes instead of the 20 that was required as stated by the procedure.
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